Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibility Kenyatta, Lee say repossessions must end until COVID-19 pandemic ends

Kenyatta, Lee say repossessions must end until COVID-19 pandemic ends

Calls on legislature to protect lenders from losing their vehicles during state emergency

PHILADELPHIA, April 1– Today, state Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, D-Phila., issued the following statement about car repossessions during the state of emergency declared by Gov. Tom Wolf: 

“In these uncertain times, people should not have to worry about losing a vehicle. They may be dealing with unemployment, shuttling kids to daycare or showing up to an essential job and desperately need their car for transportation. Governor Wolf declared a state of emergency, and it’s time to start taking strong actions to protect Pennsylvanians where it really matters.

“Public transportation across the state is operating on reduced schedules and that makes it harder for people to get groceries and medicine. If we want to keep people safe and help flatten the curve, we need to make sure people keep their own vehicles throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Reliable transportation can be a matter of life and death in situations like these.”

Kenyatta said he plans to introduce legislation, along with Rep. Summer Lee, D-Allegheny, that would prohibit repossessions for the duration of the governor’s state of emergency.