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Now open for applications: Historical Records Care and Lead Hazard Reduction Funding Opportunities


Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission: Historical & Archival Records Care grant program  (Funding Source: Keystone Recreation, Park & Conservation Fund)          

Who May Apply: Historical societies, libraries, museums, nonprofit organizations, colleges and universities, local governments, school districts.

Use: Surveying, inventorying, preserving, arranging and describing historical records relevant to Pennsylvania. Funding may also be requested for reformatting or the purchase of supplies and equipment.

Funds: Collaborative grants up to $15,000.  Single entity grants up to $5,000. No match required.

Application DeadlineAugust 2

More Information: Click on


Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD): FY 2021 Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program  (Funding Source: Federal Funding)

Who May ApplyStates, cities, counties, Native American Tribes or other units of local government.

Use: To identify and control lead-based paint hazards in eligible housing.

Funds: Grants of $1 million to $5 million per awardee. A total of $356,841,000 is available nationwide. HUD expects to make 80 awards.

Application Deadline: July 12

More Information: Click on


Governor’s Office of Advocacy and Reform/United Way of PA - Local Innovations in Vaccine Equity in Pennsylvania project (LIVE PA): No deadline provided.  (Funding Source: Federal Funding)

  • Municipal entities, community-based organizations, and local vaccine-certified health providers. - To host and promote vaccination events.

DEP Growing Greener Plus Grants: June 25  (Funding Source: Environmental Stewardship Fund)

  • Counties, municipalities, municipal authorities, county conservation districts, watershed organizations, councils of government, educational institutions, and nonprofits. - To address nonpoint source pollution (pollution coming from multiple sources, instead of a single discharge point) through local, watershed, or statewide planning, restoration and protection efforts. 

DEP Section 319 Nonpoint Source Management Watershed Grants: June 25  (Funding Source: Federal Funding – US EPA)

  • Watershed associations, counties, municipalities, municipal authorities, councils of government, conservation districts, educational institutions, and nonprofits. - Projects to address nonpoint source pollution (pollution coming from multiple sources, instead of a single discharge point) originating from agricultural activities, abandoned mine drainage, stormwater runoff, and streambank and degradation.

Federal Institute of Museum and Library Services - American Rescue Plan Grants: June 28  (Funding Source: American Rescue Plan Act Funding)

  • Museums and libraries. To support museum and library services in addressing community needs created or exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

DEP 2020 Host Municipality Inspector Program: June 30  (Funding Source: Recycling Fund and Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund)

  • Municipalities. - For salary and expenses of up to two certified Host Municipality Inspectors.

PCCD FY 2021 Gun Violence Reduction Grants:  June 30  (Funding Source: General Fund

  • Community-based organizations and local units of government across the Commonwealth with the highest rates of gun violence. Gun violence reduction.

Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful/The GIANT Company 2021 Healing the Planet Grant Program: June 30  (Funding Source: Private Funds)

  • Any tax-exempt organization, including nonprofit organizations, conservation districts, schools, churches, and local and county governments, in the following counties where GIANT stores are located. - Eligible projects will connect people and families with community green spaces and could include park improvements, park builds, watershed restoration, recycling infrastructure and related programs, beautification and greening, community gardens, vacant lot restoration, outdoor classrooms and tree plantings.

PENNDOT Automated Red Light Enforcement (ARLE) Transportation Enhancement Grants: July 1  (Funding Source: Motor License Fund - from Automated Red Light Enforcement Systems fines)

  • Local governments, planning organizations, Commonwealth agencies. -  Funds a range of safety and mobility projects that can be completed at a relatively low cost, including roadway, pedestrian, and bicycle safety improvements and traffic signal improvements.

PA Environmental Council - PA Water Trails Mini-Grants: July 2  (Funding Source: Environmental Stewardship Fund)

  • Nonprofit organizations, municipalities, counties, and educational institutions. - Any project on or for a designated PA Water Trail.

U.S. Department of Justice OVC FY 2021 Fostering Resilience and Hope - Bridging the Gap Between Law Enforcement and the Community: July 6  (Funding Source: Federal Funding)

  • Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized); Private institutions of higher education; County governments; Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS; Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS; Municipalities; State governments; Public and State controlled institutions of higher education. To address trauma experienced by law enforcement and build trust with the communities they serve.

