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Summer 2023 Newsletter

(Jun 01, 2023)

Dear Neighbor, with summer in sight, I am hard at work on many projects for my constituents, including several pieces of legislation to protect and benefit the district and the Commonwealth as a whole, and look forward to accomplishing much before the summer recess. Read more


Spring Newsletter 2023

(May 22, 2023)

As we move into Spring and Continue this new legislative session, I am hopeful and eager. I have several new and exciting pieces of legislation in the works, and I have every confidence that my colleagues and I will accomplish wonderful things. Read more


Protecting Pennsylvanians from Financial Exploitation

(May 18, 2023)

Domestic abuse is a scourge to be combated, and it is a multi-faceted problem that includes not only physical violence, but emotional abuse as well. Read more


Breast Cancer Law & May Primaries!

(May 11, 2023)

Hello! I wanted to provide you with an update on legislation that has swiftly passed through both chambers in Harrisburg and signed into law.  Read more


Howard announces nearly $1.7 million in grants

(Mar 16, 2023)

“I am beyond grateful that these grants have been awarded,” Howard said. “The state dollars going toward these projects shows that Pennsylvania is committed to improving all four corners of the commonwealth.” Read more


Howard congratulates Malvern Public Library for $35,489 state grant

(Feb 24, 2023)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 24 – State Rep. Kristine Howard said she congratulates Malvern Public Library on their competitive award of $35,489 today from the state’s Keystone Grants for Public Library Facilities program. The state Department of Education grants are for the construction and rehabilitation of public library facilities across the commonwealth. Malvern Public Library was one of 21 libraries in 15 counties to receive an award. “The Malvern Library provides an invaluable service to the community, and I am thrilled with this award, which will enable the library to continue fostering a love of learning.” Read more


State Rep. Howard announces more than $425,000 in environmental grants

(Jan 17, 2023)

HARRISBURG, Jan. 17 – State Rep. Kristine Howard, D-Chester, announced today that two natural areas have received more than $425,000 in state grants to address environmental concerns. The state Growing Greener funding administered by the Department of Environmental Protection includes: $324,800 to Malvern Borough – This will provide for improvements to the Randolph Woods Nature Preserve, including renovation of an access drive, installation of a pavilion, fencing and gates, ADA access, landscaping, and other related site improvements. $100,344 to Green Valleys Association of Southeastern PA – The proposed project will provide technical and financial assistance to equestrian operations in the French Creek Watershed. “These grants will help ensure that the natural beauty of Chester County is preserved,” said Howard. “These projects will allow anyone and everyone to enjoy the parks and natural areas we have to offer.” Growing Greener is the largest single investment of state funds in Pennsylvania’s history to address critical environmental concerns. Grantees have up to three years to implement their projects. Learn more here . Read more


Howard takes third oath of office

(Jan 03, 2023)

HARRISBURG, Jan. 3 – State Rep. Kristine Howard took the oath of office in the state Capitol today to begin another term representing the 167 th Legislative District in Chester County. The noon swearing-in ceremony marked the beginning of the 2023-24 legislative session of the Pennsylvania House, its 207th. Court of Common Pleas Judge John McNally administered the oath of office. “I am honored to represent the residents of the 167th Legislative District,” said Howard, D-Chester. “I am here to serve my constituents and make sure that they, their families, their businesses and their communities have the resources needed. We have an opportunity to make a difference for the people of Pennsylvania and I am looking forward to working to meet their needs.” Howard said her priorities will be reproductive rights, affordable higher education, environmental protection and improving economic conditions. Howard’s office can help with a variety of state-related services, including birth and death certificates, disability plates and placards, unemployment compensation issues and Property Tax/Rent Rebate assistance, in addition to being general guides on navigating state government issues. Residents can reach her office by calling (610) 251-1070 or emailing . Read more


November 2022 Newsletter

(Nov 21, 2022)

As one legislative session ends and anotherbegins, I’d like to reflect on what we’veaccomplished and where we can go from here. Iwould also like to welcome the residents of EastCaln, East Goshen, and West Vincent to the 167thLegislative District. Read more


E-NEWS Update: Voting information, upcoming events and more!

(Nov 01, 2022)

If you plan to vote in person at your polling place, polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on November 8, 2022 Read more


Howard to host mental health discussion this month

(Nov 01, 2022)

MALVERN, Nov. 1 – State Rep. Kristine Howard, D-Chester, invites residents of the 167 th Legislative District to join her for an Adult Mental Health Forum from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Nov. 16 in the Struble Room at the Chester County Library (450 Exton Square Parkway, Exton). “No one should feel alone when addressing their own mental health,” said Howard. “There are tremendous mental health resources right here in Chester County. This forum will be an important discussion on what is available and what we can do better as a community to address mental health conditions.” The forum will include presentations from: A representative from the Chester County Department of Mental Health. A representative from the Chester County Department of Intellectual Disabilities. A representative from the West Chester University Community Mental Health Clinic. Niki Weigand, NAMI Keystone’s Advocacy Director. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, one in five Americans live with a mental health condition. The following mental health services are available for those in need of assistance: The Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, dial 988 or visit Valley Creek Crisis Center (24/7): 610-280-3270 or PA Crisis Text Line: Text PA to 741741 (Free, 24/7, Confidential) Howard has introduced two bills to Read more


E-News Update: New grants awarded, upcoming shred event and more!

