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Video of Violent Fireworks Attack in City of Erie Appears on Social Media

(Jun 30, 2020)

At one point in the video, the victim's hair catches on fire. Read more


Pennsylvania unemployment benefits extended

(Jun 30, 2020)

The commonwealth is extending unemployment benefits for 13 more weeks. Read more


Our view: Fireworks disturb the Erie peace

(Jun 29, 2020)

Lawmakers plan to address unintended consequences of changed law. Read more


Representative Ryan Bizzarro and ECGRA host zoom town hall to help small businesses with COVID-19 relief funds

(Jun 29, 2020)

Starting at 7 p.m. on June 29th, State Representative Ryan Bizzarro and the Erie County Gaming and Revenue Authority will partner together to host a zoom town hall in order to help small businesses with COVID-19 relief funds. Read more


Town hall being held for small business regarding COVID-19 relief grants

(Jun 29, 2020)

On June 29th starting at 7 P.M., State Representative Ryan Bizzarro and the Erie County Gaming and Revenue Authority are partnering to host a Zoom town hall to help small businesses with COVID-19 relief funds. Read more


Bizzarro to host Small Business Relief Town Hall via Zoom Monday

(Jun 26, 2020)

ERIE, June 26 – Small business relief is available in the form of state grants and state Representative Ryan Bizzarro, D-Erie, is partnering with the Erie County Gaming Revenue Authority to host a Zoom town hall connecting local businesses with relief opportunities. The workshop will be held at 7 p.m. Monday, June 29 via Zoom. The meeting ID is 991 9658 6146 and the password is 648682. The meeting can also be accessed via this link: “This workshop will help Erie’s local businesses apply for grants that will help them recover from the hit taken as a result of COVID-19. I encourage business owners to apply as soon as possible to give them the best chance at getting a grant,” Bizzarro said. There is a total of $200 million available for small, main street businesses that closed or were negatively impacted by COVID-19. Businesses with less than $1 million in revenue and fewer than 25 employees are eligible to apply Grants will be awarded through local community development financial institutions and based on a percentage of revenue and will be awarded in amounts from $5,000 to $50,000. “It’s terrific to see the value and purpose of CDFIs being put into action to help our small businesses recovery across PA,” said Perry N. Wood, EdD., executive director of ECGRA. “We salute Rep. Bizzarro for organizing Read more


Erie Reps. Urge Residents to Be Cautious Amid Green Phase Designation

(Jun 26, 2020)

Erie County is finally in the Green Phase. But as more businesses reopen, lawmakers urge residents to be cautious. Read more


Bizzarro reminds residents of fireworks regulations

(Jun 24, 2020)

Fireworks can be a great display of celebration, but there are unintended consequences to the recently loosened restrictions. We must remember to be good neighbors and especially consider our veterans whose PTSD may be triggered. I’m a cosponsor of House Bill 1687 that addresses concerns for our veterans, parents with small children and pets. I think revisiting reasonable controls including time restrictions can allow people to enjoy fireworks without causing stress or harm to our community. The July Fourth holiday is just around the corner and my office has received calls regarding concerns about firework activity. Our frontline workers, specifically those who are called upon to protect and serve, from our police departments to fire companies, have already seen an increase in demand for their services as our communities continue to come back to life amid a global pandemic. As such, the added burden placed by the uptick in pyrotechnics across our communities is not making their jobs any easier, or our streets any safer. I recently read of an incident in the Bronx where police officers responded to what was reported as gunshots only to find a teenager had been struck in his chest while lighting off fireworks. While fireworks are available for legal purchase by Pennsylvania residents, there are regulations and laws that limit where they can be used. Those who are caught violating existing use laws do face citations but Read more


Bizzarro, Merski, Harkins: Erie going green June 26 ‘the best possible news’

(Jun 19, 2020)

ERIE, June 19 – State Reps. Ryan Bizzarro, Robert Merski and Pat Harkins, all D-Erie, issued the following statements in response to news that Erie County will be moving to the green phase of the state’s reopen plan on Friday, June 26. “To say that this has been a trying period for Erie is an understatement,” Bizzarro said. “It’s hard to remember a time when our community’s endurance and patience were tested more severely, or for so long. “Our delegation fought hard to move Erie to green, but ultimately, it was the people of Erie, doing their part to slow the spread of the virus, that made the difference. To be sure, we face a long road ahead. But with the rest of our businesses soon free to reopen, a community ready and willing to support them and a small business grant program on the horizon, we will soon be forging a path to revitalization.” Merski said, “We fought for weeks to move Erie to green, and the announcement today that this is finally happening is the best possible news we could have received. The pandemic and related shutdowns stopped our economy in its tracks, placed a huge burden on business owners and working families, and left many in our community feeling isolated. Getting into the green will help change all that by lifting most restrictions. “Businesses already running at 50% occupancy will be able to run at 75% occupancy; barbershops and hair Read more


