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Ciresi introduces legislation to prevent gift card scams

Ciresi slams latest Tower Health insult to Pottstown

(Jun 24, 2020)

“How much in uncompensated care is the Pottstown Hospital providing, to justify its non-profit status? Our constituents deserve more than talking points from a hospital spokesman. It’s a shame.” Read more


Ciresi legislation would allow municipal boards to meet remotely during emergencies

(Jun 23, 2020)

“My bill would make sure that local boards and commissions can continue to conduct public business in any situation, be it the COVID-19 pandemic or anything that might happen in the future.” Read more


Southeast PA is ‘Going Green’ -- EBLAST for June 22

(Jun 22, 2020)

Plus updates from the office, a local traffic update, and hunting licenses now available. Read more


Ciresi condemns PennDOT decision to defund local projects

(Jun 18, 2020)

MONTGOMERY COUNTY Pa., June 17 –State Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, today condemned PennDOT’s decision to revoke two Green Light-Go grants that were awarded to projects in his district. “These grants were awarded to projects in our district as part of the 2017 Green Light-Go grant cycle. With significant work and resources already invested in these projects, there’s no reason that we should not be able to move forward with construction,” Ciresi said. “Both of these projects would have significantly improved safety and traffic flow at key regional arteries. PennDOT backing out of its commitments presents a major challenge to our involved municipalities and I urge the department to reverse this decision and restore funding.” The grants are concerning the two following projects: $232,000 would have been used on Linfield-Trappe Road/Township Line Road for a Traffic Signal Modernization project in Limerick and Upper Providence townships. The project was days away from having a bid awarded. $252,800 would have been used to make improvements at the intersections of Main Street and Route 113 and at the Trappe Center in Trappe Borough. Design work on the project was nearing completion. Ciresi said PennDOT noted a funding shortfall caused by the pandemic. For more information, contact Ciresi’s office at 484-200-8265. Read more


State legislators: PCCD grants will help at-risk parents and children

(Jun 10, 2020)

HARRISBURG, June 10 – The Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency awarded two Montgomery County programs a total of $247,007 to meet the needs of Montgomery County children and parents affected by domestic violence, substance abuse and crime. Family Services of Montgomery County, in partnership with the Montgomery County Reentry Initiative, was awarded $147,010 in Violence and Delinquency Prevention Program funding to expand the Positive Parenting Program helping parents who are recently released from incarceration. Montgomery County Children’s Advocacy Center’s Mission Kids program will receive $99,997 to continue family advocacy work, particularly to accompany children to medical evaluations court appearances. “In addition to providing direct support to returning parents, this money also supports a key position at Mission Kids,” said state Rep. Steve Malagari, D-Montgomery. “With the increased demands for these services, Mission Kids needs a family advocate who can appropriately support the needs of our communities.” "In my role as a state representative – specifically with regard to my position on the Children and Youth Committee – and most importantly in my role as a parent, the safety and wellness of children and families will always be my top priority,” said state Rep. Ben Sanchez, D-Montgomery. “That is why I am grateful for this opportunity to improve Read more


Ciresi-backed $225 Million Small Business Grant Program Announced

(Jun 09, 2020)

HARRISBURG, June 9 –State Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, today thanked Gov. Tom Wolf for opening a $225 million grant program for Small Businesses that have suffered from losses due to COVID-19. Funding was allocated in the recently passed state budget, voted for by Ciresi. “Small businesses are the backbone of our communities and this program ensures they remain the backbone of our communities even after suffering during this global pandemic,” Ciresi said. “I wrote the governor personally that loans were not enough, and worked with other members in the House to draft legislation that would have created our own Ultra-Small Business Grant Program and a grant program to help businesses adjust operations to safely reopen during the COVID-19 pandemic. I am glad that we started the conversation and that these ideas were incorporated into this announcement and will provide significant relief for many small business owners.” Ciresi and state Rep. Pam Snyder, D-Greene, had previously introduced H.B. 2452 to create a grant program for small businesses, and are working on legislation to create a grant program to help small businesses implement COVID-19 mitigation measures for safe reopening. The $225 million federally-funded statewide grant program announced by Wolf this week includes $100 million for the Main Street Business Revitalization Program, $100 million for the Historically Read more


Ciresi thanks Wolf for reopening outdoor dining in Yellow Phase

(May 29, 2020)

ROYERSFORD, May 29 – State Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, today thanked Gov. Tom Wolf for his latest announcement of additional guidance on dining during the Yellow and Green phases of reopening and additional details on personal care services, like hair salons and barbershops starting operations in the Green Phase. After working closely with several of his state House colleagues, Ciresi wrote a letter to the governor seeking the ability for those businesses to reopen. "I wrote to the governor and he responded with action,” Ciresi said. “We have been working together to show that we take this pandemic seriously and want to open in a safe and cautionary manner. Outdoor eating is one way we can do that. I want to thank the governor for listening to our concerns and further clarifying this process of reopening. Our dining establishments and hair salons can rest easier knowing that soon they will start to get back to business, in the Yellow and Green phases, respectively. Safety remains my number one priority, and I look forward to continuing to work together with these industries and the administration so that we can reopen while still following safety guidelines." Ciresi was joined by state Reps. Steve Malagari, Christina Sappey, Tina Davis, Dave Delloso, Jennifer O’Mara, Dan Williams, Danilo Burgos, Tim Briggs, Melissa Shusterman, Austin Davis, and Bill Kortz in calling for these changes. The letter was Read more


