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2020 PA Farm Show

Rep. Tim Briggs attends the 2020 PA Farm Show.

Justice Reinvestment Initiative 2 bill signing

As the Democratic Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, I joined Governor Tom Wolf as he signed justice reinvestment legislation. These new laws are aimed at lowering costs for Pennsylvanians, reducing crime and recidivism rates and making our streets safer. This bipartisan effort illustrates our understanding that punishment without rehabilitation doesn’t work and communities are better off when we invest in people.

Zero Waste PA

House lawmakers joined PennEnvironment to announce a package of bills aimed at addressing single-use plastics, pervasive issues of litter and the various environmental harms caused by a "throwaway" society.

2015 There Ought to be a Law contest

Each year, State Rep. Tim Briggs encourages area fifth-grade students to write an essay about a law that would improve their school, community or state. Over 400 essays were submitted this year, on topics ranging from a ban on non-biodegradable plastic bags to the establishment of learning gardens in state schools.