House Democrats touring the state to talk with the people about the Pennsylvania Rescue Plan

(May 05, 2021)

"We have to make sure that money is invested properly, not hidden away in a government vault for a rainy day – because it’s hard to imagine a storm that could hit harder than COVID-19. People need help now." Read more


House advances Klunk, Cephas bill to protect workers from sexual harassment

(May 05, 2021)

H.B. 938 would forbid employers from requiring employees and potential employees to sign nondisclosure agreements related to sexual harassment as a stipulation of employment. Read more


PA Women’s Health Caucus Responds to Today’s Dangerous Anti-Abortion Hearing in the House Health Committee.

(May 04, 2021)

We thank those Representatives on the committee who have continually stood up for reproductive justice throughout these hearings, including our own co-chair Representative Morgan Cephas, and one of the WHC’s founders, Representative Dan Frankel. Read more


Frankel: Stop the Attacks on Science

(May 04, 2021)

Heath Committee hearing on organ donation veers into pseudoscience, unfairly attacks Pitt Read more


Rep. Tina Davis: The Pa Rescue Plan protects our seniors

(May 03, 2021)

Health care is one-sixth of our economy, but for home care workers and workers in long-term care facilities, their pay isn’t living up to how important their jobs are to seniors and their families. Our plan will make the investments, help the providers and help the workers – and help seniors in the process. Read more


It’s time to be responsible with federal dollars

(Apr 29, 2021)

We have an opportunity to responsibly utilize the billions in federal funding Pennsylvania is slated to receive in COVID and economic relief; investments that would provide all Pennsylvanians a positive path forward. Read more


Tonie Willis and Rep. Tina Davis: To cut down on crime, give newborns a fair shot

(Apr 29, 2021)

How does shackling expecting mothers protect public safety in Pennsylvania? The answer is clear: It doesn’t, not by a mile. Read more


Pennsylvania’s waitlist system is an injustice to its disabilities community

(Apr 29, 2021)

For years, openings for these life-sustaining services and housing have remained stagnant. It’s time we reform this ineffective system and prioritize the needs of vulnerable Pennsylvanians. Read more


VIDEO: McClinton Stresses the Importance of the COVID-19 Vaccine

(Apr 29, 2021)

In her ongoing efforts to protect her communities during this health crisis, House Democratic Leader Joanna McClinton is stressing how important the COVID-19 vaccine is to building real immunity to the virus and moving Pennsylvania past this pandemic safely. Read more


Sanchez: The PA Rescue Plan helps the local businesses hit hardest by COVID-19

(Apr 27, 2021)

We can Recover, Restore and Reimagine a better future with the PA Rescue Plan – and rebuild our economy from the ground up. Read more


Burgos introduces legislation to establish the PA Socially Diverse Farmers Commission

(Apr 27, 2021)

Once established, the commission would have one year to study and develop an action plan to improve opportunities for socially diverse and disadvantaged farmers by seeking to eliminate disparities for historically socially disadvantaged groups and BIPOC populations in Pennsylvania. Read more


Cephas seeks to establish Behavioral Health Crisis Response Units in Pa.

(Apr 26, 2021)

Cephas’ first introduced the idea immediately following the police shooting death of Walter Wallace Jr., a 27-year-old West Philadelphia man, whose family had called 911 because he was experiencing a mental breakdown in October 2020. Responding officers fired 14 rounds at him, killing him, while he was standing in the street holding a knife. Read more


Op-Ed: Shelve the theatrics and address real issues affecting Pa. women and children

(Apr 23, 2021)

Improving women’s health care doesn’t require news conferences designed to parrot tired and untrue talking points. To make a positive difference for all women and children of Pennsylvania, let’s instead focus our energy and attention on evidence-based policies that address bona fide issues and move Pennsylvania forward. Read more


Shuttered Venue Operators Grant portal reopens Saturday, April 24th

(Apr 23, 2021)

This is a grant program established by the Economic Aid to Hard-Hit Small Businesses, Nonprofits, and Venues Act, and amended by the American Rescue Plan Act. Read more


Frankel: Reproductive health highlights areas of real need amid GOP push to limit abortion access

(Apr 22, 2021)

“I hope that we can continue those conversations about maternal health and related issues – I can think of at least a dozen bills currently being circulated that would address them.” Read more


