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Pa. could pass a ‘lemon law’ for homes to protect residents from shoddy construction

Hohenstein: Protecting Immigrant Victims of Crimes

(Jun 28, 2023)

Pa. state Rep. Joe Hohenstein applauds the passage of his U visa bill out of the House Judiciary Committee. His bill would provide immigrant victims of serious crimes with protection, safety, and a pathway to citizenship. He is working to give courts, law enforcement, and other justice agencies the clarity and guidance they need to help these victims recover from their trauma and thrive as survivors Read more


Pa. Coalition Against Rape Letter of Support for HB1371: Providing Clarity and Consistency for U Visa Applicants

(Jun 28, 2023)

Dear members of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives:The Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape (PCAR) works to eliminate all forms of sexual violence and advocates for the rights of sexual assault victims. We partner with and represent the network of rape crisis centers that provide services to victims of sexual abuse, assault, and harassment in all 67 counties of the Commonwealth. Read more


Infrastructure, Housing, and Safety Funding Opportunities

(Jun 27, 2023)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Support Families of Child Abuse Victims Who May Apply: Non-profits that specialize in providing service for child abuse victims in Pennsylvania. Use: Implementation of a research or evidence-based trauma training to support non-offending caregivers of child abuse victims. Funds: $250,000 in federal Children’s Justice Act funds. Application Deadline: July 6, 2023 More information: PCCD Website Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: PA START/STOP Project Who May Apply: Any private non-profit agency, any private for-profit agency, public agency, or unit of local government. Use: The PA START/STOP campaigns aim to increase awareness of the dangers of Opioid abuse, as well as to provide resources to assist parents and caregivers in promoting healthy behaviors among youth to prevent substance use in the first place. Funds: $900,000 in federal State Opioid Response funds. Application Deadline: July 10, 2023 More information: PCCD Website Pennsylvania Department of Transportation: Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Who May Apply: Local, county, and tribal governments, transit agencies, schools, school districts, nonprofits, and small Metropolitan Planning Organizations. Use: Transportation alternatives, including on- and Read more


Philadelphia Democrat proposes more local options for mass-transit funding

(Jun 20, 2023)

Rep. Joe Hohenstein, D-Philadelphia, on Tuesday hosted a news conference on the Capitol steps to announce a new bill that would allow local communities to raise funds for their own transportation systems. Read more


Hohenstein Fights for Public Transit Growth

(Jun 20, 2023)

Joined by colleagues from the House and Senate and mass transit advocates, Pa. state Rep. Joe Hohenstein talks about his plan to help local governments generate necessary revenue to grow and modernize public transportation systems. Read more


Hohenstein introduces local funding options for transportation

(Jun 20, 2023)

HARRISBURG, June 20 – State Rep. Joe Hohenstein, D-Phila., today hosted a news conference on the Capitol steps to introduce his legislation that would provide local funding options for transportation . “As we have seen this past week, when a transportation crisis occurs, we lean on our public transit system,” Hohenstein said. “SEPTA has stepped up with increased services while I-95 is being repaired. Now we need to step up and give it funding flexibility and give Philadelphia and its surrounding counties the ability to fully support one of the largest people-moving transit systems in the country. Local funding options are essential to the survival of public transit, and public transit is essential for our economic growth.” "I am proud to stand with my colleagues to support increased funding for public transit,” said state Rep. Ben Waxman, D-Phila. “Public transportation is a critical component to our economy as well as protecting our environment. The PA House Democratic Caucus is committed to fighting to make sure our transit systems have all the resources they need." “As SEPTA works to respond to the I-95 collapse with added service, equipment and staff to meet the needs of our city and its residents, I am asking council this week to approve a resolution supporting SEPTA and urging state lawmakers to increase their investment in public transportation and enable local Read more


Hohenstein Continues Fight for Work Zone Safety

(Jun 12, 2023)

