Hi Folks,
We hope this January edition of District Deliberations finds you all doing well despite the chilling temperatures and snow. January is the month of dreams where the possibilities of new endeavors abound. As Taylor Swift sang, “This is a new year. A new beginning. And things will change.” And so, I along with others are hoping for a positive change in the upcoming year and a continuation of working hard for the hard-working citizens of our District.
On Tuesday, Jan. 7, I was humbled and honored to take the oath of office at the state Capitol to begin my second term representing the people of the 156th Legislative District.
I was sworn in as part of the newly convened 203 member Pennsylvania House of Representatives and I look forward to getting even more done for my district and the Commonwealth with the next legislative session.
I plan to spend my second term continuing to fight for Pennsylvanians by legislating for a living wage, affordable housing, tax relief for working families and seniors, protecting equal rights for everyone, promoting local business opportunities, and affordable educational opportunities for college and the trades. In the meantime, I thank all of you for your trust and support.
This issue of District Deliberations features hometown heroes Westtown-East Goshen Police Chief Brenda Bernot who has faithfully protected and served our community for over a decade. With over 28 years of law enforcement service, Chief Bernot is planning for a well-earned retirement and will be sorely missed. We are also tipping our hats to the Hometown Heroes of the Greater Brandywine YMCA for the unveiling of their state of the art “Fit Truk” which will help many of our neighbors facing challenges like chronic disease, limited access to affordable healthcare, or simply finding opportunities to prioritize their health.
This issue also includes information on my pending legislation to help protect and keep Seniors and incapacitated citizens in their homes, and my other bill protecting our consumers against AI generated marketing. We also have some recent news on our new mobile service locations, open enrollment for the PA House Fellowship Program, my recent Committee assignments, the LIHEAP program, the 109th Farm Show, our successful Scam Jam event, and of course the wise whelps of wisdom from our official mascot, Penny the Pup.
Folks, as always, we are thankful for the opportunity to serve you and look forward to any questions or concerns you may have. We wish you, your families, and friends a happy and prosperous New Year as we take time out to be grateful for all that we have, including each other. Until our next issue, Stay Well, Stay Safe, and Stay Strong.
Chris Pielli
Pennsylvania State Representative House District 156
I am pleased to announce that I have been appointed to five of the standing committees I served on last term, plus a new sixth committee:
- Commerce
- Consumer Protection
- Judiciary
- Energy (formerly part of Environmental Resources and Energy Committee)
- Environmental and Natural Resources Protection (formerly part of Environmental Resources and Energy Committee)
- Veteran Affairs and Emergency Preparedness
I am excited to be newly appointed to the Consumer Protection and Utilities Committee for this term. I feel honored to have been given the responsibilities of these committees by our leadership team and look forward to getting back to work with my colleagues to serve and protect our constituents across the Commonwealth. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions regarding these committees, please do not hesitate to contact our office. You can follow committee meetings through the link here.
Last year, I introduced a bill that would require the disclosure of content generated by artificial intelligence, or AI, for consumer goods. It passed last session with bipartisan support but unfortunately, sat in the Senate. I am excited to announce I am bringing it back, and its already making headlines. Artificial intelligence is becoming a more prevalent component of our everyday lives. As AI becomes more sophisticated, it will be impossible to verify the author of material and content produced. Additionally, the questionable veracity of some AI content has the potential to spread false information or images that can lead to bad outcomes for purchasing consumer goods. Simply put, my bill requires if it’s AI, it has to say it’s AI. Consumers deserve to know what they are looking at is real or not when purchasing goods. As legislators, we must set a commonsense baseline helping our consumers make informed decisions and not be misled. This bill helps to set those guidelines. I thank my colleagues in the PA House for their support of this legislation in the last session and I hope to get this important bill to the governor’s desk.
Helping to Protect and Keep Seniors in their Homes (HB96)
I am proud to reintroduce legislation to help protect and keep seniors and other vulnerable people in their homes. House Bill 96 would create an option for older adults and incapacitated individuals to designate an individual to receive notice when property taxes are delinquent, and the property is at risk for a sheriff sale.
As a former court appointed guardianship attorney, I saw clients who lost their homes as a result of unpaid property taxes. Too often, these were individuals with cognitive impairment or those who were otherwise incapacitated and could not pay tax bills without assistance. Tragically, these same individuals sometimes had the financial means but were so impaired they were unable to keep up with payments. It is simply unfair to have these folks lose their homes. This bill would help avoid the sad occurrence of missed property tax payments for those who are aging and may be suffering from any number of conditions that hinders their ability to regularly pay bills.
I introduced this bill last session where it passed the House with a bi-partisan 199-2 margin on March 18, 2024. It was then referred to the Senate Urban Affairs and Housing Committee where it unfortunately received no further votes. Let’s hope the state Senate leadership takes up this very important bill to protect our seniors!
Hometown Heroes - Police Chief Brenda Bernot and YMCA of Greater Brandywine
This January, our Hometown Heroes are Retiring Police Chief Brenda Bernot and YMCA of Greater Brandywine.
Police Chief Brenda Bernot
This month, our Hometown Hero is Westtown-East Goshen Police Chief Brenda Bernot.
Chief Bernot has left an indelible mark on Chester County as a trailblazer in law enforcement, serving with distinction for over a decade as Chief of the Westtown-East Goshen Regional Police Department. Stepping into leadership during a challenging period, Chief Bernot brought stability, integrity, and a modern vision to the department, ensuring its continued success and community trust. Under her guidance, the department achieved accreditation, launched innovative programs like Coffee with a Cop and the Citizen Police Academy, and implemented cutting-edge training focused on de-escalation, cultural competency, and mental health awareness. Her emphasis on officer wellness, community engagement, and technological advancements solidified the department as a model of effective and compassionate policing.
