Markosek: $50,000 grant awarded to Pitcairn Borough

MONROEVILLE, June 3 – State Rep. Brandon Markosek announced today that Pitcairn Borough was awarded a $50,000 grant from the state Department of Community and Economic Development.

Markosek said the borough will use the grant for Opticom lights for emergency vehicles, which allows equipped vehicles to signal traffic lights to give them the right-of-way at intersections, and an asphalt roller.

“I’m pleased to have worked with DCED to secure this funding for Pitcairn,” said Markosek, D-Allegheny. “Opticom lights will help to clear the way for our first responders to reach the scene of an emergency, when every second counts. The asphalt roller will be useful for the borough to smooth out any road issues.”