Featured News

Cephas announces grant for Overbrook Park enhancements

Cephas commends collaborative effort between District Attorney Larry Krasner, Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw to bring justice to shooting victims

(Mar 02, 2021)

State Rep. Morgan Cephas is applauding an investigation by the city of Philadelphia’s Gun Violence Task Force that led to several arrests in a series of retaliatory shootings that happened in 2018 and 2019 across West and Southwest Philadelphia. She released the following statement today: “Families are hurting, and neighborhoods are suffering due to the senseless gun violence taking place in our communities. I want to thank the Philadelphia District Attorney's Office, the Philadelphia Police Department, community leaders and members for working together in this effort. I look forward to continuing to collaborate to ensure that we get justice for our communities by connecting them to resources and eliminating barriers, so they have alternatives to the activities that drives this very gun violence. “As a member of the House Appropriations Committee, I am part of the state budget negotiations, and one of my top priorities is making sure ample investments are made in efforts to stop these senseless killings from happening in the future. Thankfully, Governor Tom Wolf shares my commitment to protect the commonwealth from further bloodshed. I'm dedicated to working with him and my colleagues to see to it that we strategize effective ways to secure state resources that help build on initiatives like the one announced by the district attorney's office, stop the shootings, and Read more


Cephas, Krajewski introduce legislation to help struggling families stay in their homes

(Feb 23, 2021)

Holding fast to their belief that housing is a human right, state Reps. Rick Krajewski and Morgan Cephas, both D-Phila., have introduced legislation to help struggling families stay in their homes. "With COVID-19 still very much a threat, people should be staying home unless they must go out. However, there are too many individuals who don't have a place to call home," said Cephas, D-Phila. "In many cases, it's at no fault of their own but because the virus has left them unemployed and unable to make rent or mortgage payments. This legislation is just one way we're fighting to keep a roof over our most vulnerable and help Pennsylvanians get through this pandemic safely." “Shelter is a necessity,” Krajewski said. “A person’s ability to keep a roof over their head, over their children’s heads, is tied directly to their ability to stay safe, to stay healthy. People who are struggling to make ends meet should not have to forfeit their home and with it their health and safety. And that’s why I’m introducing this legislation, so that homeowners have another option to stay in their homes, even in financially trying times.” The legislation, which they also introduced with state Rep. Jared Solomon, D-Phila., would allow a mortgage modification to be finalized in advance of the payment of municipal liens assessed on a property. Current state law requires lien satisfaction before a mortgage Read more


Cephas’ town hall connects with more than 1,500 residents concerned about COVID-19 vaccine distribution in 19131, 19139 and 19151 Zip codes

(Feb 17, 2021)

After hearing countless calls for help from the communities she serves regarding the COVID-19 vaccine and testing, state Rep. Morgan Cephas welcomed more than 1,500 residents to her telephone town hall Tuesday night to answer their questions and address their concerns about the issue. “Right now, our priority must be to make the COVID-19 vaccine and testing not only available but accessible to those who need it most, especially individuals in our Black and Brown neighborhoods,” said Cephas, D-Phila. “It’s no secret that our communities of color have been disproportionately impacted by the virus since the very beginning of this pandemic. I won’t just sit by idly and let my neighbors be overlooked when it comes to critical resources aimed at protecting them during this health crisis.” Cephas cited statistics released by the Black Doctors COVID-19 Consortium that shows neighborhoods in the Carrol Park, Haddington, Overbrook, Overbrook Park and Wynnefield sections of her legislative district have recorded some of the highest number of cases and deaths associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. “The numbers don’t lie. My sections of Philly are among the hardest hit by COVID,” explained Cephas. “Moving forward, I am committed to working with community groups like the Black Doctors COVID-19 Consortium to provide ample doses of the coronavirus vaccine along with testing opportunities to West Read more


Miss my Telephone Town Hall? Listen to the discussion here.

