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It’s time to be responsible with federal dollars

I’ve watched with great concern as our nonprofits, volunteer emergency medical and fire first-responding organizations, those who have been at the forefront of our defense, have seen increased burdens as a result of this pandemic. COVID’s extended symptoms weighing heavily on the hearts and minds of those who depend on annual fund drives and publicly attended events to finance daily operations coming to a halt as mitigation orders forever altered how the bills would be paid.

In the Lehigh Valley and beyond, private clubs, nonprofits and other volunteer organizations have continued serving, giving back, and answering the call. They’ve not once waivered, despite the increasing operational costs, despite the increasing need and demand for aid.

In reflection, there’s no doubt how much the pandemic has hurt not just the above-mentioned groups, but also our families, local business communities, and public health systems. Regardless of occupation or location, COVID-19 has disrupted and/or altered our lives.

It’s brought to the surface glaring problems within our commonwealth, problems we now have an opportunity to more directly address. But the challenge, as a member of the legislative minority, is convincing my majority colleagues that these dollars should be utilized with long-term strategies and resolutions in mind – not as one-time measures to fill budget holes and earn public favor.

My colleagues and I are preparing for the billions in federal funding for COVID and economic relief coming to state. It’s my belief these dollars should be utilized for investments that would provide funds for small businesses, job creation and programs for working families throughout the Lehigh Valley and across the commonwealth.

We have an opportunity to responsibly utilize the billions in federal funding Pennsylvania is slated to receive in COVID and economic relief; investments that would provide all Pennsylvanians a positive path forward. I’m working hard to advocate in Harrisburg to get you the help you’re entitled to receive-- smart investments like the ones called for in the #PaRescuePlan. It's time we #RecoverRestoreReimagine all the possibilities for every Pennsylvanian.