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March 22, 2023 - Charter Reimbursement

Testifiers at a House Majority Policy Committee hearing, hosted by Rep. Joe Ciresi, explained why it’s necessary to reform Pennsylvania’s charter school reimbursement model in order to create a fairer education funding system for everyone.

May 4, 2022 - Pennsylvania’s School Audit Bureau

After more than 30 years of operation in the office of the Pennsylvania Auditor General, the School Audit Bureau is closed. Rep. Joe Ciresi hosted a House Democratic Policy Committee Hearing as lawmakers seek to understand why this decision was made and who will now ensure all schools in PA uphold their fiduciary responsibility to students and taxpayers.

Ciresi makes commute to illustrate issues

Rep. Joe Ciresi traveled from his home in Montgomery County to Philadelphia on Thursday, Feb. 6, 2020 to illustrate the tremendous amount of time and effort commuters experience every day heading to work. Ciresi and his staff are laying the groundwork for a Congestion Relief Options Study while a funding source is identified.

2020 PA Farm Show

Rep. Joe Ciresi attends the 2020 PA Farm Show.

Western Montgomery Career and Technology Center

I helped secure a $40,000 grant for WMCTC that will help create a job training program for single mothers and transport high school students to co-op jobs for hands-on learning and on the job training.