Reps. Powell’s and Labs’ bipartisan effort to expand protections for victims of violent crimes passes House

(Jul 03, 2024)

HARRISBURG, July 3 – State Reps. Lindsay Powell’s and Shelby Labs’ bill that would establish the Victims of Violence Relocation Act passed the state House today. Under the legislation ( H.B. 2162 ), eligible violent crime survivors would be entitled to relocation assistance, and the timeframe for requesting such assistance would be increased from 90 to 180 days after the crime occurred. The legislators said this would allow survivors more time to access necessary support and would ensure they can utilize federal documentation to validate their need for relocation. “Partnering with Representative Labs on this bill exemplifies that the PA House stands united with survivors of violent crime by expanding housing assistance to them in their time of need,” Powell, D-Allegheny, said. “Thank you to all my colleagues for your affirmative votes and your commitment to helping survivors start their lives anew.” “I want to thank Representative Powell for her collaboration on this important piece of legislation that protects victims and empowers survivors,” Labs, R-Bucks, added. “The passage of House Bill 2162 is a critical step in ensuring our commitment to making Pennsylvania a safer place for victims of violence and providing a foundation of support during recovery.” The Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence says one in three women, one in four men and nearly half of LGBTQ+ individuals will Read more


On National CROWN Day, Mayes urges state Senate to act on bill that would ban hair discrimination

(Jul 03, 2024)

PA CROWN Act legislation has been stalled in Senate committee for nearly one year Read more


Benham, pharmacists call on state Senate to pass PBM reform

(Jul 03, 2024)

“Over 140 pharmacies have closed in our Commonwealth since the beginning of the year,” said Dr. Mayank “Dr. Mak” Amin, the owner of Skippack Pharmacy. “While I stand here and celebrate our pharmacy’s 5th anniversary, we are also bleeding due to poor reimbursements and patient steering. Community pharmacies like Skippack Pharmacy vaccinated over 100,000 patients during the pandemic and provided critical supplies to those in need, but what will save community pharmacies like ours?" Read more


Powell and other state Democratic legislators respond to SCOTUS ruling on homelessness

(Jul 02, 2024)

HARRISBURG, July 2 – State Rep. Lindsay Powell and several Democratic members of the Pennsylvania House and Senate shared their reactions to the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision on homelessness at a news conference in the Capitol Main Rotunda today. On Friday, the court ruled that sleeping outside in public places can be an arrestable offense and banning it does not qualify as “cruel and unusual punishment” under the Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. “We are here today because our Supreme Court sided with cities and municipalities, who are more concerned with public appearances than with building enough affordable housing,” Powell, D-Allegheny, said. “Now, our neighbors are confronted with a harsh reality: remain awake or face arrest.” Powell has signed on as a co-sponsor to future legislation that would clarify the decriminalization of homelessness in Pennsylvania and allow individuals to occupy public spaces. She also recently introduced H.B. 2454 , legislation that would establish the Affordable Homeownership Program under the state Department of Community and Economic Development . The program would award funds for a variety of homeownership-related projects to individuals and households through sponsoring organizations. “The House and the Senate are committed to doing everything in our power to provide actual solutions and actual housing units,” she added. “We will continue to Read more


PA House passes Pisciottano bill to establish state antitrust law

(Jul 02, 2024)

Open Markets Act would empower attorney general to enforce laws against unfair competition Read more


House passes Kinkead bill to alleviate school meal debt

(Jul 01, 2024)

PA students currently owe $80 million in unpaid lunch debt Read more


Abney’s bill to help keep seniors eligible for state prescription programs passes the House

(Jul 01, 2024)

HARRISBURG, July 1 – State Rep. Aerion Abney’s bill that would exclude one portion of a person’s potential revenue when determining their financial eligibility for senior prescription programs in Pennsylvania passed the state House with a bipartisan majority today. Abney’s legislation ( H.B. 2378 ) would not count the total dollar amount, including face value and interest earned, of redeemed savings bonds as part of an older Pennsylvanian’s income when they apply for either the Pharmaceutical Assistance Contract for the Elderly or PACE Needs Enhancement Tier, otherwise known as PACE and PACENET. “Rising prescription drugs costs have created a no-win situation for many PA seniors, forcing them to choose between cashing in their bonds to afford necessary medications or be disqualified from state prescription coverage for doing so. My bill would take this predicament off the table and keep more money in the pockets of our older neighbors,” Abney, D-Allegheny, said. “I’m grateful to my colleagues on both sides of the aisle for passing this personal and financial investment in our state elders and look forward to seeing it become law.” PACE is funded entirely by the Pennsylvania Lottery and has helped more than 1.6 million PA seniors pay for more than 360 million prescriptions. PACE and PACENET currently serve more than 250,000 older Pennsylvanians. The bill is Abney’s first as a state Read more


