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Madsen announces $150,000 emergency grant to combat homelessness in Dauphin County

HARRISBURG, Jan. 17– State Rep. Dave Madsen today said Dauphin County is receiving $150,000 in Emergency Grant Funds from the PA Department of Community and Economic Development to address homelessness in the county.

“The pandemic supercharged the affordable housing crisis, leaving many Pennsylvanians without a home to call their own,” Madsen said. “This money will help Dauphin County combat homelessness and provide safe, affordable housing through a three-pronged approach with their partner, Christian Churches United: homelessness prevention, rapid rehousing and street outreach.”

The county was also awarded funding to operate its Homeless Management Information System with both hardware, software and training costs to ensure accurate collection of data about the homeless population.

Priority for funding is given to groups that represent areas of Pennsylvania that do not already receive a direct allocation of Emergency Solutions Grant funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Gov. Josh Shapiro recently signed an Executive Order mandating the first comprehensive Housing Action Plan to address the state’s housing shortage, homelessness, and to expand affordable housing options. DCED is leading the plan’s development and is working with stakeholders across Pennsylvania to identify housing needs and devise a strategic response.