Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibility Guzman responds to recent opioid overdoses as epidemic deepens

Guzman responds to recent opioid overdoses as epidemic deepens

HARRISBURG, Sept. 14 – State Rep. Manny Guzman, D-Berks, said he was heartbroken to learn of a wave of opioid overdoses, once of which resulted in a death, that plagued Reading Hospital this past weekend. In total, there were 70 reported cases of opioid overdoses and one death.

“Opioid abuse has skyrocketed over the last several years and there appears to be no end in sight as this epidemic continues to devastate and beset our community, commonwealth and nation as a whole,” Guzman said. “Sadly, here in Pennsylvania, the Republican majority in Harrisburg specifically chose not to renew the emergency declaration surrounding the opioid epidemic as a result of their newfound constitutional powers.”

Guzman went onto say, “It is no surprise we are continuously seeing opioids ravage our neighbors, family and friends, and as elected officials we should be doing everything in our power to provide individuals the resources to continue battling this disease. I implore my colleagues to address this serious issue and reinstate the emergency declaration as we prepare a return to session this fall.”

Guzman reiterated that he will continue fighting the battle against the opioid epidemic and will work to bring home resources to help combat this public health crisis that continues to impact individuals struggling with this cruel disease.

There are state resources available through the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs. In addition, the Berks County Council on Chemical Abuse is available for assistance and can be reached at 610-376-8669.

Also, individuals can access immediate resources by calling 1-800-622-4357(HELP). Guzman and his staff are also available to assist individuals in finding the proper care and can be reached at 610-376-1529.