PA House passes Benham’s Pharmacy Benefit Manager bill

(Jun 28, 2024)

Benham urges state Senate vote on legislation to reform PBM practices Read more


Salisbury: $60,000 awarded to plan improved trails and bike paths in Swissvale and Wilkinsburg

(Jun 27, 2024)

BRADDOCK, June 27 – New funding of $60,000 will lay the groundwork for improved pedestrian and bike paths in Swissvale and Wilkinsburg, state Rep. Abigail Salisbury announced today. Salisbury, D-Allegheny, said the grants, which include $30,000 to each borough under the WalkWorks program, will help both communities develop Active Transportation Plans to increase physical activity. “Having access to a network of safe trails and bike paths that connect to local destinations is a great motivator for folks to get outside and reap the health benefits of walking and biking,” Salisbury said. “These grants will support planning for these improvements and allow both boroughs to gather the information and community input they need to move forward. “It’s going to be exciting seeing these improved pedestrian- and bike-friendly routes take shape.” Funding for the grants is provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention under the Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant program and from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Bureau of Recreation and Conservation through the Environmental Stewardship Fund. More information is available here:,improved%20pedestrian%2C%20bicycle%2C%20and%20transit . Read more


Powell introduces bill to help make owning a home possible for more Pennsylvanians

(Jun 26, 2024)

HARRISBURG, June 26 – State Rep. Lindsay Powell, D-Allegheny, has introduced a bill that would provide money to Pennsylvania individuals and families seeking to own their own home. Powell’s legislation ( H.B. 2454 ) would establish the Affordable Homeownership Program under the state Department of Community and Economic Development . The program would award grants to sponsoring organizations, who would then provide the funds to individuals or households with annual incomes between 60% and 120% of the area median income. Qualifying applicants would be able to use these funds for projects such as: Home purchasing assistance programs. Home repairs. Work force housing programs. Acquiring residential properties. Designing and constructing properties. Asset management studies of properties. Social and environmental studies of properties. Homeownership education programs. Land trusts acquiring properties (Homeowners would need to maintain at least 40% of the equity on the property). “The median home price shot through the roof to nearly $225,000 in March of this year and continues to climb. This, combined with other factors, has pushed owning a home away from reality and closer to fantasy for many Pennsylvanians,” Powell said. “Home ownership is not only part of the American dream, it’s crucial to building and fostering strong communities. My bill would benefit PA and all neighbors who call it home.” Grant Read more


PA House passes Markosek legislation to ensure insurance coverage of speech therapy for children who stutter

(Jun 26, 2024)

“Today’s vote marks a significant step in removing barriers to speech therapy for families who might not seek treatment for their child because their insurance may not cover it,” Markosek said. “Starting speech therapy at a young age was a game-changer for me, and it helped me build confidence in not letting my stutter define me. By ensuring that speech therapy is covered by insurance, we are giving children who stutter the support they need and the opportunity to thrive.” Read more


Rep. Miller, lawmakers and organized labor celebrate ‘Union Apprenticeship Week’ at PA Capitol

(Jun 26, 2024)

Being accepted into a union apprenticeship program offers many benefits, such as job security, access to educational and training programs, and collective bargaining power. Read more


Frankel cheers committee approval of bills to support rural health care, regulate hospital mergers

(Jun 26, 2024)

HARRISBURG, June 26 – Majority House Health Committee Chair Dan Frankel hailed his panel’s approval Wednesday of bipartisan legislation aimed at reducing health care disparities in rural areas by providing grants for the payment of education debt of physicians, nurses and midwives. “When rural facilities cannot attract or retain health care professionals, they can’t keep their doors open, and patients have to travel increasing distances to get basic preventative or emergency care – that’s bad for outcomes, and it’s bad for this commonwealth,” said Frankel, who worked with Republican Health Chair Kathy Rapp to develop the bill ( H.B. 2382 ). “The foundation of our health care system is its workers, so that’s where any effort to support rural health institutions must begin.” The bill received unanimous approval by the committee. The panel also approved legislation introduced by Reps. Lisa Borowski and Paul Takac that would provide more oversight of mergers and other transactions that could threaten access to health services in the commonwealth. The bill ( H.B. 2344 ) would require health systems to file notice and documentation to the Office of the Attorney General before completing critical transactions and provide the Attorney General’s office with the tools needed to do their job of protecting the interests of health care consumers. “Health systems tend Read more


Reps. Pisciottano, Miller and organized labor celebrate ‘Union Organizing Week’ with major rally at PA Capitol

(Jun 25, 2024)

Labor leaders, members pack Capitol ahead of state budget Read more


Kinkead, Gaydos bill for landslide insurance clears committee

(Jun 25, 2024)

Legislation to help victims of landslides eligible for full vote in PA House Read more


Sanchez, Miller bill modernizing and securing parental rights passes the House

(Jun 24, 2024)

