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Burns: $61,899 in state grants awarded to local fire companies

Grants to help fund wildfire operations

EBENSBURG, Sept. 14 – State Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, today announced more than $61,899 has been awarded to 11 local fire companies in Cambria County, to help local organizations with training and equipment purchases directly related to fighting brush and forest fires.

“Every day our firefighters stand ready to keep us and our loved ones safe, to answer the call when needed,” Burns said. “I’ve always backed our local departments, working in Harrisburg to get them emergency funding during the pandemic, backing policies to encourage volunteerism, and supporting grant programs like this to help fund equipment and training. We ask so much from them, it is only right that we do what we can to support them.”

Funded by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, the grants are awarded on a cost-share basis. Priority was placed on projects that include the purchase of wildfire suppression equipment and protective clothing. Grants may also be used for purchasing mobile or portable radios, installing dry hydrants, wildfire prevention and mitigation work, training wildfire fighters, or converting and maintaining federal excess vehicles. The vehicles are presented to the local departments exhibiting the greatest needs and those that commit to outfitting them for fire suppression.

Locally, departments awarded grants include:

  • Oakland Volunteer Fire Co., Johnstown, $1,580.
  • Vintondale Fire Department, $4,850.
  • Cresson Volunteer Fire Co., $10,000.
  • Community Volunteer Fire Co. of Lilly, $10,000.
  • East Taylor Volunteer Fire Co., Johnstown, $307.
  • Cover Hill Volunteer Fire Co., Johnstown, $12,500.
  • Hope Fire Company Northern Cambria, $1,799.
  • Dauntless Fire Co., Ebensburg, $5,981.
  • Carrolltown Fire Co., $3,180.
  • West Taylor Volunteer Fire Co., Johnstown, $1,702.
  • Conemaugh Vol Fire Co., $10,000.

The full list of recipients state wide is available online.