Honoring our Heroes!

It’s almost time for Turkey!

The Thanksgiving holiday is a time where friends and family come together and share a wonderful meal. My office wants to help, so we’re hosting turkey giveaways with the Keith Dawson Foundation in Southwest Philadelphia AND Darby!

Philly neighbors: Join us on Friday, Nov. 22 at The Common Place, 5736 Chester Ave., (Enter on 58th St. side) at 4 p.m. Pre-registration is required to receive a turkey!

Delco neighbors: Join us on Saturday, Nov. 23 at Park Lane Elementary School 1300 Park Lane, Darby at 11 a.m. Pre-registration is required to receive a turkey!

For more information contact my office at 215-748-6712 or RepMcClinton@pahouse.net

Thank you, veterans!