VOICES of the 190th



DISTRICT PRIORITIES: What’s on your mind?
On a
scale from 1 to 10 (from least to most), please indicate how important and urgent you consider the following issues as it relates to our district.

Access to grocery stores/healthy food options *

Affordable housing *

Blight (abandoned properties, empty lots, etc.) *

Child care *

Crime/safety *

Health care access *

Internet access *

Schools *

Senior assistance *

Streets & sidewalks *

Transportation *

Unemployment *

Please select the appropriate answer option by clicking on the corresponding checkmark field.

Annual Household Income *

Head of Household *

Household Size. Please list the number of adults and number of children living in your home. *

Are you unemployed? *

Was your employment lost due to the COVID-19 Pandemic? *

Are you behind on you rent or mortgage? *

If yes, how far behind?

Do you have a consistent food source? Please list the food sources in the comments box. *

Have you seen crime increase in your neighborhood? *

If yes, what type? Please choose all that apply.

For my office to assist you more efficiently, please choose your top 3 priorities/needs/issues. Use the comments box to rank your top 3. *

We want to hear from you: our district office is here to serve you, and we want to make the process of setting our priorities as transparent as possible. Please leave a comment for Rep. Amen and our team: *