(Feb 17, 2021)

Find our what our friends and neighbors had to say about the issues that matter to you. Read more


Pa. Dems were right: It’s time for lawmakers to prioritize women’s, family health | Opinion

(Feb 16, 2021)

It is time to prioritize the health of Pennsylvania residents by passing proactive bills that will positively impact their lives and guarantee access to affordable birth control and information and medical care for all reproductive health options. Read more


Let’s work for – not against – women’s health in 2021-22

(Feb 11, 2021)

In the Women’s Health Caucus, we listen to women. We know that whether Republican, Democrat, Independent or other; whether wealthy, poor or middle class; whether residing in the city, the suburbs or rural Pennsylvania; whether young or old; there are real issues affecting women’s free choice, financial well-being and life itself. Read more


Cephas participates in joint policy hearing on maternal mortality

(Feb 11, 2021)

At the request of PA Women’s Health Caucus chairs Sen. Judy Schwank (D- Berks), Sen. Amanda Cappelletti (D- Delaware/Montgomery), Rep. Mary Jo Daley (D- Montgomery), and Rep. Morgan Cephas (D- Philadelphia), the Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Policy Committee joined the House Democratic Policy Committee held a virtual public hearing to discuss maternal health amidst COVID-19. “Since the beginning of this pandemic, I have been deeply concerned about both the physical and mental health of mothers and families experiencing childbirth and caring for babies in the shadow of COVID-19,” Schwank said. “We must ensure that mothers and babies are receiving the best care possible and are receiving the support and services they need to maintain a healthy life during and after this pandemic.” Cappelletti continued, “Women, particularly women of color, have been the most detrimentally impacted by this pandemic. Not only must they navigate health and safety for themselves, but they are often tasked as the primary caregivers and providers for their children and family. As we discuss all aspects of healthcare and the impact COVID-19 has had on women, we must ensure that women’s health and the health of their children are not left out of this conversation.” Dr. Richard Beigi, an OB-GYN practitioner and president of UPMC Magee-Women’s Hospital, spoke about the many concerns that pregnant women have had about getting the COVID-19 Read more


PA Women's Health Caucus chairs respond to Joint Policy Hearing on Maternal Health

(Feb 10, 2021)

"I look forward to working alongside my colleagues in the House and Senate to take what we discussed in today’s hearing and turn it into substantial reforms that improve maternal health outcomes across the commonwealth." Read more


Beware of scammers

(Feb 09, 2021)

The Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry (L&I) has become aware of multiple attempts by fraudsters to obtain individuals’ personal and confidential information through fake Facebook pages and is reminding Pennsylvanians to never provide their information to anyone over social media. Important tips L&I’s Facebook page has a blue check box next to the name that identifies it as a verified page. Comments by the legitimate L&I page also have a blue check box next to them indicating it as a verified page. If a comment or page does not have this check box, it is a fraudster posing as L&I. L&I does not post responses directly to claimants, send private messages, or ask for a private message to be sent. L&I also will not ask individuals to call or text a phone number. The only phone numbers for unemployment are: 1-888-313-7284 (for UC/PEUC/EB claimants). 1-855-284-8545 (for PUA claimants). L&I will not ask for individuals to send an email. The only email addresses for unemployment are: uchelp@pa.gov (for UC/PEUC/EB claimants). ucpua@pa.gov (for PUA claimants). Read more


Cephas joins fight to reopen Philly school buildings when it’s safe for teachers and students

(Feb 08, 2021)

State Rep. Morgan Cephas joined the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers, city council members and other local leaders today to continue her fight to put the safety of students and teachers first amid the COVID-19 pandemic. “Fears of mold, asbestos and lead living in our classrooms were fears we had as kids, and it’s the same fears we’re dealing with decades later,” said Cephas, D-Phila. “Adding a pandemic on top of these concerns has only exacerbated the issue. While I understand the urge to resume in-person learning, it’s wrong to ask teachers, families and students to go back inside these school buildings that have not been properly taken care of and put their health at risk.” As part of their Day of Action for Safe Schools, Cephas stopped at several school buildings, including Gompers Elementary which she attended as a child, where she stressed the need to secure funding to complete environmental remediation and make the necessary updates to rid Philadelphia schools of dangerous toxins before talks of reopening school buildings can resume. Cephas added that this is just another example of why she supports requiring 100% of state funds be distributed through the fair funding formula to ensure every child across the commonwealth receives the same opportunities to succeed, which Gov. Tom Wolf included in his 2021-22 state budget proposal . “It’s unacceptable that young people on our side of Read more


