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Warren, Council Rock students applaud passage of bill honoring Hershey’s Kisses

House Bill 1030 was inspired by then-Newtown Middle School Students



State Rep. Perry Warren
D-Bucks County

Warren, Council Rock students applaud passage of bill honoring Hershey’s Kisses

House Bill 1030 was inspired by then-Newtown Middle School Students

HARRISBURG, March 27 – State Rep. Perry Warren welcomed students from Council Rock High School North to the Capitol on Tuesday as legislation the group initially proposed passed the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.

House Bill 1030, which would make Hershey’s Kisses the official candy of Pennsylvania, was first proposed by a group of Newtown Middle School students in 2021. The students are now juniors at C.R. North in Newtown.

The Hershey Kiss Committee members continued to advocate for their bill after graduating from NMS, contacting the Hershey Company, working with the bill’s prime sponsor, Rep. Tom Mehaffie (R-Dauphin, whose district includes the famed chocolate factory), visiting the Capitol, lobbying legislators and publicizing their journey in the media.

“Three years ago I met with the members of the Hershey Kiss Committee at Newtown Middle School. These students of NMS teachers Rick Loughran and Matt McCarthy and I brainstormed as to how to turn their idea into a law. The Hershey Kiss Committee wrote the proposed legislation and embarked upon their quest to designate Hershey’s Kisses as the state candy of Pennsylvania,” Warren said.

Moving forward, Warren added, “Today, three years later, these students, now juniors at Council Rock High School North, were in the Hall of the House for the vote on H.B. 1030. After a surprisingly heated debate, the bill passed by a vote of 130-71. Congratulations to the Hershey Kiss Committee.”

H.B. 1030 now heads to the Senate for consideration.

Warren represents the 31st Legislative District in Bucks County, comprised of Lower Makefield, Newtown Borough, Newtown Township, Upper Makefield and Yardley.


CONTACT: Ryan Bevitz
House Democratic Communications Office
Phone: 717-787-7895