With multiple traffic safety programs nearing expiration, Pa. state Rep. Joe Hohenstein is working to make sure these life saving measures not only survive, but continue to grow and protect more Pennsylvanians. Read more


Hohenstein Votes for Environmental Justice

(Jun 06, 2023)

Pa. state Rep. Joe Hohenstein speaks in support of a House bill that promises to bring environmental justice to burdened communities. Hohenstein says that legislation like this not only helps to improve the health of communities, it can also spur economic growth. Read more


Hohenstein: We Must Work Together to Weed out Hate

(May 24, 2023)

Pa. state Rep. Joe Hohenstein urges his colleagues to be the allies necessary to weed out racism and hate in our society. Hohenstein reminds us that no matter how we how far we think we've come, there is still a need to call out hate when we see it. Read more


Hohenstein, Burgos, PFBC to celebrate National Safe Boating Week in Phila.

(May 15, 2023)

PHILADELPHIA, May 15 – State Reps. Joe Hohenstein and Danilo Burgos, both D-Phila., today announced their plan to celebrate National Safe Boating Week. The event will take place at 2:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 18 at the Frankford Boat Launch located at 5501 Tacony St. in Philadelphia along the Delaware River . During the event, conducted in partnership with the National Safe Boating Council and other boating safety advocates across the country, they will promote safe boating practices ahead of the busy Memorial Day weekend and the Riverfront North Partnership Fish Fest on May 20 , including: Always wear a life jacket. Take a boating safety course. Never boat under the influence. Have proper registrations or launch permits . Tell someone where you’re going and when you plan to return. The RNP Fish Fest will take place from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, May 20 at the same location. This event features free fishing with equipment and instruction provided. Hohenstein, Burgos and the PA Fish and Boat Commission ask that everyone participating follow best fishing practices and boat safely . The event is a celebration of the Commonwealth’s vast boating opportunities, as well as a reminder that safety should be a priority before and during every boating adventure. Boaters are reminded that Waterways Conservation Officers will be on patrol throughout the holiday weekend to Read more


Hohenstein celebrates Pa. House passage of The Fairness Act

(May 03, 2023)

HARRISBURG, May 3 – State Rep. Joe Hohenstein, D-Phila., celebrated House passage of The Fairness Act in the Pa. House of Representatives. “ As the proud father of an LGBTQ+ individual, it was an honor to vote for The Fairness Act,” Hohenstein said. “But more importantly, it was the right thing to do. Everyone deserves access to affordable housing, a career, an education, and to be treated with respect and decency without discrimination. By passing this, we have let everyone know that Pennsylvania is a safe space to call home.” The Pennsylvania Human Relations Act prohibits discrimination based on race, religion, disability, age and other aspects of an individual’s identity. The Fairness Act would extend these protections to LGBTQ+ individuals and prevent anyone from discriminating against others based on their gender or sexual identity. The landmark 2020 decision on Bostock v. Clayton County by the United States Supreme Court ruled that an employer cannot discriminate against an individual because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. This bill would ensure that this historic victory is codified and extend to Pennsylvanians. If signed into law, Pennsylvania would join 23 other states in the nation that welcome and protect LGBTQ+ people. For more information, those interested can contact Hohenstein’s office at (215) 744-2600. ### Read more


Hohenstein Hosts Labor Fair

(May 02, 2023)

Pa. state Rep. Joe Hohenstein invites Phila. Councilwoman Katherine Gilmore Richardson to join him as he hosts a Labor Fair at Kensington Health Sciences Academy. He invited building trade organizations, technical and trade schools, and unions from across the region to speak with students about how to get into a great career. Read more


Critical Support Needed for Afghan Allies Resettled and Living in Your District and Pennsylvania

(May 02, 2023)

Dear Senators Casey and Fetterman and Members of Pennsylvania's Congressional Delegation: The undersigned Pennsylvania state legislators who are supporting our Afghan allies in Pennsylvania write to urge you use your congressional oversight authority to ensure that the Department of Homeland Security and U.S. citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) act expeditiously to provide stable legal status and fair and efficient adjudication to vulnerable Afghans in our region. Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation applauds win on gun safety