Cephas hosts Zooming with Seniors Virtual Town Hall

(Feb 05, 2021)

State Rep. Morgan Cephas hosted her Zooming with Seniors Virtual Town Hall to highlight the programs and resources available to older Pennsylvanians. She was joined by officials with Independence Blue Cross and the Philadelphia Corporation for Aging. Those who weren't able to participate can get the information discussed by watching the video above for a recap of the event. Read more


Cephas calls governor's budget proposal a major step toward creating a more equitable Pennsylvania for working families

(Feb 03, 2021)

State Rep. Morgan Cephas is applauding Gov. Tom Wolf's budget proposal for Pennsylvania, calling it a major step toward building a more equitable society for all working families especially communities of color amid the COVID-19 pandemic. "Since the beginning of this health crisis, we've seen firsthand how this deadly virus has adversely impacted children, women, local businesses and working families across the commonwealth. The governor's budget plan would help remove many of these unnecessary barriers by implementing substantial change using an equitable lens, starting with a massive tax break for the working class. "First-and-foremost, a quality education provides a strong foundation for a child's future and should never be based on zip code but be accessible to all students. By making historic investments in our public schools and funneling all of it through the fair funding formula, we help close the digital divide and ensure children on our side of City Avenue receive the same resources as everyone else, giving them the best chance to succeed whether they're learning at home or in the classroom. "Along those same lines, the fact this proposal devotes ample funding to workforce development programs aids in our ongoing efforts to connect our young people with the skills they need to get a job and provide for themselves in a global economy. However, it must be good paying Read more


Troubleshooting PUA claims: How to reopen/reactivate a PUA claim

(Jan 28, 2021)

How to reopen/reactivate a PUA claim : Log in to your dashboard Select “File for Weekly Benefits” Then select “File Your Weekly Certification to Continue Your Claim” You will see the message “You currently have a claim established however it is inactive.” Click on “here.” It will seem as if you are opening a new claim. The system knows you are only attempting to reopen the claim you already have established. Click Next. You will see the Welcome to Pennsylvania’s Pandemic Unemployment Portal Page. Click next. The next eight pages are pre-populated based on your initial claim information. You will click next after verifying the information is correct on each page. If it is not correct, you should make updates at this time. Note: This includes things such as your email, address, date of birth, education information and employment status. You will also be asked the COVID questions. PLEASE NOTE THAT FOR THE MAJOR DISASTER INFORMATION QUESTION YOU SHOULD SELECT COVID -19 NOT COVID 19 -2 If you reported that you are self-employed, the system will ask for you 2020 wages. This is an error. You should enter all 0s for those wages. You will also need to answer if you have worked since you last filed for weeks. If you have worked, you must click the “I have worked since my last Read more


Harris names deputy whips for 2021-22 legislative session

(Jan 26, 2021)

The PA House Democratic whip, state Rep. Jordan Harris, D-Phila., today announced that state Reps. Jessica Benham, D-Allegheny; Donna Bullock, D-Phila.; Danilo Burgos, D-Phila.; Morgan Cephas, D-Phila.; Patty Kim, D-Dauphin; Kyle Mullins, D-Lackawanna; Peter Schweyer, D-Lehigh; Melissa Shusterman, D-Chester/Montgomery; Pam Snyder, D-Greene/Fayette/Washington; and Jared Solomon, D-Phila., will serve as deputy whips for the 2021-22 legislative session. Read more


Cephas applauds nearly $8 million in federal stimulus funding going to help West Philly students during COVID-19 pandemic

(Jan 20, 2021)

