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Agricultural, Environmental, Health, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities

(1 day ago)

Below are multiple grant programs that are currently open for applications. NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Department of Conservation and Natural Resources: All-Terrian Vehicle and Snowmobile Program Who May Apply: Municipalities, non-profit and for-profit organizations Use: All-Terrain Vehicle and Snowmobile projects include the planning, acquisition of land, development, rehabilitation, maintenance, purchase of equipment for maintenance and construction, and development of educational programs related to ATV and/or snowmobile trails and facilities. Funds: Funding comes from the ATV Management Restricted Account and the Snowmobile Restricted Account as authorized by Act 97 of 2016. There is no match requirement for this funding; however, applications that provide match funding will be given additional consideration. Application Deadline: March 31, 2025 More information: DCNR Website Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Medical & MH Pilots for CSA Victims Who May Apply: Any for-profit entity, non-profit entity, an entity affiliated with a CAC or MDIT (e.g., public agency or hospital), or unit of local government. Schools (including colleges and universities) are considered governmental units and are eligible to apply. Use: The goal of this specific solicitation is to support the development and implementation of innovative pilot projects that enhance or expand medical and mental health services for Read more


Agricultural, Environmental, Health, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities

(Jan 28, 2025)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Conservation and Natural Resources: Community Conservation Partnerships Program Who May Apply: Counties, municipalities, municipal agencies, nonprofit organizations, state heritage areas, prequalified land trusts, for-profit organizations (for some grant types). Use: Funds may be used for projects related to parks, recreation, and conservation, including, but not limited to, park and recreation rehabilitation and development, recreation and conservation planning, trail planning and construction, land acquisition and conservation, river access and conservation, community and riparian tree planting, and regional and statewide partnerships to better develop and manage resources. Funds: Funds for this program come from a mix of state and federal sources, including the Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund, the Environmental Stewardship Fund, the Snowmobile Restricted Account, the All-Terrain Vehicle Restricted Account, and more. Application Deadline: April 2, 2025 More information: DCNR Website PROGRAMS OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Department of Community and Economic Development: PA SITES Who May Apply: Municipalities, economic development organizations, redevelopment authorities, municipal authorities, industrial development agencies, and for-profit organizations. Use: To develop competitive sites for businesses to relocate or expand within Pennsylvania. Funds: $400 Read more


Agricultural, Environmental, Health, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities

(Jan 22, 2025)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Victims of Crime Act 2025-2027 Who May Apply: Agencies currently receiving federal Victims of Crime Act funding. Use: The federal VOCA guidelines classify eligible activities/costs into three categories: direct service costs, activities supporting direct services, and subrecipient administrative costs. The federal VOCA guidelines can be found in the Federal Register at: Victims of Crime Act Victim Assistance Program . Funds: This solicitation is for approximately $53.9 million in federal VOCA funds for the first year with year two amounts being determined at the November 2025 Victims Services Advisory Committee (VSCA) meeting. PCCD expects to fund approximately 157 grants. Applicants will be required to submit a continuation application for year two. Application Deadline: March 14, 2025 More information: PCCD Website Department of Health: WalkWorks Active Transportation Planning Program Who May Apply: Municipalities and metropolitan and rural planning organizations. Priority will be given to communities located in PA DOH State Physical Activity and Nutrition (SPAN) priority counties or with an overall percentile rating above 60 in the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) PennEnviroScreen Tool. The 10 current SPAN target counties are: Clearfield, Erie, Fayette, Greene, Lawrence, Luzerne, Lycoming, Mercer, Northumberland, and Philadelphia. Use: Funds will be Read more


Agricultural, Environmental, Health, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities

(Jan 15, 2025)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Department of Education: Dual Credit Innovation Grant Program Who May Apply: Public institutions of higher education. Use: Funding may be used to offer college coursework to high school students enrolled in eligible school entities. Funds: $14 million in state funding was allocated through the 2024 School Code. Application Deadline: February 10, 2025 More information: PDE Website Department of Environmental Protection: Abandoned Mine Land and Abandoned Mine Draining Grant Program Who May Apply: An authority, incorporated nonprofit, political subdivision, or conservation district. Use: Funds may be used for abandoned mine land reclamation and abandoned mine drainage treatment or abatement. Funds: $75 million in funding is available. Application Deadline: April 25, 2025. Applicants must contact DEP ( ) prior to applying for an initial project consultation. More information: DEP Website Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs: Integrated Health Solutions Who May Apply: Physical health care providers, hospitals, rural health centers, or federally qualified health clinics. Use: To promote full integration and collaboration in clinical practice between behavioral health care and primary physical health care. Funds: $3 million in funding is available from the Publicis Health Opioid Settlement. Application Deadline: January 24, 2025 More information: DDAP Website Read more