(Apr 26, 2023)

HARRISBURG, APRIL 26 – The Philadelphia House Delegation today announced that an important set of firearm safety bills was approved by the PA House Judiciary Committee today and is on its way to consideration by the full House. The package of legislation, which cleared its first key committee, is aimed at securing prompt reporting of theft or loss of firearms, keeping guns secure around children, regulating background checks, and repealing provisions relating to the sale or transfer of firearms, among other regulations. Philadelphia House Delegation Chair Morgan Cephas explained that this is a remarkable day for the delegation as another hurdle in efforts to deflate gun violence has been cleared. “This victory is long overdue. We are finally moving gun violence bills out of the Judiciary Committee. We have relentlessly fought for these bills”, Cephas said. “In a republican majority there was no chance for any kind of gun reform, but the time has come, and we couldn’t be more optimistic about this process. State Rep. Darisha Parker indicated that the bill on Safe Storage (H.B. 731) would help to save lives. Parker proposed consolidating statutes for firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for locking device for firearms. "There is no reason that anyone should lose a loved one because of a mishandled firearm," Parker said. "My legislation would Read more


Hohenstein announces news conference, joins voices condemning Philadelphia LNG Natural Gas Export Task Force

(Apr 19, 2023)

HARRISBURG, April 19 – State Rep. Joe Hohenstein, D-Phila., today announced his plans to host a news conference at the Courtyard Philadelphia South at The Navy Yard, Wisconsin Room, 1001 Intrepid Ave., Philadelphia, PA, 19112 at 9:30 a.m. Thursday, April 20. This news conference is to shed light on the recent shutout of public comment and organizations focused on community and public safety for the Philadelphia LNG Natural Gas Export Task Force meeting at 10 a.m. that day. “The people’s business should be conducted out in the open, with transparency and honest debate. The chair of the Task Force went back on her word to provide space for people from the community to testify and to run the task force openly. Those voices will not be silenced and we will not stand for public debate being managed in the shadows,” Hohenstein said. “We are at our best when we acknowledge our differing opinions and debate them in an open forum. Representative White said she was going to do that and then silenced four witnesses from community and environmental perspectives. We deserve a government that listens to the people. This task force will not provide any useful recommendations as it is currently configured and operated.” The four individuals who were shut out of the Task Force meeting were Zulene Mayfield, chairperson of Chester Residents Concerned for Quality Living (CRCQL) ; Fred Millar, a national policy analyst Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation applauds appointment of JoAnne Epps as acting president of Temple University

(Apr 12, 2023)

PHILADELPHIA, April 12 – The Philadelphia House Delegation today announced that the organization praises the election of JoAnne Epps as acting president of Temple University and that it remains closely monitoring the transformative efforts of the Special Committee of the Board. “We are pleased with the appointment of Epps as acting president. The board of trustees made this election by unanimous vote, and it is certainly a clever decision,” said the delegation’s chair, state Rep. Morgan Cephas. “Epps has a proven track record of excellency, unparalleled leadership and expertise. We are looking forward to our collaboration. “We are celebrating this appointment, and we are taking action in favor of the university. Our goal is to help protect the stability of the institution.” On the same note, state Rep. Joseph C. Hohenstein, delegation secretary, highlighted some of the qualities that makes Epps an exceptional choice. "JoAnne Epps has my full support as the new interim president of Temple University," Hohenstein said. "She's spent over half of her life there teaching and making a true difference in young individuals’ lives right here at Temple. We're grateful that she has chosen to put her retirement on hold while the university finds its feet." Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, delegation treasurer, pointed out that he has known JoAnn Read more


Hohenstein appointed to Pa. Advisory Council for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

(Apr 11, 2023)

