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Anti-hate crimes legislation passes House

Legislation to expand and strengthen Pennsylvania’s anti-hate crimes statutes won bipartisan passage out of the Pennsylvanian House Tuesday, putting Pennsylvania on track to take action amid a nationwide spike in criminal activity fueled by hatred. State Reps. Dan Frankel and Napoleon Nelson, sponsors of the bill package, called on the Senate to act quickly to signal to all vulnerable groups that Pennsylvania’s state government stands with them.

PLBC welcomes National Council of Negro Women

The Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus hosted the Pennsylvania State Coalition of the National Council of Negro Women for the NCNW’s lobbying day at the Capitol.

Rep. Napoleon Nelson's 2023 Senior Fair

My annual Senior Fair was held from 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Thursday, August 24, at Congregation Keneseth Israel, 8339 Old York Road in Elkins Park. In addition to being connected to state resources and local groups, seniors received help obtaining Veterans’ Photo ID Discount Card, which entitles Montgomery County-based vets to receive discounts at nearly 500 establishments countywide. The Montgomery County District Attorney's office also was present to conduct drug takebacks - a safe, convenient, and responsible means of disposing prescription drugs.

May 9, 2023 - Historical Preservation and Tourism

The House Majority Policy Committee convened a roundtable discussion in Montgomery County, hosted by Rep. Napoleon Nelson, to explore how historical preservation can increase tourism and drive economic development.

September 26, 2022 - Reclaimed Coal Sites

Rep. Napoleon Nelson hosts the House Democratic Policy Committee for a roundtable discussion and tour of two abandoned coal sites that are set to undergo a reclamation process.

2022-23 Budget Hearings

Images of Rep. Napoleon Nelson during the 2022-23 Budget Hearings.

Pa. House Emerging Tech Caucus- Electric Vehicles

On Sept. 28, 2021 the Pa. House Emerging Tech Caucus held a press conference to discuss the benefits of electric vehicles.

2021 Senior Fair

Rep. Napoleon Nelson hosts a Senior Fair on August 26, 2021.