Grant Memo: Agricultural, Environmental, Health, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities

(Jan 08, 2025)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Department of Education: Parent Pathways Grant Who May Apply: Postsecondary institutions that award an associate degree or higher and private licensed schools. Use: To provide funding to institutions to directly support parenting students through tuition assistance, emergency funding, and wrap-around services. Funds: $1.6 million in funding is available. Application Deadline: February 3, 2025 More information: PDE Website Historical & Museum Commission: Keystone Historic Preservation Grant Program Who May Apply: Certified local governments, colleges and universities, conservancies, historic preservation organizations, historical societies, local governments, museums, religious institutions, and other historical organizations. Use: Applications may apply for one construction-related or planning-related grant (not both) for sites that are listed in or eligible to be listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Construction related grants are available for rehabilitation, preservation, and restoration activities for historic resources that are publicly accessible and under nonprofit or local government ownership. Planning related grants are available for planning and development initiatives that enhance historic preservation in communities. Please note, special consideration will be given to projects that promote the United States Semiquincentennial celebration in 2026 . Funds: Construction grants are available Read more


Burgos to Chair House Consumer Protection, Technology & Utilities Committee

(Jan 07, 2025)

PA state Rep. Danilo Burgos was sworn in to office today and chosen to serve as Majority Chairman of the #PAHouse Consumer Protection, Technology and Utilities Committee. Burgos vows to continue to fight for legislation to curb gun violence, adequately fund education, and expand PA’s tax base while not expanding taxes. Read more


Burgos takes oath of office for fourth term

(Jan 07, 2025)

HARRISBURG, Jan. 7 – During a ceremony at the state Capitol to open Pennsylvania’s 209 th legislative session, state Rep. Danilo Burgos, D-Phila., took the oath of office to begin his fourth term in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, where he’ll also serve as chairman of the House Consumer Protection, Technology and Utilities Committee for the first time. Burgos, who represents the 197 th Legislative District, was a member of the consumer protection committee in the 2023-24 legislative session. “It is a tremendous responsibility to be at the helm in protecting consumers as they deal with daily quality-of-life issues such as their utilities, potential price gouging, product safety and more,” Burgos said. “I am excited to get to work in making sure the people of Pennsylvania have the laws and tools they need to stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer, keep their lights on year-round, and have clean drinking water and safe sewer systems in their communities. “I am as equally thankful to again represent the caring and hardworking people in north Philadelphia’s Kensington, Hunting Park, Glenwood and Feltonville neighborhoods. I look forward to advancing legislation for their benefit and to bringing home tax dollars to help fund the human, cultural and economic development needs of our north Philadelphia community,” he said. Burgos Read more


Grant Memo: Agricultural, Environmental, Health, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities

(Dec 30, 2024)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs: Recovery Housing for Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and Other Drugs Who May Apply: Community-based organizations, community action agencies, or public health programs that focus on assisting individuals in accessing recovery housing. Use: Personnel services, consulting services, subcontract services, patient services, equipment, supplies, travel, and other costs associated with assisting individuals access recovery housing. Funds: DDAP expects to award five grants totaling $500,000 each. Application Deadline: January 10, 2025 More information: DDAP Website Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs: Integrated Health Solutions Who May Apply: Community-based organizations, community action agencies, or public health programs that focus on assisting individuals in accessing recovery housing. Use: Personnel services, consulting services, subcontract services, patient services, equipment, supplies, travel, and other costs associated with assisting individuals access recovery housing. Funds: DDAP expects to award five grants totaling $500,000 each. Application Deadline: January 10, 2025 More information: DDAP Website PROGRAMS OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Department of Community and Economic Development: PA SITES Who May Apply: Municipalities, economic development organizations, redevelopment authorities, municipal authorities, industrial development agencies, and for-profit Read more


Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities

(Dec 17, 2024)