State Lawmakers React to Erie County's Green Phase Designation

(Jun 19, 2020)

Local lawmakers are thrilled that the state is finally permitting Erie County to enter the Green Re-Opening Phase Read more


Erie County Lawmakers React to News of Erie County Going Green June 26

(Jun 19, 2020)

But they warn the virus is still very much alive and well, and the people of Erie cannot let down their guard. Read more


State Representative Ryan Bizzarro ‘Optimistic’ Over Erie County’s Possible Move into Green Phase This Friday

(Jun 18, 2020)

State Representative Ryan Bizzarro ‘Optimistic’ Over Erie County’s Possible Move into Green Phase This Friday Read more


Bizzarro, Merski, Harkins: Nearly $155,000 awarded for law enforcement coronavirus preparedness

(Jun 10, 2020)

ERIE, June 10 – Erie law enforcement will be able to apply for up to $154,780 in emergency funding to address challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, state Reps. Ryan Bizzarro, Pat Harkins and Bob Merski, all D-Erie, announced today. The lawmakers said the federal Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding – administered by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency – will fund critical protections for workers and the communities they serve. “I know from my work as a victim/witness coordinator and victims’ rights advocate how much of our criminal justice system depends on face-to-face, time-sensitive work such as interviewing witnesses and supporting and treating crime victims,” Bizzarro said. “ This funding is going to help address the added challenges staff face in carrying out those essential duties safely in the midst of the pandemic.” Harkins said, “Law enforcement agencies and staff already face a host of challenges, and the pandemic has added another whole layer of logistical problems. Containing the spread of COVID-19 – whether in our county jails, juvenile detention centers, courthouses or the general community – requires resources and planning. This funding will help our agencies implement infection control and keep our dedicated criminal justice workers safe in the field.” Merski said the funding will support a broad Read more


Erie lawmakers express anger, frustration over failure to move Erie to green

(Jun 05, 2020)

ERIE, June 5 – Joined by fellow Erie lawmakers on the steps of the county courthouse, state Reps. Pat Harkins, Bob Merski, and Ryan Bizzarro, all D-Erie, expressed deep frustration that Erie is not among the counties moving to the green phase of the state’s reopen plan Friday, June 12. “We had a conference call with one of the governor’s staff, and it did not go well,” Harkins said. “Secretary Levine was on the call. We presented the numbers we are working from, and we asked for additional information. We never received it. “As I was on the phone most of last evening, my line was blowing up with calls from residents and business owners I totally sympathize with. Then, this morning, after we had a press call arranged with the governor, he jumped off the call. “I ran for this office 14 years ago to speak for people who don’t have a voice in Harrisburg. Now, I feel like we don’t have a voice. I worked with the Teamsters and with UPS for 25 years, and I have never experienced anything like this. I have supported Tom Wolf and worked well with him, but this is uncalled for. We need to stick together and do what we have to do to move Erie green.” Merski said, “Today, from the data we received from the state, there are five new cases. We’re keeping this county closed for five new cases. This is ridiculous. “I have stuck with the governor and I Read more


County Executive: 'We Need Harrisburg to Listen to Erie' about Moving to Green Phase, Reopening

(Jun 05, 2020)

"I am urging businesses to operate as if they were under the green phase today," Bizzarro said. Read more


Republicans and Democrats Denounce Decision to Stay Yellow

(Jun 05, 2020)

Leaders of both parties say Erie County should move to green phase Read more


Bizzarro has record of getting things done: Letters to the editor

(Jun 04, 2020)

In 2019, Rep. Bizzarro was the primary sponsor of 11 bills that were passed by both the House and the Senate. Read more


County leaders write letter to Governor Wolf urging to allow Erie County to enter green phase

(Jun 04, 2020)

County leaders write letter to Governor Wolf urging to allow Erie County to enter green phase Read more


Bizzarro, Merski, Harkins renew demand to move Erie to green, open phase

(Jun 03, 2020)

