Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibility Ciresi to host PTRR events in Pottstown in July and August: Events will help residents apply for state and PSD property tax and rent rebate programs

Ciresi to host PTRR events in Pottstown in July and August: Events will help residents apply for state and PSD property tax and rent rebate programs

HARRISBURG, July 17 – State Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, will host multiple events in July and August for residents to apply for the state’s and Pottstown School District’s property tax and rent rebate programs.

The state’s Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program provides rebates of up to $1,000 on rent or property taxes paid by eligible applicants. Residents who are 65 or older, widows or widowers 50 or older, and residents with disabilities 18 and older with a household income of $45,000 or less (counting only half of Social Security) are eligible to apply. Ciresi noted that income limits are now higher for the program, so residents may be eligible this year even if they weren’t in previous years.

Ciresi’s events will also highlight the new Pottstown School District’s rebate program that is available to all qualifying Pottstown Borough residents who receive the state Property Tax/Rent Rebate. Residents can apply for this local rebate program after receiving their rebate from the state.

“For people on fixed incomes like our seniors, property taxes or rent payments can be a hardship,” Ciresi said. “That’s why I am very glad to support the state’s important rebate program and help raise awareness of the Pottstown School District’s new rebate program among residents. With our upcoming PTRR events, our goal is to help people understand if they qualify for the state and PSD rebates and how to fill out the applications so they can get the rebates due them.”

Ciresi’s office will be available to assist residents in completing the application for either the state or school district rebate at one of these Pottstown events. Appointments are required and can be made by contacting (484) 200-8265:

Wednesday, July 24

10 a.m. - noon

TriCounty Active Adult Center

288 Moser Road, Pottstown

Monday, July 29

10 a.m. - noon

Pottstown Borough Hall

100 E. High St., Pottstown

Monday, Aug. 5

10 a.m. - noon

TriCounty Active Adult Center

288 Moser Road, Pottstown

Thursday, Aug. 15

11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Pottstown Regional Public Library

500 E. High St., Pottstown

Tuesday, Aug. 20

11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Pottstown Borough Hall

100 E. High St., Pottstown

Residents will need to bring the following documents to their appointment to complete the application:

For state rebates:


Proof of all income for 2023 (1099s, W-2s, and proof of other income).

Stamped proof of paid 2023 property taxes (for homeowners) or a completed PA Rent Certificate (renters – contact Ciresi’s office to receive a blank form for the landlord to complete).

For Pottstown School District rebates:

Copy of 2023 PA-1000 (state Property Tax/Rent Rebate application – if you applied through Ciresi’s office, this should be on file).

Proof of receiving the state rebate (as a copy of the check or a statement of direct deposit).

Ciresi’s office can also assist with these applications during regular office hours at:

Royersford District Office – 301 N. Lewis Road, Suite 140C, Royersford, PA 19468 – Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Pottstown TRAAC Satellite Office – TriCounty Active Adult Center, 288 Moser Road, Pottstown, PA 19464 – Mondays and Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Pottstown MCCC Satellite Office – Montgomery County Community College North Hall, Room 119, 16 E. High St., Pottstown, PA 19464 – Tuesdays and Thursdays, Noon – 3 p.m.

In addition to Pottstown School District, the Spring-Ford Area, Owen J. Roberts, and Perkiomen Valley school districts have local rebate programs this year.

More information on the Pottstown School District Property Tax and Rent Rebate program is available here.