(Oct 28, 2022)

These Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP) grants, administered by the Office of the Budget, will help health care and education projects in our region receive the funding they need to move forward. Read more


Howard announces RACP grants

(Oct 27, 2022)

PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 26 – Rep. Howard, D-Chester, announced today that the Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program has awarded grants totaling $3,250,000 that will benefit the region. Howard played a vital role in securing the RACP grants that will benefit the following facilities and projects: The Devereux Foundation: Devereux will construct additional classroom space in this project as well as renovate a wing of our acute children's behavioral healthcare center from semi-private to single rooms. The hospital renovation includes private rooms and semi-private rooms, private bathrooms, a laundry area, utility closet, lounge, and classroom space. For the school, renovations include roofing, windows, classrooms entrances, and an exterior entry system with intercom. Major areas of construction include demolition, drywall, windows, roofing, electrical, plumbing, and HVAC. Nemours Children’s Health: This project will address construction needs to develop and implement this new health care facility that will provide a comprehensive suite of health and wellness offerings for the community. “These grants will help health care and education projects in our region receive the funding they need to move forward,” Howard said. “In turn, they will benefit everyone in our region who makes use of the essential services available at these facilities.” These Read more


Howard to host free paper shredding event

(Oct 27, 2022)

MALVERN, Oct. 27 – State Rep. Kristine Howard, D-Chester, invites residents of the 167th Legislative District to join her for a free community shred day from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, November 5 at the West Whiteland Township Building, 101 Commerce Drive, Exton, PA. “This event is a green and secure way for residents to dispose of unwanted personal documents,” said Howard. “Properly disposing confidential information can prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. I am pleased to facilitate this service for the community.” Residents may bring documents containing personal information that is no longer needed, expired credit cards and old ID cards. For more information, please contact Howard’s district office at (610) 251-1070. Read more


GRANT MEMO: Nonprofit Security, Boating Facility, and Water/Sewer Funding Opportunities

(Oct 18, 2022)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry: PA Industry Partnership Grant (Funding Source: General Fund) Who May Apply : Local workforce development boards, non-profit and non-governmental entities, community-based organizations, educational and post-secondary educational organizations, labor organizations, business associations, and economic development entities. Use : To identify workforce, education & training, and economic development needs, coordinate regional teams to support industry needs, identify public and community resources to address industry identified needs and increase collaboration among businesses within a targeted industry sector. Funds : Up to $250,000 per partnership. Application Deadline : October 28, 2022 More Information : Click on . Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Nonprofit Security Grant Fund Program (Funding Source: Nonprofit Security Grant Fund) Who May Apply : Non-profit organizations. Use : To support security enhancements designed to protect the safety and security of the users of a facility located in the Commonwealth that is owned or operated by the nonprofit organization. Funds : Awards between $5,000 and $150,000. Application Deadline : October 31, 2022 More Information : Click on Read more


E-NEWS Update: Make sure your vote counts!

(Oct 13, 2022)

Voting by mail here in Chester County? Make sure your vote counts – be sure to complete your ballot and voter declaration properly and return them to Chester County Voter Services in time so your voice is heard! Read more


E-NEWS Update: Voting information and resources for you

(Oct 06, 2022)

Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 8. In Pennsylvania, you also have the option to vote early by mail. Read more


E-NEWS Update: Don't miss the 2022 Senior Fair

(Sep 29, 2022)

Join me at the West Whiteland Township Building on Thursday, October 6, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. for the 2022 Senior Fair. Read more


Howard to host free Senior Fair

(Sep 28, 2022)

MALVERN, Sept. 28 – State Rep. Kristine Howard, D-Chester, invites senior citizens to attend a free Senior Fair from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Oct. 6 at West Whiteland Township Building, 101 Commerce Drive, Exton, 19341. “I am pleased to be able to again host a community Senior Fair,” said Howard. “State and county agencies will be there to help residents navigate the many benefits and assistance programs available to older Pennsylvanians. I am looking forward to meeting with residents of the 167 th Legislative District.” Twenty different vendors, including the SeniorLaw Center and ROVER Community Transportation, will be on hand. SEPTA will be there to process Senior Key Card requests and renew Senior Key cards that have expired. There will also be representatives from Chester County and various commonwealth agencies, including (but not limited to) the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, PennDOT and the Department of Banking and Securities. Additionally, Howard’s staff will be on hand to perform online searches for unclaimed property, and Chester County Health will be administering flu and COVID shots. Anyone with questions should contact Howard’s office at (610) 251-1070 or . Read more


State Grant Programs Open For Application

(Sep 26, 2022)

Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Regional Policing Assistance Program Who May Apply: Applicants for the Regional Policing Assistance Program may be any municipality – a city, borough, township, home-rule municipality, or county. Applicants may also be a public or quasi-public body, or its representative, duly authorized to act on behalf of one or more municipalities. All applications must be accompanied by fully executed Articles of Agreement or an Intergovernmental Agreement that establishes a Regional Police Department. Use: Funding will support efforts in establishing or expanding regional police departments that would improve the following: uniformity and consistency of enforcement across municipalities; recruitment; distribution and deployment of police personnel; training and personnel efficiency; career enhancement opportunities; enhanced professionalism; and reduction of costs. Funds: A total of approximately $1,000,000 in federal funds is being announced to support this initiative. Applicants may apply for up to $150,000 for the formation of a new regional police department or up to $50,000 for the expansion of an existing regional police department by adding a chartered municipality(ies). Application Deadline: September 6, 2023 More information: PCCD Website Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Legal Read more