Harkins, Merski vote for comprehensive COVID-19 testing
Rep. Patrick J. Harkins May 5, 2020 | 2:11 PM
HARRISBURG, May 5 – Pennsylvania moved one step closer to providing residents with meaningful COVID-19 testing Monday after the House voted to develop and implement a testing plan, state Reps. Pat Harkins and Bob Merski announced.
Harkins and Merski, both D-Erie, said H.B. 2455 would require the state to first develop and then fund a comprehensive testing plan. Funding would include resources for development and manufacturing of testing equipment and supplies, contact tracing and other measures. Health care and other essential workers would be given testing priority once the plan was activated.
“Like other communities on the verge of reopening, our residents and small-business owners welcome these first steps on the path back to normal,” Harkins said. “But without adequate testing, we’re flying blind because we can’t fully assess the nature of the risk. This legislation would do something to address this very real problem by getting a testing plan in the works.”
Merski said: “We have some excellent safety protocols in place, but it isn’t practical or realistic to assume those blanket efforts will protect us in the long haul, after we’ve opened up our communities. We can’t fight what we can’t identify, and we need to pinpoint who is at risk so we can target our efforts, learn who is or is not at risk, and act accordingly. I’m glad the bill passed with overwhelming bipartisan support.”
The bill heads to the state Senate for consideration.