Malagari, Hanbidge announce $114K grant award for North Montco Technical Career Center
Rep. Liz Hanbidge August 7, 2020 | 2:39 PM
LANSDALE, Aug. 7 — State Reps. Steve Malagari and Liz Hanbidge today announced that the North Montco Technical Career Center received a $114,471 grant to help them prepare for the upcoming academic year.
The money will help the TCC develop health and safety plans to resume operations in the fall. Such work could include purchasing protective equipment, hand sanitizer/cleaning products; equipment or technology to take classrooms online; installation of barriers or other protective devices in building structures; or to purchase health applications that help with contact-tracing operations and health monitoring.
“I’m pleased to see this funding awarded to our local TCC, especially because the programs that they offer require a unique hands-on approach to learning,” Malagari said. “Providing these students, faculty and staff with adequate PPE and other safety necessities will ensure that they can continue their studies this fall and go on to work some of the most in-demand jobs in our commonwealth.”
“North Montco TCC trains students to work in careers that make up the backbone of our economy. Ensuring that they're able to do so safely is a valuable investment in their future and the future of our community,” Hanbidge said.
The grant was funded through the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief program, which is funded by the federal CARES Act. Governor Tom Wolf announced that $10.5 million in GEER funding will benefit technical career centers throughout the commonwealth. Those interested can click here for a full list of grant recipients.