(Oct 16, 2023) Rep. Jessica Benham
PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Please note: On Oct. 10, PCCD announced The Nonprofit Security Grant Fund Program deadline has been extended to 11:45 p.m. on Oct. 30, 2023. Department of Environmental Protection: Coastal Zone Grant Program Who May Apply: Municipalities, area-wide agencies, state agencies, educational institutions (school districts, colleges, universities, other institutions of higher learning), conservation districts, port authorities, public authorities, or incorporated nonprofit organizations. Use: Grants may be applied to a wide variety of studies, plans, designs, research, acquisition, and construction projects pertaining to one or more of the established Coastal Resources Management Program policies. Projects must be located within the Delaware Estuary Coastal Zone or the Lake Erie Coastal Zone boundaries. Funds: Grant funding is provided to DEP from the Office for Coastal Management through NOAA. Application Deadline: Monday, October 16, 2023 More information: DEP Website Pennsylvania Department of Education Nita M. Lowey 21 st Century Community Learning Centers Cohort 12 Who May Apply: P ublic school districts, charter schools, private schools, nonprofit agencies, city or county government agencies, faith-based organizations, institutions of higher education, Indian tribes or tribal organizations and for-profit corporations. Applicants must Read more