Below are multiple grant programs that are currently open for applications. NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Community and Economic Development: Historically Disadvantaged Business Assistance Program Who May Apply: Community-based non-profit organizations with a history of at least 3 years operating experience, educational institutions, and non-profit economic development organizations with a history of at least 3 years operating experience. Use: Creation or support of a Business Assistance Service Center for the purpose of serving small, historically disadvantaged businesses. Funds: $20 million in funding was appropriated in the 2024/25 state budget. Application Deadline: January 22, 2025 More information: DCED Website Council on the Arts: Entry to Arts Organizations and Arts Programs (EAOAP) Who May Apply: Non-profit agencies with a history of at least two years of consistent arts programming in Pennsylvania and an annual average arts revenue over $200,000. Use: Entry track is the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts’ (PCA) point of entry for organizations or programs to the AOAP. Applicants must apply in Entry track until recommended for AOAP, which is based on panel review and assessment totals Funds: Grants totaling $5,000 will be awarded. Application Deadline: February 15, 2025 More information: Arts Website Council on the Arts: Arts Read more


Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities

(Dec 12, 2024)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Department of Environmental Protection: WIIN 2107: Voluntary School and Childcare Lead testing and Reduction Grant Who May Apply: Childcare facilities and schools located in Pennsylvania with lead in drinking water sample results within 36 months of the application date showing water fixtures exceeding the remediation trigger level of 5 ppb (parts per billion). Use: Reduction activities may include purchasing and installing hydration stations, point-of-use devices designed to remove lead or replacement of faucets. The primary goal of this grant program is to reduce children's exposure to lead in drinking water. Funds: Funding under this grant has been appropriated under 1464(d) of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act. Funding provided will be up to $3,000 per hydration station per 100 students in one building. Up to $30,000 may be awarded per building/childcare facility or $100,000 per school district. Application Deadline: Applicants are strongly encouraged to schedule a pre-application meeting to discuss their lead reduction plans to ensure they meet applicable program criteria. Meetings can be scheduled by emailing . More information: DEP Website PROGRAMS OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Department of Community and Economic Development: PA SITES Who May Apply: Municipalities, economic development organizations, redevelopment authorities, Read more


Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities

(Dec 04, 2024)

Broadband Development Authority: Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program Who May Apply: Cooperative organizations, non-profit organizations, public-private partnerships, private companies, public or private utility companies, public utility districts, municipalities or units of local government, internet service providers registered through the FCC Use: Deploying and/or upgrading broadband network facilities, data collection, broadband mapping and broadband planning Funds: $1,161,778,242 in federal funding pursuant to the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 is available. Application Deadline: January 21, 2025 More information: PBDA Website Department of Community and Economic Development: Local Share Account Philadelphia Who May Apply: Community Development Corporations, economic development organizations and redevelopment authorities, business improvement districts/neighborhood improvement districts, non-profit organizations with a 501(c) designation, the City of Philadelphia, the School District of Philadelphia. Any eligible organization must be located in Philadelphia. Use: Economic development projects, neighborhood revitalization projects, community improvement projects, projects in the public interest. Any eligible project must be located in Philadelphia. Funds: Grant amounts will vary based on the specific project requirements but are limited to a minimum request/award of $10,000 and a maximum Read more


Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities

(Nov 21, 2024)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency: Non-profit Security Grant Who May Apply: Non-profit organizations Use: Target hardening and physical security enhancements for sites that may be a target for a terrorist or extremist attack. Funds: $210 million in FEMA dollars has been made available nationally. PEMA will serve as the grantee and subgrant funds to recipients in Pennsylvania. Application Deadline: December 16, 2024 More information: PA Grants website Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Developing Satellite Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) Who May Apply: A NCA accredited CAC who, in conjunction and partnership with another county MDIT, seeks to develop a satellite CAC location within that county. Use: Supporting the development of satellite location(s) in counties in the Commonwealth that may not have enough child abuse cases to sustain an independent CAC Funds: A total of approximately $1,200,000 in state Endowment Act funds is being announced to support this initiative. PCCD expects to fund approximately 4 grants. Maximum awards of $300,000 are available for the three-year project period. Application Deadline: December 2, 2024 More information: PCCD Website Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Product Promotion, Education and Export Promotion matching Grant Program Who May Apply: Nonprofit organizations that Read more


Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities

(Nov 14, 2024)

Learn more about the multiple grant programs that are currently open for applications. Read more


Immigration a driving force in Pa. economy, filling labor shortages

(Nov 13, 2024)

