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Grants: Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities


Department of Community and Economic Development: Main Street Matters

Who May Apply: Units of local government, redevelopment and/or housing authorities, nonprofits, economic development organizations, housing corporations, community development corporations, business improvement districts, neighborhood improvement districts, downtown improvement districts, and similar organizations incorporated as authorities.

Use: A flexible tool for use in community and economic development for a variety of uses including planning activities, façade grant programs, business improvement grant programs, accessible housing programs, and district development grants.
Funds: $20 million was allocated for this program in the 2024/25 budget. Individual grant awards vary depending on the type of grant.

Application Deadline: November 15, 2024

More information: DCED Website

Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Violence Intervention and Prevention Program

Who May Apply: Community-based organizations (i.e., active, registered 501(c)(3)s), institutions of higher education, municipalities, counties, and district attorneys.

Use: Reducing community violence through, among other things, increasing access to support services and behavioral health, providing health services and intervention strategies, providing mentoring and other intervention models, and fostering and promoting communication between schools, the community, and law enforcement.
Funds: PCCD expects to fund 25-30 VIP Expansion, Enhancement, or Continuation of Established Programs grants with budgets not to exceed $950,000 over a 36-month period and 15-20 VIP Start-Up Grants with budgets not to exceed $100,000 over an 18-month period.

Application Deadline: October 31, 2024

More information: PCCD Website

Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Collaborative Community Violence Intervention (CCVI) Strategies

Who May Apply: Community-based organizations (i.e., active, registered 501(c)(3)s), institutions of higher education, municipalities, counties, and district attorneys.

Use: The primary purpose of this grant program is to increase capacity of local jurisdictions (municipalities, counties) to support and implement evidence-based intervention and response strategies to address gun and group-related violence.
Funds: PCCD expects to fund 5-10 CCVI Planning Grants with budgets not to exceed $75,000 over an 18-month project period and 2-3 CCVI Implementation Grants with budgets not to exceed $2,000,000 over a 36-month project period.

Application Deadline: October 31, 2024

More information: PCCD Website

Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Building Opportunities for Out-Of-School Time (BOOST)

Who May Apply: Community-based organizations (i.e., active, registered 501(c)(3)s), school districts, area career and technical schools, libraries, statewide youth-serving nonprofit organizations.

Use: Out-of-school programming for at-risk school-age youth, including structured programs or activities with engaged mentors and evidence-based or evidence-informed practices provided to school-age youth before school, after school, or during the summer.
Funds: Approximately $11.5 million in state VIP funding is available for local and statewide BOOST programs.

Application Deadline: October 31, 2024

More information: PCCD Website

Commission on Crime and Delinquency: 2024 Pennsylvania Academic, Career, and Technical Training (PACTT) Grant
Who May Apply: All existing residential facilities, community-based providers, and juvenile probation departments that are current PACTT Affiliates in good standing and are not on provisional status are considered eligible to apply for these funds.

Use: Funds are being made available to existing PACTT Affiliates to support efforts in one or more areas designed to further develop the job readiness, academic, and employability skills of youth involved in the juvenile justice system.
Funds: Approximately $675,000 in DHS/BJJS Juvenile Justice Reinvestment Funds will be made available to support projects among the existing PACTT Affiliates. These funds may result in up to 60 awards.

Application Deadline: October 11, 2024

More information: PCCD Website

Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Regional Policing Assistance Program

Who May Apply: Municipalities

Use: To support the creation of new regional police departments or expansion of current regional police departments via funding for technology, equipment, legal fees, training, and recruitment, among other things.
Funds: A total of $1 million in federal Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) funds is being announced to support this initiative. Applicants may apply for up to $150,000 for the formation of a new regional police department or up to $50,000 for the expansion of an existing regional police department by adding a chartered municipality or municipalities.

Application Deadline: October 15, 2024

More information: PCCD Website


Department of Agriculture: Farm Vitality Planning Grant

Who May Apply: Farmers, prospective farmers, and others may apply.

Use: Strategic business planning to expand or diversify farms or support transition of ownership.
Funds: $500,000 in funding is available. Grants shall not exceed $7,500.

Application Deadline: Applications will be received until funds are exhausted.

More information: Pennsylvania Bulletin 

Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Recruitment Incentives for Law Enforcement

Who May Apply: Local law enforcement agencies, campus or university police, railroad or street railway police, airport authority police, and county park police.

