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Infrastructure, Housing, and Safety Funding Opportunities


Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Support Families of Child Abuse Victims

Who May Apply: Non-profits that specialize in providing service for child abuse victims in Pennsylvania.

Use: Implementation of a research or evidence-based trauma training to support non-offending caregivers of child abuse victims.
Funds: $250,000 in federal Children’s Justice Act funds.

Application Deadline: July 6, 2023

More information: PCCD Website

Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: PA START/STOP Project

Who May Apply: Any private non-profit agency, any private for-profit agency, public agency, or unit of local government.

Use: The PA START/STOP campaigns aim to increase awareness of the dangers of Opioid abuse, as well as to provide resources to assist parents and caregivers in promoting healthy behaviors among youth to prevent substance use in the first place.
Funds: $900,000 in federal State Opioid Response funds.

Application Deadline: July 10, 2023

More information: PCCD Website

Pennsylvania Department of Transportation: Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside

Who May Apply: Local, county, and tribal governments, transit agencies, schools, school districts, nonprofits, and small Metropolitan Planning Organizations.

Use: Transportation alternatives, including on- and off-road pedestrian and bicycle facilities, infrastructure projects for improving non-driver access to public transportation, and enhanced mobility, community improvement activities, and environmental mitigation, and trails that serve a transportation purpose.
Funds: $28 million in statewide funds will be available from the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

Application Deadline: July 17, 2023

More information: PennDOT Website

Pennsylvania Department of Education: Paraeducator Preparation Pathways Grant

Who May Apply: To apply, an Intermediate Unit must partner with at least one Pennsylvania community college and at least one LEA (school district, approved private school, career technical education center, charter school, cyber charter school, or chartered school for the deaf or blind).

Use: Establish or expand opportunities for practicing paraeducators in Pennsylvania schools to become special education teachers at no cost while actively learning and working in their school
$1.5 million, with applicants able to request up to $50,000

Application Deadline: August 11, 2023

More information: PDE Website

Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission: Historical & Archival Records Care Program

Who May Apply: Historical record repositories (historical societies, libraries, universities, local governments, school districts)

Use: Collections care, including surveying; inventorying; preserving; arranging; and describing historical records significant to Pennsylvania, as well as for records reformatting and equipment
Funds: Individual grants will be funded up to $5,000 with no match required. Collaborative grants will allow two organizations to apply jointly for up to $10,000 or three organizations to apply collaboratively for up to $15,000, no match required. Funding is provided by PHMC.

Application Deadline: August 21, 2023

More information: PHMC Website

Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency: Housing Options Grant Program

Who May ApplyNon-profits and developers.

Use: To help continue affordable housing production in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Funds: $100 million in total program funding.  

Application DeadlineAll grants should be awarded no later than December 31, 2024. All funds must be expended by December 31, 2026.

More Information: PHFA Website

Pennsylvania Office of the State Fire Commissioner: Fire and Emergency Medical Services Loan Program

Who May ApplyFire and emergency medical services companies.

Use: To support the acquisition, rehabilitation, or improvement of apparatuses, facilities, and equipment.

Funds: Loans up to $486,000.  

Application DeadlineNo Deadline Provided

More Information: OSFC Website