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Freeman brings home $594,223 in transportation grants

HARRISBURG, March 26 – State Rep. Robert Freeman said $594,223 in state transportation grants today was awarded for three Northampton County projects.

“I am always looking for ways that we can make travel better and safer for motorists and pedestrians in the Lehigh Valley, and these three grants will be put to good use by their recipients,” said Freeman. “I would like to thank Senator Lisa Boscola for joining me in advocating for the funding and the Commonwealth Financing Authority board for approving the grants.”

Freeman said the CFA Multimodal Transportation Fund grants are:

  • $350,000 to Freemansburg Borough for Phase II of Main Street safety improvements.
  • $194,223 to Easton for safety improvements on two intersections along Knox Avenue.
  • $50,000 to Wilson Borough for streetscape improvements to South 20th Street.

Freeman said the grant program is administered to encourage economic development and ensure that a safe and reliable system of transportation is available to residents across Pennsylvania. Funds may be used for the development, rehabilitation and enhancement of transportation assets to existing communities, streetscape, lighting, sidewalk enhancement, pedestrian safety, connectivity of transportation assets and transit-oriented development.

The CFA was established in 2004 as an independent agency of the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development to administer the state’s economic stimulus packages.