“Immigrants are small business owners, healthcare workers, educators, and laborers,” said Rep. Danillo Burgos, who served as the hearing host. Burgos also serves as the chairman on the House Majority Policy Subcommittee on Progressive Policies and is the chairman of the Pennsylvania Legislative Latino Caucus. “They support industries essential to Pennsylvania’s economy while revitalizing neighborhoods and investing in our community’s future.” Read more


Burgos secures $2 million state grant for Historic Carman Cardens Health Center

(Nov 01, 2024)

HARRISBURG, Nov. 1 – State Rep. Danilo Burgos, D-Phila., today announced that $2 million in state grant funding has been secured for the new Historic Carman Gardens Health Center being built in his legislative district. Burgos was instrumental in securing the funding along with Sen. Sharif Street under the Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program, which he voted to fund. According to Burgos, the $2 million will be used to help with the full conversion of the existing roller-skating rink into a new health and wellness space with the addition of a second floor mezzanine space to accommodate a full suite of medical and related uses. Burgos said that by keeping the entirety of operations on site and in a single location, the convenience will enable patients to better manage their health and wellness needs, eliminating the difficulty of scheduling bloodwork for a later date after a doctor's visit or filling a prescription in another location. In addition to the renovations, the scope of work includes the complete fit-out of the medical, pharmaceutical and service space. "This investment demonstrates a true commitment to collaboration in getting vital health care into our north Philadelphia neighborhoods,” Burgos said. “By working together at the state level and listening to the people working locally on the ground to get programs and services where they are needed most, we're making significant improvements Read more


Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities For Your District

(Oct 29, 2024)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Department of Community and Economic Development: Mixed-Use Housing Development Pilot Program Who May Apply: Municipalities, Economic Development Organizations, Redevelopment Authorities, Municipal Authorities, Industrial Development Authorities, For-Profit organizations. Use: Mixed-use site development, conversion projects, rehabilitation projects, a combination of the three afore-mentioned projects. Funds: $10 million in PA Sites funding has been allocated for this program. There is no limit on the amount of grant funding that may be awarded to an applicant. Application Deadline: December 6, 2024 More information: DCED Website Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs: Recovery Support Services (RSS) Who May Apply: Applicant must have at least two years of experience as of July 1, 2024, providing RSS and demonstrate the capacity to provide RSS to individuals in recovery from opioid use disorder (OUD) and other concurrent substance use disorder (SUD). Use: Expand or enhance RSS to individuals in recover from OUD and other concurrent SUD. Funds: Approximately six grants totaling $1,500,000 each will be awarded. Application Deadline: November 15, 2024 More information: DDAP Website PROGRAMS OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Department of Community and Economic Development: PA SITES Who May Apply: Municipalities, economic Read more


Burgos announces $2 million in state funding for local projects

(Oct 22, 2024)

HARRISBURG, Oct. 22 – State Rep. Danilo Burgos, D-Phila., today announced that more than $2 million in state grant funding is headed to his legislative district to support local projects. Burgos was instrumental in securing the funding approved today by the Commonwealth Financing Authority under the Public School Facility Improvement Grant Program. According to Burgos, $815,739 was awarded for a roof replacement project at Cayuga Elementary School on North Fifth Street in Philadelphia. The 108-year-old building's roof will be replaced to provide a weather-tight building. The total project cost is $1,087,653. The School District of Philadelphia is providing $271,914 in matching funds. “This school building that houses are children has suffered from water infiltration issues, resulting in mold and mildew growth and damaged plaster within the building, which is a serious health concern for children and staff,” Burgos said. “Completing this project will prevent mold and mildew growth, creating healthier indoor air quality for the people who work and learn in the school. I continue fighting for grants like this to make our schools cleaner and safer.” Grants also were approved under the Statewide Local Share Account made possible by the Pennsylvania Race Horse Development and Gaming Act, which provides for the distribution of gaming revenues through the CFA to support projects in the public Read more


Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities

(Oct 16, 2024)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Department of Community and Economic Development: Global Access Program (GAP) Who May Apply: Pennsylvania companies that meet specific criteria (criteria available at link below) Use: Valid uses include: overseas and domestic trade show participation, overseas trade mission participation, foreign market sales trip, subscription to US DOC services, translation/interpreter fees, website internationalization, shipping sample products, and compliance testing. Funds: $800,000 in grant funding is available. Companies are eligible to receive up to $10,000 grants. Application Deadline: Applications will be accepted until funding is depleted. More information: DCED website Department of Environmental Protection: Orphan Well Plugging Grant Program Who May Apply: Qualified well pluggers Use: Funds are to be used to plug orphaned gas wells. Funds: Grants of $40,000 are available for plugging wells 3,000 feet deep or less. Grants of up to $70,000 are available for plugging wells deeper than 3,000 feet. Application Deadline: Applications will be accepted until funding is depleted. More information: DEP website Department of Education: It’s On Us PA Who May Apply: Post-secondary institutions, including public and private two-year and four-year colleges and universities. Use: Funding is intended to be used to implement strategies Read more


Smith-Wade-El and Hohenstein hold news conference to highlight legislation to create Office of New Pennsylvanians

(Oct 01, 2024)

HARRISBURG, Oct. 1 – State Reps. Ismail Smith-Wade-El, D-Lancaster, and Joe Hohenstein, D-Phila., held a news conference to highlight their legislation, H.B. 1630 , that would create an Office of New Pennsylvanians to support, attract and retain immigrants in the commonwealth. “Generations of immigrants answered Pennsylvania’s welcoming call of opportunity and freedom, making our commonwealth into the powerhouse it is,” Smith-Wade-El said. “Right now, Pennsylvania is betraying its own values by scapegoating immigrant communities with punitive policies that are driving them out of the state although foreign-born workers comprise over 8% of our state’s workforce and pay $3.3 billion yearly in state and local taxes. As our population ages and many residents leave our state for other opportunities, we need skilled workers, entrepreneurs, consumers and community leaders to make sure that Pennsylvania continues to grow and thrive economically, culturally and socially. “Pennsylvania needs an Office of New Pennsylvanians to ensure that these new residents are able to flourish in the commonwealth,” Smith-Wade-El said. “They need to know we have their back.” “Pennsylvania is stronger when we welcome and celebrate immigration,” Hohenstein said. “Our collective ability to come together from all different backgrounds and perspectives for the betterment of the commonwealth is truly wonderful. Read more


Grant Memo: Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities

(Oct 01, 2024)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Department of Community and Economic Development: PA SITES Who May Apply: Municipalities, economic development organizations, redevelopment authorities, municipal authorities, industrial development agencies, and for-profit organizations. Use: To develop competitive sites for businesses to relocate or expand within Pennsylvania. Funds: $400 million in funding is available. Application Deadline: Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and approved on a quarterly basis More information: DCED Website Department of Transportation: Multimodal Transportation Fund (MTF) Who May Apply: Municipalities, councils of government, businesses, economic development organizations, public transportation agencies, ports and rail freight entities. Use: To improve transportation assets that enhance communities, pedestrian safety, and transit revitalization. Funds: The MTF requires a 30% match of the amount award. Awards are available for projects with a minimum cost of $100,000 and no more than $3,000,000. Application Deadline: November 5, 2024 More information: PennDOT website Office of the State Fire Commissioner: Unconventional Gas Well Fund Who May Apply: Volunteer and career fire, EMS, and rescue companies in counties where unconventional gas well drilling is permitted and counties that directly border permitted counties and respond to related emergencies. Use: Funds may be used for certification, equipment, and Read more


Agricultural, Environmental, Health, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
1 day ago

Agricultural, Environmental, Health, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
Jan 28, 2025

Agricultural, Environmental, Health, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
Jan 22, 2025

Agricultural, Environmental, Health, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
Jan 15, 2025

Grant Memo: Agricultural, Environmental, Health, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
Jan 08, 2025

Burgos to Chair House Consumer Protection, Technology & Utilities Committee
Jan 07, 2025

Burgos takes oath of office for fourth term
Jan 07, 2025

Grant Memo: Agricultural, Environmental, Health, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
Dec 30, 2024

Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
Dec 17, 2024

Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
Dec 12, 2024

Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
Dec 04, 2024

Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
Nov 21, 2024

Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
Nov 14, 2024

Immigration a driving force in Pa. economy, filling labor shortages
Nov 13, 2024

Burgos secures $2 million state grant for Historic Carman Cardens Health Center
Nov 01, 2024

Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities For Your District
Oct 29, 2024

Burgos announces $2 million in state funding for local projects
Oct 22, 2024

Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
Oct 16, 2024

Smith-Wade-El and Hohenstein hold news conference to highlight legislation to create Office of New Pennsylvanians
Oct 01, 2024

Grant Memo: Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
Oct 01, 2024