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Photos from Harrisburg and around the district

Rep. Bob Freeman joins his colleagues and members of the Pennsylvania Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers at a state Capitol press conference to discuss helping counties, helping people, and helping Pennsylvania with better budgets.

Rep. Bob Freeman joins his colleagues and members of the Pennsylvania Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers at a state Capitol press conference to discuss helping counties, helping people, and helping Pennsylvania with better budgets.

Rep. Bob Freeman speaks during House voting session.

Rep. Bob Freeman speaks during House voting session.

During a Capitol news conference, Rep. Robert Freeman discusses his legislation that would improve the state's historic preservation tax credit program. (5/15/19)

During a Capitol news conference, Rep. Robert Freeman discusses his legislation that would improve the state's historic preservation tax credit program. (5/15/19)

During a Capitol news conference, Rep. Robert Freeman discusses his legislation that would improve the state's historic preservation tax credit program. (5/15/19)

During a Capitol news conference, Rep. Robert Freeman discusses his legislation that would improve the state's historic preservation tax credit program. (5/15/19)

State Rep. Bob Freeman with Easton Main Street Manager Kim Kmetz in the chamber of the state House of Representatives on a recent visit to Harrisburg. (4/8/19)

State Rep. Bob Freeman with Easton Main Street Manager Kim Kmetz in the chamber of the state House of Representatives on a recent visit to Harrisburg. (4/8/19)

Rep. Freeman attended a policy hearing in the Lehigh Valley to discuss protecting the right to vote in Pennsylvania. (2/26/19)

Rep. Freeman attended a policy hearing in the Lehigh Valley to discuss protecting the right to vote in Pennsylvania. (2/26/19)

Rep. Bob Freeman listens to Gov. Tom Wolf present his 2019-20 budget address at the state Capitol. (2/5/19)

Rep. Bob Freeman listens to Gov. Tom Wolf present his 2019-20 budget address at the state Capitol. (2/5/19)

Rep. Bob Freeman speaks at a press conference calling for Election Day nationwide, and statewide, to be changed to the weekend after the first Friday in November in order to increase voting accessibility, engagement and turnout.

Rep. Bob Freeman speaks at a press conference calling for Election Day nationwide, and statewide, to be changed to the weekend after the first Friday in November in order to increase voting accessibility, engagement and turnout.

Rep. Bob Freeman welcomes to the state Capitol 4th grade students from Wilson Borough Elementary School.

Rep. Bob Freeman welcomes to the state Capitol 4th grade students from Wilson Borough Elementary School.

Rep. Bob Freeman welcomes guests to the state Capitol as he offered a House Resolution recognizing the month of May 2018 as 'Bladder Cancer Awareness Month' in Pennsylvania.

Rep. Bob Freeman welcomes guests to the state Capitol as he offered a House Resolution recognizing the month of May 2018 as "Bladder Cancer Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Rep. Bob Freeman welcomes Mark and Maria Vrabel to Harrisburg.

Rep. Bob Freeman welcomes Mark and Maria Vrabel to Harrisburg.

Representative Freeman and Olivia Sowa, a junior at Lehigh University majoring in Political Science. Olivia is interning in his Easton district office for the 2017 fall semester.

Representative Freeman and Olivia Sowa, a junior at Lehigh University majoring in Political Science. Olivia is interning in his Easton district office for the 2017 fall semester.

Representative Bob Freeman welcomes Michael Kramer, Amey Senape and their daughter,Chiara Kramer.

Representative Bob Freeman welcomes Michael Kramer, Amey Senape and their daughter,Chiara Kramer.

Representative Freeman and his Intern enjoy a day at the Pennsylvania State Capitol.

Representative Freeman and his Intern enjoy a day at the Pennsylvania State Capitol.

Representative Freeman spoke at a Capitol news conference in support of Keep PA Growing Greener.

Representative Freeman spoke at a Capitol news conference in support of Keep PA Growing Greener.

Rep. Bob Freeman agrees with Gov. Tom Wolf’s smart and responsible 2017-18 budget proposal, which includes investments in education and fighting the opioid crisis.

Rep. Bob Freeman agrees with Gov. Tom Wolf’s smart and responsible 2017-18 budget proposal, which includes investments in education and fighting the opioid crisis.