DDAP Pregnancy Support Services: July 13  (Funding Source: Federal Funding)

  • Community service providers able to serve pregnant and postpartum women with stimulant or opioid misuse issues. - To provide pregnancy support services or make referrals to aid pregnant and postpartum women with opioid use disorder.

DCNR Wild Resource Conservation Program: July 16  (Funding Source: Wild Resources Conservation Fund)          

  • Counties, municipalities, educational institutions, 501(3) (c) nonprofits, conservation districts, municipal authorities, individuals, state government agencies and for-profit businesses. - Field research and on-the-ground conservation projects that protect Pennsylvania’s non-game animals, native plants and their habitat.

PCCD 2021-22 PA Academic and Career/Technical Training (PACTT) Competitive Funding: July 23  (Funding Source: General Fund)

  • Privately operated residential facilities, community-based providers, and juvenile probation offices that are not currently PACTT Affiliates. - To develop programs in the following PACTT service areas that adhere to PACTT Standards in order to gain affiliate status: core programming; academic instruction; work related services; and job skills training.

CFA Multimodal Transportation Fund: July 31  (Funding Source: Multimodal Transportation Fund)          

  • Municipalities, school districts, private businesses, nonprofits, economic development organizations, public transportation agencies, railroad operators, port terminal operators. - Development, rehabilitation, and enhancement of transportation assets to existing communities; streetscape; lighting; sidewalk enhancement; pedestrian safety; connectivity of transportation assets; and transit-oriented development.

PA Fish and Boat Commission - Boating Infrastructure Grant Program: July 31   (Funding Source: Federal Funding)

  • Public and private operators of open-to-the-public boating facilities, including municipal agencies (cities, towns, counties, etc.), state agencies (State Parks, DNR, Fish & Wildlife, etc.), and other government entities. - The construction, renovation and maintenance of transient moorage (tie-up) facilities serving recreational motorboats 26 feet and longer.

PHMC Historical & Archival Records Care grant program: August 1  (Funding Source: Keystone Recreation, Park & Conservation Fund)          

  • Historical societies, libraries, museums, nonprofit organizations, colleges and universities, local governments, school districts. - Surveying, inventorying, preserving, arranging and describing historical records relevant to Pennsylvania.

DEP Section 902 Recycling Implementation Grant: September 24  (Funding Source: Recycling Fund)

  • Counties, cities, boroughs, incorporated towns, townships, home rule municipalities, councils of governments, consortiums or similar entities established by two or more municipalities. - To fund costs associated with developing and implementing a recycling program.

CFA Unserved High-Speed Broadband Funding Program: September 24  (Funding Source: General Fund)

  • Any nongovernmental entity with the technical, managerial, and financial expertise to design, build and operate a high-speed broadband service infrastructure within Pennsylvania. - Acquisition, construction, equipment, and site preparation costs associated with the deployment of high-speed broadband infrastructure to unserved areas.

DEP 2020 Recycling Performance Grants: December 30  (Funding Source: Environmental Stewardship Fund)

  • Any municipality with a recycling program in 2020. - Municipal recycling programs.

PA Humanities Council/Community Heart and Soul - Community Heart & Soul Seed Grant Program: Until Funds Expended

  • Resident-led groups in small cities and towns with populations of 2,500 to 30,000. - Startup funding to implement the Community Heart & Soul model.

U.S. Small Business Administration: Shuttered Venue Operators Grant: Until Funds Expended

  • Live venue operators or promoters; theatrical producers; live performing arts organization operators; museum operators; motion picture theater operators (including owners); talent representatives. - Payroll costs; rent payments; utility payments; scheduled mortgage payments; scheduled debt payments; worker protection expenditures; payments to independent contractors; administrative costs (including fees and licensing); state and local taxes and fees; operating leases in effect as of February 15, 2020; insurance payments; advertising, production transportation, and capital expenditures related to producing a theatrical or live performing arts production. (May not be primary use of funds).