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Powell introduces bill requiring medical insurers to cover consultations between physicians

HARRISBURG, June 11 – State Rep. Lindsay Powell, D-Allegheny, has introduced a bill that would help Pennsylvanians access the consultations and care they need, while keeping the price of this treatment low.

Powell’s legislation (H.B. 2385) would mandate that consultations between doctors, often done virtually, are covered under health insurances policies statewide.

“The collective knowledge of more than one medical professional is often vital when our neighbors receive care. Interprofessional consultations are one tool physicians employ to effectively diagnose and treat patients,” Powell said. “This bill would help ensure that costs facing patients are reduced and would provide better peace of mind on the path to recovery. The burden of scheduling additional doctor appointments would also be removed and save patients considerable time and money.”

The bill has been referred to the PA House Insurance Committee.

A related bill Powell has introduced would prohibit employers in Pennsylvania from denying medical benefits to workers who are on strike. That legislation is co-sponsored by state Rep. Dan Miller, D-Allegheny.