Rep. Bob Freeman is joined by a group of survivors and supporters of his House Resolution, HR 241, recognizing Bladder Cancer Awareness Month.

Rep. Bob Freeman is joined by a group of survivors and supporters of his House Resolution, HR 241, recognizing Bladder Cancer Awareness Month.

Rep. Freeman takes part in the swearing-in day ceremonies to kick off the 2017-18 legislative session.

Rep. Freeman takes part in the swearing-in day ceremonies to kick off the 2017-18 legislative session.

Representative Freeman and Alison Bergin on the House Floor. She is an intern in his district office.

Representative Freeman and Alison Bergin on the House Floor. She is an intern in his district office.

At a Capitol news conference, Rep. Freeman discusses his proposal to end the budget impasse.

At a Capitol news conference, Rep. Freeman discusses his proposal to end the budget impasse.

Rep. Robert Freeman reads to children at Northampton Community College's Reibman Hall Children's Center as part of Week of the Young Child. He read 'Number One Sam' by Greg Pizzoli. The Week of the Young Child is an annual celebration sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children to focus on the needs of young children and their families and recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs.

Rep. Robert Freeman reads to children at Northampton Community College's Reibman Hall Children's Center as part of Week of the Young Child. He read "Number One Sam" by Greg Pizzoli. The Week of the Young Child is an annual celebration sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children to focus on the needs of young children and their families and recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs.

Rep. Freeman listens to Gov. Wolf present his 2015-16 state budget proposal.

Rep. Freeman listens to Gov. Wolf present his 2015-16 state budget proposal.

Rep. Freeman listens to Gov. Wolf present his 2015-16 state budget proposal.

Rep. Freeman listens to Gov. Wolf present his 2015-16 state budget proposal.

Rep. Freeman attends the bill-signing ceremony of S.B. 66, now Act 2 of 2013. The law, which Freeman helped to shepherd through the House, reforms the State Tax Equalization Board and puts the independent board under the Department of Community and Economic Development's purview. STEB is responsible for making sure the market values within municipalities are correct for the 89 school districts that require multi-county tax equalization. The law addresses the need for proper oversight of the board to prevent school districts from receiving the wrong data, which had occurred in the past. Pictured with Freeman are Sen. John Gordner, Gov. Tom Corbett and advocates of the legislation.

Rep. Freeman attends the bill-signing ceremony of S.B. 66, now Act 2 of 2013. The law, which Freeman helped to shepherd through the House, reforms the State Tax Equalization Board and puts the independent board under the Department of Community and Economic Development's purview. STEB is responsible for making sure the market values within municipalities are correct for the 89 school districts that require multi-county tax equalization. The law addresses the need for proper oversight of the board to prevent school districts from receiving the wrong data, which had occurred in the past. Pictured with Freeman are Sen. John Gordner, Gov. Tom Corbett and advocates of the legislation.

Rep. Bob Freeman speaks against Gov. Tom Corbett’s proposed elimination of the Weed and Seed program in the budget. The program is a law enforcement/community revitalization effort targeting medium-sized communities whose inner cities are plagued by crime, violence and social deterioration.

Rep. Bob Freeman speaks against Gov. Tom Corbett’s proposed elimination of the Weed and Seed program in the budget. The program is a law enforcement/community revitalization effort targeting medium-sized communities whose inner cities are plagued by crime, violence and social deterioration.

Rep. Freeman speaks at a Capitol news conference in support of a bill that would impose a severance tax on Marcellus Shale natural gas production in order to fund environmental programs and assist local governments with costs related to the industry.

Rep. Freeman speaks at a Capitol news conference in support of a bill that would impose a severance tax on Marcellus Shale natural gas production in order to fund environmental programs and assist local governments with costs related to the industry.

Rep. Freeman speaks out against House rule changes proposed by Republican leadership that would stifle healthy debate in legislature.

Rep. Freeman speaks out against House rule changes proposed by Republican leadership that would stifle healthy debate in legislature.

Rer. Freeman takes the oath of office at a ceremony at the state Capitol in Harrisburg on Jan. 4, 2011.

Rer. Freeman takes the oath of office at a ceremony at the state Capitol in Harrisburg on Jan. 4, 2011.

