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Conklin to host Pathways to Pardon event with state Board of Pardons

Event will discuss Clean Slate legislation, criminal justice

STATE COLLEGE, Aug. 25 – Continuing his efforts to promote good government and criminal justice efforts, state Rep. Scott Conklin, D-Centre, will hold a Pathways to Pardon event in State College from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 7 at the borough building.

Joined by state Board of Pardons Secretary Celeste Trusty and Centre County District Attorney Bernie Cantorna, the event will discuss the state’s Clean Slate legislation and other criminal justice issues.

With Conklin’s support, the legislature and governor enacted the Clean Slate law in 2018, which streamlined the expungement process and expanded it to cover more nonviolent offenses. The bipartisan law has led to an increase in expungements statewide, providing people with minor convictions who have paid their debt to society a second chance at life.

“The vast majority of people with records or who are on probation have relatively low-level charges. These records – often for minor or old charges, can have terrible effects on people’s ability to secure work or housing,” Conklin said. “This clinic is designed to help people who have paid their debt to society navigate the expungement process and then, hopefully, find greater employment opportunities and economic success.”