Chief Bernot’s remarkable career spans 28 years with the Pennsylvania State Police, where she rose to the rank of captain, and includes academic accomplishments such as a doctorate in criminal justice and graduation from the FBI National Academy. Her leadership has been defined by her ability to navigate challenges with transparency and grace while fostering trust between law enforcement and the community. As she prepares to retire in April 2025, Chief Bernot leaves behind a legacy of excellence, innovation, and unwavering dedication to public service, ensuring her impact will be felt for generations to come.
YMCA of Greater Brandywine – New “Fit Truk” Will Serve Chester County and Beyond
This month, the YMCA of Greater Brandywine unveiled its phenomenal "Fit Truk" at West Chester University’s Hollinger Fieldhouse. What a great concept and service to our community, especially those who cannot afford or travel to a YMCA. Many of our neighbors face challenges like chronic disease, limited access to affordable health care, or simply finding opportunities to prioritize their health. That’s why initiatives like the Fit Truk are so exciting—they meet people where they are, breaking down barriers and making wellness accessible to all. This couldn't be timelier as our communities face increasing demands on our lives. I applaud the YMCA's vision to proactively promote public health in all its facets!
We had a wonderful time visiting the 109th annual PA Farm Show. The PA Farm Show is the largest indoor Farm event in the entire world. Agriculture is one of our Commonwealth's most important industries creating thousands of jobs and adding billions of dollars to our economy. Farmers work in every corner of our state, and even in some places you might not expect. I always love to attend the Farm Show to learn more about what our great PA Farmers do every year to put food on our tables. Between the milkshakes, the butter sculpture, the Feed Scurry, and much more, the PA Farm Show has something for everyone to enjoy!
Announcing Our Newest Mobile Office Locations in District 156!
We’re excited to serve even more constituents with expanded mobile office services!
West Chester Public Library - In partnership with PA Career Link (New!)
Date: Every Last Tuesday / Month
Starting Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2024
Time: 10 a.m. – noon
Where: West Chester Public Library, 415 N. Church St., West Chester Borough
What: All the state government related services we do at our district office -- Alongside PA Career Link, which offers work search services, Unemployment Compensation help, and more.
West Chester University, Sykes Student Union (New!)
Dates: Tuesdays, Feb. 18, March 18, & April 22 (During Spring 2025 Semester)
Time: 1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Where: West Chester University, Sykes Student Union, 110 W. Rosedale Ave., West Chester Borough
What: All the state government related services we do at our district office
West Chester Area Senior Center (Continued!)
Dates: Every 3rd Wednesday / Month
Time: 10 a.m. – noon
Where: West Chester Area Senior Center, 530 E. Union St., West Chester Borough
What: All the state government related services we do at our district office
This week, seniors in my district enjoyed an informative $cam Jam! event that I co-hosted with the Housing Authority of Chester County at the Charles A. Melton Center in West Chester Borough.
This interactive presentation included law enforcement experts who shared information about elder abuse, investment fraud, and other common scams targeting senior citizens. We learned about important, even lifesaving, information from the West Chester Borough Police; Chester County District Attorney's Office; PA Dept. of Banking and Securities; and PA Attorney General's Office.
Many thanks to the PA Department of Banking and Securities outreach staff, who facilitated the event and engaged the audience with "Fraud BINGO" games to reinforce what we learned throughout the fraud-prevention presentations.
Drinks and snacks were offered courtesy of the Housing Authority of Chester County.
PA House Fellowship Program now open!
The PA House Legislative Fellowship Program is accepting applications for the Spring 2025 semester! Fellows will be compensated, which may include college credit. Deadline tois March 1. For more details visit http://pahousefellowship.us
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is Now Open
The 2024-25 LIHEAP Program is now open and accepting applications!
The current deadline to apply is Friday, April 4, 2025.
A LIHEAP cash grant helps pay your heating bill. You can receive from $200 to $1,000 based on your household size, income, and fuel type.
The cash grant is a one-time payment -- it's yours until the grant money runs out. The grant will be sent directly to your utility provider or fuel company to be credited on your bill.
Please note: LIHEAP is sometimes extended beyond the original deadline (currently April 4, 2025), but don't wait -- find out if you qualify and start receiving this benefit!
Learn more and apply here: Apply for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Please feel free to contact my district office staff for assistance with applying for LIHEAP or other state benefits like SNAP, Medical Assistance, etc.
Q: How do I search for Unclaimed Property?
A: Searching for Unclaimed Property is easy - and Rep. Pielli's staff can help!
Unclaimed Property could be any monetary asset from lost paychecks to stocks or dividends that the PA Department of Treasury has been holding safely by law, sometimes for years.
Please contact the District Office to find out if you have Unclaimed Property and learn how to get it back. The staff can search for UP and assist with filing UP claims. -- You can reach us at (610) 696-4990; or RepPielli@pahouse.net ; or stop by 121 West Miner Street, Suite 1E, West Chester Borough.
Or visit https://unclaimedproperty.patreasury.gov/en/Property/SearchIndex to search yourself.
District Office:
121 West Miner Street
Suite 1E
West Chester, PA 19382-3236
M-F 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Office Email: RepPielli@pahouse.net
Phone: (610) 696-4990
Fax #: (610) 738-2163
Staff Members:
Julie K. Mesaros, District Office Director
Matthew DeWese, Constituent Services Advisor
Ryan DeStefano, Constituent Services Advisor
Pennsylvania State Capitol
115-B East Wing
Harrisburg, PA 17120
(717) 705-2075
District Office
121 West Miner St., Suite 1E
West Chester, PA 19382
(610) 696-4990