State Rep. Morgan Cephas is applauding approximately $7.99 million in federal stimulus funds awarded to help strengthen services for students in several of her local schools impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Cephas said the financial resources will support food programs, technological improvements and other educational services. The funding will be distributed as follows: West Philadelphia Achievement Charter Elementary School: $2.21 million. Ad Prima Charter School: $2.14 million. Universal Bluford Charter School: $1.84 million. Harambee Institute of Science and Technology Charter School: $1.8 million. "Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic began, I've been working to bridge the digital divide to ensure students in the 192nd Legislative District have access to the same reliable internet and school resources their peers have in neighboring communities," said Cephas, D-Phila. "Every child deserves a quality education no matter where they live or where they're learning, and this federal stimulus funding helps move us closer to that reality." The federal relief is provided by the bipartisan Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act’s Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund passed by Congress in December. This round of funding included $2.2 billion in funding distributed to K-12 school Read more


Cephas announces critical House committee appointments to help in ongoing fight for more equitable Pennsylvania

(Jan 11, 2021)

Nearly a week after being sworn in for her third term, state Rep. Morgan Cephas today announced she has been appointed to several critical House committees to aid in her ongoing efforts to put the needs of her West Philadelphia communities first and to ensure a more equitable Pennsylvania in the 2021-22 legislative session. Cephas said she's been selected to serve on the: Appropriations Committee , which provides elected officials and Pennsylvanians with accurate, informed and timely reports and recommendations about the commonwealth's fiscal issues. Health Committee , which predominantly focuses on matters pertaining to health care, including affordable health care, mental health, addiction and issues pertaining to a public health crisis. Labor and Industry Committee , which addresses proposals that help shape business climate and laws governing Pennsylvania's workforce, including issues such as unemployment compensation, workers' compensation and raising the minimum wage. Insurance Committee , which traditionally takes up legislation related to insurance coverage including car insurance and health insurance. "From health care and jobs to ensuring state resources go to those who need them most, I am excited and honored to have been chosen to be on House committees that play a pivotal role in Read more


Take Survey to Help Design a New Schoolyard for Lamberton Elementary School

(Jan 08, 2021)

State Rep. Morgan Cephas has created a survey to help her Overbrook neighbors be part of the planning process of designing a new schoolyard for Lamberton Elementary School. Read more


Cephas appointed to the Pennsylvania Commission for Women by Governor Wolf

(Jan 07, 2021)

The same week she was sworn in for her third term, state Rep. Morgan Cephas today announced Gov. Tom Wolf has appointed her to the Pennsylvania Commission for Women. Cephas said the group is responsible for advising the governor on policies and legislation; economic and civic opportunities; mentorship programs; and resources that benefit women and girls. "I am honored and grateful to Governor Wolf for appointing me to this position, and I look forward to working with my fellow members to build upon their tireless efforts to protect, support and strengthen the rights and opportunities for women and girls in the commonwealth," said Cephas, D-Phila. In her former position as chairwoman of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus' Subcommittee on Women and Girls of Color and current vice chairwoman of the Democratic Women's Health Caucus, Cephas has introduced a plethora of bills since taking office aimed at ensuring the needs of women are prioritized, including proposals to: Restore dignity to incarcerated women by providing them access to free feminine hygiene and incontinence products; updating restraint laws to protect pregnant women and their children; and creating an environment that supports rehabilitation and re-entry. Lower the maternal mortality rate by extending Medicaid coverage for medical assistance up to 1-year related postpartum, and to cover doula services; creating a Doula Advisory Board; requiring training to address Read more


Cephas takes oath for third term, vows to continue fighting to keep residents safe while rebuilding local communities and economy amid COVID-19