ERIE, June 3 – Renewing their demand to open Erie County, state Reps. Ryan Bizzarro, Bob Merski and Pat Harkins, all D-Erie, have written to Gov. Tom Wolf urging him to add the county to the list of others moving to the “green” phase of the state’s reopen plan on June 5. The lawmakers say they hope the letter – co-signed by state Sens. Dan Laughlin and Michele Brooks; state Reps. Curt Sonney and Brad Roae; and local mayors and county executives – will bring swift action. Bizzarro said, “We’re continuing to push the administration to move Erie to green, for the sake of our small businesses and local economy. Each day that goes by makes it that much harder for these businesses to get back on their feet. To be sure, the health of our residents is priority No. 1, but we must not ignore the health of our local economy, which is hanging in the balance.” Merski said, “Keeping Erie in the yellow is doing nothing to keep residents safer; it’s only hurting our local businesses. Surrounding counties – including those in Ohio and New York – are fully open, forcing Erie consumers to travel elsewhere for services. It only creates unnecessary competition for our business community and increases the risk of spreading the virus. “What’s more, the numbers don’t support the continued restrictions: Statistics from our local health department show that our county Read more


Bizzarro, Merski, Harkins issue statements on weekend Erie protests that turned violent

(May 31, 2020)

ERIE, May 31 – State Reps. Ryan Bizzarro, Bob Merski and Pat Harkins, all D-Erie, issued the following statements today in response to reports that peaceful community protests over the death of George Floyd turned violent last night in Erie: Bizzarro said, “ The events of the weekend, and the senseless acts against black Americans, are weighing heavily on our nation and our community. The injustices and struggles people of color continue to endure are disgraceful and must end. While I may never fully understand all the challenges they face, I stand firmly against racism. “Protesting is an important part of implementing change, but I believe our community must do so peacefully and without causing harm to others or property. I am calling for peace and unity in our community and for us to join together in support of our black neighbors, family and friends. They are afraid for their sons, daughters, fathers, mothers and more. We must be there to comfort and support them in this time and emerge with a new respect and camaraderie so we can make meaningful and bold steps to eradicate racism.” Merski said, "This weekend in Erie, peaceful protests over the death of George Floyd erupted into violence. It isn’t hard to understand the anger: George Floyd’s death at the hands of police was brutal and senseless – and sadly, a familiar reality for so many Americans of color. "While Read more


Video of Violent Fireworks Attack in City of Erie Appears on Social Media
Jun 30, 2020

Pennsylvania unemployment benefits extended
Jun 30, 2020

Our view: Fireworks disturb the Erie peace
Jun 29, 2020

Representative Ryan Bizzarro and ECGRA host zoom town hall to help small businesses with COVID-19 relief funds
Jun 29, 2020

Town hall being held for small business regarding COVID-19 relief grants
Jun 29, 2020

Bizzarro to host Small Business Relief Town Hall via Zoom Monday
Jun 26, 2020

Erie Reps. Urge Residents to Be Cautious Amid Green Phase Designation
Jun 26, 2020

Bizzarro reminds residents of fireworks regulations
Jun 24, 2020

Bizzarro, Merski, Harkins: Erie going green June 26 ‘the best possible news’
Jun 19, 2020

State Lawmakers React to Erie County's Green Phase Designation
Jun 19, 2020

Erie County Lawmakers React to News of Erie County Going Green June 26
Jun 19, 2020

State Representative Ryan Bizzarro ‘Optimistic’ Over Erie County’s Possible Move into Green Phase This Friday
Jun 18, 2020

Bizzarro, Merski, Harkins: Nearly $155,000 awarded for law enforcement coronavirus preparedness
Jun 10, 2020

Erie lawmakers express anger, frustration over failure to move Erie to green
Jun 05, 2020

County Executive: 'We Need Harrisburg to Listen to Erie' about Moving to Green Phase, Reopening
Jun 05, 2020

Republicans and Democrats Denounce Decision to Stay Yellow
Jun 05, 2020

Bizzarro has record of getting things done: Letters to the editor
Jun 04, 2020

County leaders write letter to Governor Wolf urging to allow Erie County to enter green phase
Jun 04, 2020

Bizzarro, Merski, Harkins renew demand to move Erie to green, open phase
Jun 03, 2020

Bizzarro, Merski, Harkins issue statements on weekend Erie protests that turned violent
May 31, 2020