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2024 Employment First Oversight Commission Report Press Conference

Members of the Pennsylvania Employment First Oversight Commission held a press conference on Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2024, to release their commission's annual report on the state of employment for people with disabilities in Pennsylvania.

April 2, 2024 - Red Flag Water Usage

The PA House Majority Policy Committee hosts a hearing on legislation to protect consumers from high water bills, hosted by Rep. Jeanne McNeill.

Victoria's Law News Conference @ Lehigh Valley Humane Society

Rep. McNeill talks about her bill called Victoria's Law, which would ban pet stores from selling animals bred in puppy mills.

NE Delegation LVIA & Banana Factory Tour

Northeast Delegation Vice-Chairwoman Rep. Jeanne McNeill welcomed Delegation Chairwoman Rep. Maureen Madden and Delegation members Reps. Mike Carroll, Mark Rozzi, Steve Samuelson and Thom Welby to her district for a tour of Lehigh Valley International Airport to get a firsthand look at the ongoing TSA and passenger bridge upgrade project. This was followed by a tour of the Banana Factory in Bethlehem which gave the delegation a closer look at the importance arts plays in the local economy.

2022 Senior Fair a Success

Rep. Jeanne McNeill and state Sen. Lisa Boscola hosted a senior fair at the Westgate Mall in Bethlehem. McNeill called the event a success and was glad to see so many residents getting important information about state related programs and services and the various vendors and providers who also attended.

2020 PA Farm Show

Rep. Jeanne McNeill attends the 2020 PA Farm Show.

Opioid Crisis Public Hearing

Rep. Dan McNeill participates in a public hearing in Pittsburgh to discuss the heroin and opioid overdose crisis that is affecting Pennsylvania communities.

Honoring Saquon Barkley

Honoring Saquon Barkley