Dear Acting Secretary Walker,Pursuant to the provisions of Act 1997-37, I hereby appoint Representative Joe Hohenstein to thePennsylvania Council for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.Thank you for your attention to this matter. Read more


Focusing on Protecting Pennsylvanians

(Apr 10, 2023)

HB2458 was introduced without consulting the representatives of the Philadelphia Port, or anyone involved in the business of the port. It proposes risky Liquid Natural Gas development in our residential neighborhoods in the Riverwards and South Philadelphia.My neighbors, who have lived for years with the health impacts of unfettered industry, deserve better. We ALL deserve better. Read more


Hohenstein celebrates new grant funding to support disability inclusive curriculum in schools

(Apr 05, 2023)

HARRISBURG, April 4 – State Rep. Joe Hohestein, D-Phila., today applauded and celebrated the announcement by the PA Department of Education of its creation of a Disability Inclusive Curriculum Pilot Program to instruct K-12 students on political, economic and social contributions of people with disabilities. Under the program, schools can apply for up to $30,000 in grant funding to implement disability inclusive curriculum. “I’ve been an advocate for disability inclusive curriculum since before getting elected,” Hohenstein said. “We have to be conscious of the contributions every individual is able to make to society. We see far too often these individuals overlooked or passed over. It’s time for schools to start educating our children about these important figures in society, their contributions, and to give those who are differently abled role models and examples of pathways to success. This creates an exciting and inviting learning environment for all of our children.” The Disability Inclusive Curriculum Pilot Program, added to the Pennsylvania Public School Code last summer, is intended to promote topics and subject matter for instruction to all students and will help learners understand that disability is a natural part of the human condition, and emphasize the critical contributions of people with disabilities. The program will impact the overall culture and environment of schools by reducing the stigma of disability Read more


Hohenstein: We're Here for You

(Apr 05, 2023)

Pa. state Rep. Joe Hohenstein's local office is centrally located on Richmond St. in Bridesburg to be able to serve the many communities of the 177th Legislative District. Hohenstein and his staff are available to help with a variety of state services from PennDOT paperwork to utility assistance and so much more. He is working locally and in Harrisburg to lift up the communities of the River Wards and lower Northeast Philadelphia. Read more


Hohenstein: Protecting Immigrant Victims of Crimes
Jun 28, 2023

Pa. Coalition Against Rape Letter of Support for HB1371: Providing Clarity and Consistency for U Visa Applicants
Jun 28, 2023

Infrastructure, Housing, and Safety Funding Opportunities
Jun 27, 2023

Philadelphia Democrat proposes more local options for mass-transit funding
Jun 20, 2023

Hohenstein Fights for Public Transit Growth
Jun 20, 2023

Hohenstein introduces local funding options for transportation
Jun 20, 2023

Hohenstein Continues Fight for Work Zone Safety
Jun 12, 2023

Hohenstein Votes for Environmental Justice
Jun 06, 2023

Hohenstein: We Must Work Together to Weed out Hate
May 24, 2023

Hohenstein, Burgos, PFBC to celebrate National Safe Boating Week in Phila.
May 15, 2023

Hohenstein celebrates Pa. House passage of The Fairness Act
May 03, 2023

Hohenstein Hosts Labor Fair
May 02, 2023

Critical Support Needed for Afghan Allies Resettled and Living in Your District and Pennsylvania
May 02, 2023

Philadelphia House Delegation applauds win on gun safety
Apr 26, 2023

Hohenstein announces news conference, joins voices condemning Philadelphia LNG Natural Gas Export Task Force
Apr 19, 2023

Philadelphia House Delegation applauds appointment of JoAnne Epps as acting president of Temple University
Apr 12, 2023

Hohenstein appointed to Pa. Advisory Council for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Apr 11, 2023

Focusing on Protecting Pennsylvanians
Apr 10, 2023

Hohenstein celebrates new grant funding to support disability inclusive curriculum in schools
Apr 05, 2023

Hohenstein: We're Here for You
Apr 05, 2023