Rep. Freeman stands with House Democratic colleagues as they urge House leadership to return to Harrisburg to vote legislation. Remaining House votiong days had been cancelled for 2010. Leaders rescinded the decision and returned on Monday, Nov. 15.

Rep. Freeman stands with House Democratic colleagues as they urge House leadership to return to Harrisburg to vote legislation. Remaining House votiong days had been cancelled for 2010. Leaders rescinded the decision and returned on Monday, Nov. 15.

Rep. Freeman is pictured (center) after receiving the American Institute of Architects, Pennsylvania chapter, 2010 Government Award at a ceremony in the state Capitol recently. Also pictured with Freeman are Paula Maynes, AIA, Chairwoman, AIA Pennsylvania Government Affairs Committee and A. Stevens Krug, AIA, President of the AIA Pennsylvania Board of Directors.

Rep. Freeman is pictured (center) after receiving the American Institute of Architects, Pennsylvania chapter, 2010 Government Award at a ceremony in the state Capitol recently. Also pictured with Freeman are Paula Maynes, AIA, Chairwoman, AIA Pennsylvania Government Affairs Committee and A. Stevens Krug, AIA, President of the AIA Pennsylvania Board of Directors.

Rep. Freeman receives the Public Official Smart Growth Visionary Award as a part of the 2009 Commonwealth Awards Program sponsored by 10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania. Pictured are Caroline Boyce, executive director of the American Institute of Architects PA; Judy Schwank, president of 10,000 Friends; Freeman; and Eric Menzer, 10,000 Friends board chairman and vice president of Wagman Construction.

Rep. Freeman receives the Public Official Smart Growth Visionary Award as a part of the 2009 Commonwealth Awards Program sponsored by 10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania. Pictured are Caroline Boyce, executive director of the American Institute of Architects PA; Judy Schwank, president of 10,000 Friends; Freeman; and Eric Menzer, 10,000 Friends board chairman and vice president of Wagman Construction.

Rep. Freeman (second from right) accepts the 2008 Pennsylvania Municipal Authorities Association Legislative Award. He is pictured with (left to right) Aurel Arndt, Lehigh County Authority; Douglas Bowen, Whitehall Township Authority; and Glenn Higbie, Hellertown Borough Authority.

Rep. Freeman (second from right) accepts the 2008 Pennsylvania Municipal Authorities Association Legislative Award. He is pictured with (left to right) Aurel Arndt, Lehigh County Authority; Douglas Bowen, Whitehall Township Authority; and Glenn Higbie, Hellertown Borough Authority.

At a Capitol press conference, Rep. Freeman discusses the importance of his legislation to provide relief to municipalities with high percentages of tax-exempt properties. The press conference for H.B. 2018 was sponsored by the Pennsylvania League of Cities and Municipalities. It was attended by many of its members as well as members of the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Commissioners, the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors and the Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs, as well as local elected officials and House members. They joined to urge passage of the bill in the General Assembly.

At a Capitol press conference, Rep. Freeman discusses the importance of his legislation to provide relief to municipalities with high percentages of tax-exempt properties. The press conference for H.B. 2018 was sponsored by the Pennsylvania League of Cities and Municipalities. It was attended by many of its members as well as members of the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Commissioners, the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors and the Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs, as well as local elected officials and House members. They joined to urge passage of the bill in the General Assembly.

Rep. Freeman speaking at a press conference regarding the 100-foot buffer initiative. He attended with colleagues from the General Assembly as well as representatives of numerous environmental groups to call on the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection to require 100-foot buffers for all rivers and streams in the Commonwealth.

Rep. Freeman speaking at a press conference regarding the 100-foot buffer initiative. He attended with colleagues from the General Assembly as well as representatives of numerous environmental groups to call on the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection to require 100-foot buffers for all rivers and streams in the Commonwealth.

Rep. Freeman welcomes students from Cheston Elementary to the Capitol on May 8, 2008.

Rep. Freeman welcomes students from Cheston Elementary to the Capitol on May 8, 2008.

Students from Wilson Borough Elementary visit the Capitol on May 13, 2008.

Students from Wilson Borough Elementary visit the Capitol on May 13, 2008.