Freeman, James look to strengthen Historic Preservation Tax Credit Program

(Apr 22, 2021)

Projects that include a nonprofit partner have been part of the program and received allocations since the program’s inception in 2012. Read more


The PA Rescue Plan tackles long-term care for our most vulnerable

(Apr 21, 2021)

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed so many inequities in our country – from socio-economic to racial, medical conditions and age. These inequities existed long before the pandemic but have been laid bare over the past year in such a way that we can no longer refuse to address them. Our most vulnerable populations – seniors and people with disabilities – must have access to quality, affordable care. And that starts with support for the workforce charged with helping them. We know that, if given the choice, most seniors prefer to age in place from the comfort of their own homes. But as they age, the need may arise for assistance with day-to-day activities, transportation, medications and overall wellness. That’s where direct care workers make a huge difference. These workers are low-paid and often lack adequate health care and other benefits like sick or vacation leave. These jobs are also physically and emotionally demanding and are often characterized by heavy workloads, scheduling challenges, and limited training and career advancement prospects . Yet, these workers show up each day for their clients because they know someone is depending on them. In 2020, people 65 and older made up 19% of Pennsylvania’s population -- that is expected to grow to 22% by 2025 . The increase in our aging population will put additional pressure on our direct care workforce. However, the investment by the state in these important jobs remains persistently low. Read more


The PA Rescue Plan invests in technology and a healthier future

(Apr 21, 2021)

Our Pennsylvania Rescue Plan invests in technology, including making sure the commonwealth grows our already robust biotechnology research industry into a global leader. Read more


Rabb introduces package of bills to protect medical cannabis patients, dispensaries from eviction, discrimination

(Apr 20, 2021)

“Medical cannabis is medicine, and we must ensure that people who are prescribed medicine don’t have that held against them by their landlords or by their employers, and we must ensure that the providers of that medicine will not be discriminated against by commercial landlords,” Rabb said. Read more


Cephas, Klunk advance bipartisan sexual harassment bill through Labor and Industry Committee

(Apr 20, 2021)

House Bill 938, a bipartisan bill Cephas co-introduced with state Rep. Kate A. Klunk, R-York, would ban the requirement of nondisclosure agreements related to sexual harassment as a condition of getting a job. The bill, however, would not prohibit nondisclosure agreements if both parties voluntarily agree to participate. Read more


House Democrats touring the state to talk with the people about the Pennsylvania Rescue Plan
May 05, 2021

House advances Klunk, Cephas bill to protect workers from sexual harassment
May 05, 2021

PA Women’s Health Caucus Responds to Today’s Dangerous Anti-Abortion Hearing in the House Health Committee.
May 04, 2021

Frankel: Stop the Attacks on Science
May 04, 2021

Rep. Tina Davis: The Pa Rescue Plan protects our seniors
May 03, 2021

It’s time to be responsible with federal dollars
Apr 29, 2021

Tonie Willis and Rep. Tina Davis: To cut down on crime, give newborns a fair shot
Apr 29, 2021

Pennsylvania’s waitlist system is an injustice to its disabilities community
Apr 29, 2021

VIDEO: McClinton Stresses the Importance of the COVID-19 Vaccine
Apr 29, 2021

Sanchez: The PA Rescue Plan helps the local businesses hit hardest by COVID-19
Apr 27, 2021

Burgos introduces legislation to establish the PA Socially Diverse Farmers Commission
Apr 27, 2021

Cephas seeks to establish Behavioral Health Crisis Response Units in Pa.
Apr 26, 2021

Op-Ed: Shelve the theatrics and address real issues affecting Pa. women and children
Apr 23, 2021

Shuttered Venue Operators Grant portal reopens Saturday, April 24th
Apr 23, 2021

Frankel: Reproductive health highlights areas of real need amid GOP push to limit abortion access
Apr 22, 2021

Freeman, James look to strengthen Historic Preservation Tax Credit Program
Apr 22, 2021

The PA Rescue Plan tackles long-term care for our most vulnerable
Apr 21, 2021

The PA Rescue Plan invests in technology and a healthier future
Apr 21, 2021

Rabb introduces package of bills to protect medical cannabis patients, dispensaries from eviction, discrimination
Apr 20, 2021

Cephas, Klunk advance bipartisan sexual harassment bill through Labor and Industry Committee
Apr 20, 2021