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Haddock secures $3.51 million in grants from the state

HARRISBURG, May 21 – State Rep. Jim Haddock today announced the Commonwealth Financing Authority approved $3.51 million in grants for projects throughout the portions of Luzerne and Lackawanna counties that he represents.

“From equipment upgrades for police and fire departments, to improvements at local parks and baseball and softball fields, these funds will go a long way toward making things better in our communities,” said Haddock, D-Luzerne/Lackawanna. “I want to thank Senator Marty Flynn and my leadership team, plus the CFA board, for supporting these worthwhile projects.”

Haddock said the funding was acquired through the Local Share Account, which receives tax proceeds from Pennsylvania’s casinos.

Avoca will use a $200,000 grant to renovate the club house at the Little League field and a separate $66,139 grant to purchase a police vehicle with emergency upgrades.

Dalton was awarded a $48,882 grant, on behalf of the Dalton Borough Sewer Authority, to purchase a heavy-duty pickup truck.

Dupont will receive a $134,945 grant for improvements to the municipal office building, including installing an awning above its newly built front-entrance wheelchair ramp, building out a new security entrance for the police department at the rear of the building, and installing an electronic messaging sign to broadcast borough events and announcements.

Duryea was awarded three grants totaling $484,000 for the following:

  • $300,000 on behalf of Excelsior Hose Co. #2 Volunteer Fire Department for Phase II of a fire department renovation to include purchasing new kitchen equipment and needed stormwater improvements.
  • $50,000 on behalf of the Germania Volunteer Hose Co. to replace the fire department's firefighting gear and breathing apparatus.
  • $134,000 to purchase a new backhoe loader.

Hughestown will use a $232,233 grant to construct a pavilion and to improve the recreational facilities near the borough building; and a $16,896 grant to purchase tasers for the police department.

Jenkins Township will receive a total of $615,607 for the following:

  • $100,000 to construct a fully functional kitchen and accessible bathrooms for the pavilion at Spadi Park.
  • $225,000 on behalf of WVIA Public Media, to update a parking lot.
  • $98,383 to purchase new security cameras for several parks.
  • $192,224 to install a new storage building to house garbage trucks.

Lackawanna County was awarded a total of $251,000 for the following projects:

  • $101,000 on behalf of the Eagle McClure Hose Co. for exterior safety improvements to the Eagle McClure Fire Station in Old Forge.
  • $100,000 on behalf of the Moosic Redwings to make three key improvements to the Moosic Redwings softball field including the construction of dugouts, extending the current outfield fence and leveling and reseeding the outfield.
  • $50,000 on behalf of the Indraloka Animal Sanctuary for the construction of a barn located in Newtown Township. The medical barn will have enough space to treat animals too large to be seen in the clinic and also to safely quarantine or temporarily house rescued animals.

Laflin will use a $18,873 grant to purchase a trailer and a backhoe with a post hole digger; and a separate $226,972 grant for stormwater restoration under Chestnutwood Drive and Laflin Road.

The city of Pittston will receive a total of $536,123 for the following projects:

  • $66,511 on behalf of The Downtown Pittston Partnership to install five interactive wayfinding kiosks at various locations within the city. The kiosks will give greater visibility to visitors and residents.
  • $200,000 to implement a facade grant program that will assist property owners in the business district with funding to improve the facades of their buildings. Property owners will be required to provide a dollar-for-dollar match.
  • $269,612 on behalf of the Tomato Festival Association to install a retaining wall and fence and provide permanent landscaping.

Taylor was awarded $195,501 to renovate the municipal office building by installing a new roof-mounted HVAC unit and replacing 20 skylight windows which are leaking.

West Pittston will use its $400,000 grant for engineering costs to support the construction of a flood control levee located along the Susquehanna River.

Yatesville was awarded $87,426 to aid the department of public works with its daily task of roadway maintenance and upkeep of the recreational/community center areas within the borough.