(Jan 05, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Jan. 5 – State Rep. Morgan Cephas took the oath of office at the state Capitol today to begin her third term representing the 192 nd District in West Philadelphia in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. "I am blessed to have the opportunity to keep serving my neighbors and make sure they have a voice in Harrisburg," said Cephas, D-Phila. "At the top of our priority list this term must be to continue our fight to ensure the safety of Pennsylvanians during COVID-19. A big part of that is passing legislation to prevent them from becoming homeless. It also means connecting our local business owners, unemployed individuals, frontline workers and most vulnerable populations with the relief and resources they need to survive this health crisis." As a member of the House Democratic Housing Working Group, Cephas joined her colleagues in introducing a number of bills last session to help protect homeowners, renters and small "mom-and-pop" landlords. Cephas said she will also continue pushing to enact real police and criminal justice reforms, including proposals to restore dignity to incarcerated women and require local police districts to create behavioral response units, as well as put hardworking families first by working to: Raise the minimum wage. Create good-paying jobs. Make health care affordable for everyone. Ensure all students have access to a quality Read more


Cephas announces $2.25M RACP project grants for West Philadelphia

(Dec 29, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Dec. 29 – State Rep. Morgan Cephas, D-Phila., today announced three Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program grants totaling $2.25 million for projects in the 192 nd Legislative District. The projects include expanding wellness and recreational services, classroom accessibility and safety, and constructing affordable housing for seniors. Here is a breakdown of the funding for each project, with a brief description of how the funding will help: $1 million will go toward expanding various community-centric health and recreation services at the Overbrook Pharmacy Wellness Center. The project includes demolishing the existing crumbing structure to construct a center. The center's plans include required spaces for exam rooms, staff offices, and other requirements such as providing a separate entrance to the wellness center and responding to patient privacy issues. In addition, a public venue area will be added that could be offered for educational sessions, event rental, or a vertical interior agriculture center. $750,000 will go toward bolstering safety and accessibility, especially shelter-in-place areas for pupils living with disabilities at Overbrook School for the Blind. The project includes making the main entry safe and accessible for an increasingly non-ambulatory student population, sufficient to suppress an active-shooter scenario and the installation of an elevator for multiple Read more


Cephas commends collaborative effort between District Attorney Larry Krasner, Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw to bring justice to shooting victims
Mar 02, 2021

Cephas, Krajewski introduce legislation to help struggling families stay in their homes
Feb 23, 2021

Cephas’ town hall connects with more than 1,500 residents concerned about COVID-19 vaccine distribution in 19131, 19139 and 19151 Zip codes
Feb 17, 2021

Miss my Telephone Town Hall? Listen to the discussion here.
Feb 17, 2021

Pa. Dems were right: It’s time for lawmakers to prioritize women’s, family health | Opinion
Feb 16, 2021

Let’s work for – not against – women’s health in 2021-22
Feb 11, 2021

Cephas participates in joint policy hearing on maternal mortality
Feb 11, 2021

PA Women's Health Caucus chairs respond to Joint Policy Hearing on Maternal Health
Feb 10, 2021

Beware of scammers
Feb 09, 2021

Cephas joins fight to reopen Philly school buildings when it’s safe for teachers and students
Feb 08, 2021

Cephas hosts Zooming with Seniors Virtual Town Hall
Feb 05, 2021

Cephas calls governor's budget proposal a major step toward creating a more equitable Pennsylvania for working families
Feb 03, 2021

Troubleshooting PUA claims: How to reopen/reactivate a PUA claim
Jan 28, 2021

Harris names deputy whips for 2021-22 legislative session
Jan 26, 2021

Cephas applauds nearly $8 million in federal stimulus funding going to help West Philly students during COVID-19 pandemic
Jan 20, 2021

Cephas announces critical House committee appointments to help in ongoing fight for more equitable Pennsylvania
Jan 11, 2021

Take Survey to Help Design a New Schoolyard for Lamberton Elementary School
Jan 08, 2021

Cephas appointed to the Pennsylvania Commission for Women by Governor Wolf
Jan 07, 2021

Cephas takes oath for third term, vows to continue fighting to keep residents safe while rebuilding local communities and economy amid COVID-19
Jan 05, 2021

Cephas announces $2.25M RACP project grants for West Philadelphia
Dec 29, 2020