Use: Funding is explicitly to support Act 120 training and recruitment activities for law enforcement officers that will take place between Oct. 19, 2023 and June 30, 2025.
Funds: $14 million in federal COVID Relief (ARPA) is available. PCCD anticipates this funding being able to support approximately 2,000 new fulltime officers statewide.

Application Deadline: Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until all funding is committed, at which point the application period will close.

More information: PCCD Website

Department of Community and Economic Development: Manufacturing PA Training-to-Career Grant

Who May Apply: Technical and trade schools, school districts, post-secondary academic institutions, workforce investment boards, economic development organizations, and nonprofit organizations. For-profit entities are not eligible.

Use: Projects must focus on the development and deployment of workforce training programs for individuals with barriers to employment, engage youth or those with barriers in awareness building activities of manufacturing career opportunities, and advance capacity for local or regional manufacturers to meet the needs of local and regional manufacturers that cannot be met through existing programs such as WEDnet and Industry Partnerships.
Funds: Funds are available on an annual basis and vary based on recommendations and constraints set in the annual budget.

Application Deadline: Applications will be accepted and evaluated on an ongoing basis as long as funds remain available.

More information: DCED Website

Department of Environmental Protection: Alternative Fuel Vehicle Rebate Program

Who May Apply: Pennsylvania residents whose total household income is below 400 percent of the Federal Income Poverty Level.

Use: This program provides a rebate to Pennsylvanians who purchase or lease alternative fuel vehicles.
Funds: Rebates vary depending on type of vehicle purchased.

Application Deadline: Applications will be accepted and evaluated on a first come, first served basis as long as funds remain available. Please note applications must be received within six months of the date of the vehicle purchase.

More information: DEP Website

Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Medical Marijuana Act Enforcement

Who May Apply: Eligibility for these funds is open to municipalities and regional police departments proposing to implement projects and programs that directly address the enforcement of the Medical Marijuana Act.

Use: Eligible activities include, but are not limited to, Drug Recognition Experts' training; education, training, and awareness programs; and other enforcement activities
Funds: A total of approximately $3 million in state funds is being announced to support this initiative. PCCD expects to fund approximately 20 grants with budgets not to exceed $250,000 over the two-year project period.

Application Deadline: September 12, 2024

More information: PCCD Website


Department of Education: Hunger-Free Campus Grants

Who May Apply: Institutes of Higher Education.

Use: Funding may be used to ensure students have access to healthy, nutritious food.
Funds: Institutions with 3,000 or fewer students are eligible for $20,000 awards. Institutions with 3,001 to 7,000 students are eligible for $40,000 awards. Institutions with greater than 7,000 students are eligible for $60,000 awards.

Application Deadline: September 23, 2024

More information: PDE website

Commission on Crime and Delinquency: School Safety and Mental Health Grants

Who May Apply: Eligible school entities as defined under 24 P.S. §13-1314.1-B of the PA Public School Code.

Use: Funding may be used to assist schools with physical safety and/or behavioral health needs.
Funds: $100 million is available to be distributed via a formula that stipulates school districts are to receive $100,000 base average and an additional amount based on their 22/23 Adjusted Average Daily Membership. Other eligible school entities are to receive $70,000.

Application Deadline: September 26, 2024

More information: PCCD Website

Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Targeted School Safety Grants for Nonpublic Schools

Who May Apply: Nonpublic schools as defined under Section 924.3-A of the PA Public School Code, municipalities, law enforcement agencies, or approved vendors.

Use: Funding may be used to assist schools with physical safety and/or behavioral health needs.
Funds: A total of $19,665,000 in state school safety and security funds is being announced to support this initiative.

Application Deadline: September 26, 2024

More information: PCCD Website

Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Rights and Services Act (RASA) and Victims of Juvenile Offenders (VOJO)

Who May Apply: All 67 Pennsylvanian counties are eligible to apply.

Use: Enhancing programs to provide notifications to victims of crime they are entitled to receive under the law as their case progresses through the criminal and juvenile justice systems and Enhancing programs to provide information and support to victims of crime on services available to them.
Funds: A total of $12,068,773 in funding is available and PCCD expects to award nearly 100 grants.

Application Deadline: September 27, 2024

More information: PCCD Website

Conservation and Natural Resources: ATV and Snowmobile Program

Who May Apply: Municipalities, nonprofit and for-profit organizations.

Use: Planning, acquisition, development, rehabilitation, or equipment purchase for ATV and/or snowmobile trails and facilities, ATV and/or snowmobile educational programs.
Funds: Funding comes from the ATV Management Restricted Account and the Snowmobile Management Restricted Account as authorized by Act 97 of 2016. There is no match requirement for this funding; however, applications that provide match funding will be given additional consideration.