“H.B. 350 is a much needed, commonsense reform that will update our parentage laws by providing uniform clarity, while recognizing what thousands of PA families already know ­-- that families come in every size and shape imaginable, and our laws must provide security for them all,” said Miller. Read more


Powell, Pisciottano, Innamorato highlight green energy bill and its benefits

(Jun 20, 2024)

PITTSBURGH, June 20 – State Reps. Lindsay Powell and Nick Pisciottano, both D-Allegheny, joined Allegheny County Executive Sara Innamorato to support legislation aimed at growing green energy jobs across Pennsylvania at the City County Building today. House Bill 2315 , sponsored by Powell and Pisciottano, would establish the Promotion of Renewable Opportunities, Supporting People, Employment and Resilience – or PROSPER -- Act and incentivize the creation of sustainable energy jobs statewide, with a focus on regions grappling with high unemployment rates within the natural resources and mining sectors. Powell pointed out that PA is among the top producers of natural gas energy in the country, and the PROSPER Act would serve as a logical bridge to cleaner energy output. “Clean air and water are human rights, and communities throughout the Commonwealth should be able to thrive without having to worry about developing respiratory illnesses due to poor air quality or having their water contaminated,” she said. “The PROSPER Act is an investment in our future and the long-term health of our communities.” Recent research has found that fossil fuel extraction workers possess skillsets compatible with work in clean energy, and Pisciottano communicated the need to assist them. “The PROSPER Act is centered around supporting workers whose livelihood has depended on the fossil fuel industry,” he said. “We refuse Read more


Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment, Technology, and Additional Grant Opportunities

(Jun 20, 2024)

Newly listed grant opportunities Read more


Salisbury: More than $1.3 million awarded for affordable housing

(Jun 19, 2024)

BRADDOCK, June 19 – New grant funding of $1.35 million will ensure more residents in the 34 th Legislative District have access to affordable housing and the critical benefits that go along with it, state Rep. Abigail Salisbury announced today. Salisbury, D-Allegheny, said some of the grants from the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency will fund construction or renovation of affordable housing units, while other funding will expand dispute resolution services and first-time homebuyer tools for residents across the region. “A place to call home means a place to be safe,” Salisbury said. “It means a place to provide security and shelter for loved ones, to have access to a network of neighbors and a community where services are available. It means the ability to go out and find meaningful work and a stable environment to return to. Everyone deserves these basic resources that flow from having a place to live. This funding is a huge step in that direction.” Salisbury said the funding includes: $300,000 to Zakiyah House for affordable housing units, with priority given to those who face housing discrimination because of a criminal record or substance use disorder mental health issues. $300,000 to Allegheny County Dept. of Human Services for expanding landlord-tenant dispute resolution services and stabilizing housing for residents. $250,000 to the Wilkinsburg Land Bank for a project to transform 43 Read more


Reps. Powell’s and Labs’ bipartisan effort to expand protections for victims of violent crimes passes House
Jul 03, 2024

On National CROWN Day, Mayes urges state Senate to act on bill that would ban hair discrimination
Jul 03, 2024

Benham, pharmacists call on state Senate to pass PBM reform
Jul 03, 2024

Powell and other state Democratic legislators respond to SCOTUS ruling on homelessness
Jul 02, 2024

PA House passes Pisciottano bill to establish state antitrust law
Jul 02, 2024

Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities For Your District
Jul 02, 2024

House passes Kinkead bill to alleviate school meal debt
Jul 01, 2024

Abney’s bill to help keep seniors eligible for state prescription programs passes the House
Jul 01, 2024

PA House passes Benham’s Pharmacy Benefit Manager bill
Jun 28, 2024

Salisbury: $60,000 awarded to plan improved trails and bike paths in Swissvale and Wilkinsburg
Jun 27, 2024

Powell introduces bill to help make owning a home possible for more Pennsylvanians
Jun 26, 2024

PA House passes Markosek legislation to ensure insurance coverage of speech therapy for children who stutter
Jun 26, 2024

Rep. Miller, lawmakers and organized labor celebrate ‘Union Apprenticeship Week’ at PA Capitol
Jun 26, 2024

Frankel cheers committee approval of bills to support rural health care, regulate hospital mergers
Jun 26, 2024

Reps. Pisciottano, Miller and organized labor celebrate ‘Union Organizing Week’ with major rally at PA Capitol
Jun 25, 2024

Kinkead, Gaydos bill for landslide insurance clears committee
Jun 25, 2024

Sanchez, Miller bill modernizing and securing parental rights passes the House
Jun 24, 2024

Powell, Pisciottano, Innamorato highlight green energy bill and its benefits
Jun 20, 2024

Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment, Technology, and Additional Grant Opportunities
Jun 20, 2024

Salisbury: More than $1.3 million awarded for affordable housing
Jun 19, 2024