Application Deadline: September 30, 2024

More information: DCNR Website

Local Share Account: Monroe County

Who May Apply: Municipalities, economic development agencies, or redevelopment authorities within Monroe County or the five contiguous counties to Monroe (Carbon, Lackawanna, Northampton, Pike, and Wayne).

Use: Public interest projects, community improvement projects, economic development projects, or roadway improvement projects.
Funds: Funded by gross terminal revenues of certain licensed gaming facilities.

Application Deadline: September 30, 2024

More information: DCED Website

Local Share Account: Category 4 Facilities Program (Berks, Cumberland, Westmoreland, and York Counties)

Who May Apply: Municipalities, counties, redevelopment authorities, or economic development agencies in a county hosting a Category 4 licensed gaming facility.

Use: Projects in the public interest.
Funds: Funded by gaming revenues from Category 4 licensed facilities.

Application Deadline: September 30, 2024

More information: DCED Website

Local Share Account: Luzerne County

Who May Apply: All Luzerne County municipalities and the Luzerne County Redevelopment Authority.

Use: Projects in the public interest.
Funds: Funded by 2% of gross terminal revenues of certain licensed gaming facilities.

Application Deadline: September 30, 2024

More information: DCED Website

Local Share Account: Northampton and Lehigh Counties

Who May Apply: Northampton County, Leigh County, municipalities within Northampton and Lehigh Counties, and economic development agencies or redevelopment authorities within Northampton and Lehigh Counties.

Use: Projects in the public interest, community improvement projects, and economic development projects.
Funds: Funded by a portion of local share assessments from certain licensed gaming facilities.

Application Deadline: September 30, 2024

More information: DCED Website

Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Endowment Act – Treatment and Training

Who May Apply: Eligibility of these funds is open to any for-profit entity, non-profit entity, an entity affiliated with a CAC or MDIT (e.g., public agency or hospital), or unit of local government. Schools (including colleges and universities) are considered governmental units and are eligible to apply.

Use: To support the training of medical and mental healthcare providers who treat children and adult survivors of child sexual abuse.
Funds: A total of $200,000 in Endowment Act funding is being announced to support this initiative. PCCD expects to fund approximately four projects with budgets not to exceed $50,000 over the 2-year project period.

Application Deadline: October 4, 2024

More information: PCCD Website

Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Project Safe and Smart 2025

Who May Apply: Community-based organizations that can successfully demonstrate their reach and partnership with K-12 school entities. Preference will be given to applicants that demonstrate that they will be able to reach a significant number of elementary-age students and caregivers with the programming.

Use: Programs or projects preventing child sexual abuse and/or assisting the victims of child sexual abuse.
Funds: A total of $3.5 million in state Endowment Act funds is being announced to support this initiative. PCCD expects to fund grants with budgets not to exceed $200,000 for existing PSS sites and up to $250,000 for new grantees over the 30-months or 2.5-year project period.

Application Deadline: October 11, 2024

More information: PCCD Website

Department of Environmental Protection: Environmental Education Grants Program

Who May Apply: Public schools and school districts (including intermediate units and charter schools), private schools, conservation and education organizations and institutions, universities and colleges, county conservation districts, incorporated nonprofit organizations, businesses.

Use: Funding is intended for non-formal and forma environmental education projects that ensure an environmentally literate citizenry to take positive actions to help ensure the safety of the state’s natural resources.
Funds: Funding is supported by five percent of the money collected from environmental fines and penalties, to be appropriated to DEP and the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

Application Deadline: November 15, 2024

More information: DEP Website

Department of Community and Economic Development: Local Share Account Statewide

Who May Apply: Counties, municipalities, municipal authorities, economic development agencies, redevelopment authorities, land banks, or councils of government. Non-profits may partner with an eligible applicant to apply on their behalf.

Use: Projects in the public interest. Projects that improve the quality of life of citizens in the community. Eligible projects must be owned and maintained by an eligible applicant or a nonprofit organization. See program guidelines for specific eligible uses of funds.

Funds: The PA Race Horse Development and Gaming Act provides for the distribution of gaming revenues through the Commonwealth Financing Authority to support projects in the public interest. Grant requests must be at a minimum $25,000 and no more than $1,000,000.

Application Deadline: November 30, 2024

More information: DCED Website