Ciresi votes for emergency property tax and small business relief, nursing home pandemic response

(May 29, 2020)

HARRISBURG, May 28 –State Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, today announced that he has voted in favor of several fiscal code bills, including House Bill 2510 and House Bill 1083 , to provide emergency funding and property tax relief in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. “Working together in a bipartisan fashion, we were able to compromise on a fiscal code that I am comfortable passing and moving forward,” Ciresi said. “It isn’t perfect, but our budgets rarely are. Nursing homes and small businesses are struggling across the state right now, and this funding for pandemic response, medical supplies, and business relief will provide a critical lifeline. With additional property tax relief funding, continued state funding for education, and a new program for emergency rent and mortgage assistance, I am also proud that we are delivering on much-needed housing and property tax assistance, even though we have more work left to do.” The fiscal code provided for a $300 million transfer from the federally-funded COVID-19 Response Restricted Account to the Property Tax Relief Fund, bringing the fund’s total for statewide property tax relief to $621 million. The fiscal code bills passed out of the House on May 28 would provide several measures that Ciresi has been working on in the legislature and pushing to include in this budget process, including: COVID-19 Relief County Block Read more


Ciresi appalled at lack of transparency and disclosure of COVID-positive House member

(May 28, 2020)

ROYERSFORD, May 28 – State Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, learned for the first time Wednesday that a sitting member of the Pennsylvania House had tested positive for COVID-19. Between May 20, when the representative received the test result, and Wednesday afternoon, members of the General Assembly, and all staff, faculty, security, and other personnel went about their business without the knowledge that a House member had tested positive for this deadly virus. "I am thankful that our colleague has made a full recovery, but I am appalled over this situation. The entire General Assembly should have been made aware of the positive case immediately,” Ciresi said. “Not only was the non-disclosure selfish, it caused unnecessary risk and violated the trust of fellow members." Ciresi serves on the State Government Committee. Another member of that committee, who never tested positive, is emerging from quarantine today. According to his social media accounts, Human Resources advised the member to quarantine due to his risk of the positive case through contact tracing. Centers for Disease and Control guidance was followed from that point forward. “My colleague on the State Government Committee did not reveal this information either, which is equally appalling,” Ciresi said. “While the COVID-19 positive lawmaker emerging from quarantine today was last in the Capitol on May 14, the situation Read more


Ciresi announces $28K grant to help fight hunger and prevent food waste at Open Door Ministry

(May 27, 2020)

ROYERSFORD, May 27 – State Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, today announced that a $28,915 grant has been awarded to Royersford’s Open Door Ministry. Open Door Ministry provides human services and support, including a weekly food pantry, for the Spring-Ford area of Montgomery County. "Grants like this help our food banks keep their promise to always be there for those in need,” Ciresi said. “With the increases in numbers at our local food banks and pantries during this time, we must make sure we’re doing everything we can to help feed our neighbors and loved ones. These grants will help acquire refrigeration equipment to keep the shelf life of foods lasting longer, and ultimately providing more food to the public. I am happy to see this money being used to help some of our most vulnerable." The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in an increased demand on charitable food systems. The Wolf administration will be awarding more than $9 million to nonprofit entities for projects to fight hunger and prevent food waste. The awards come from the expanded Food Recovery Infrastructure grant program announced in April. This program ensures food banks are adequately supplied to meet the needs of Pennsylvania residents. The full list of recipients is available here . Unused or unsold food can be dangerous for the environment. It ends up in landfills, where it can biodegrade and release Read more


Ciresi calls on Gov. Wolf to open restaurants and hair salons in Yellow Phase

(May 27, 2020)

MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Pa., May 26 – State Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, today announced that he has written a letter to Gov. Tom Wolf, signed by several other Pennsylvania House members, that would urge him to allow restaurants, hair salons and barbershops to open with limited capacity in the Yellow Phase. Ciresi stressed appropriate safety measures and guidelines would have to be met to reopen. "We have seen how our grocery stores and other businesses have adapted to this crisis,” Ciresi said. “This letter is merely a call to amend the Yellow Phase as it is currently to allow hair salons, barbershops, and restaurants to safely reopen as well. Protecting lives is my top priority, but we also need to make sure our small businesses do not have to close their doors permanently over this pandemic. Reopening can be done safely, and we have the protective equipment and cleaning procedures to follow mitigation guidelines." Ciresi was joined by state Reps. Steve Malagari, Christina Sappey, Tina Davis, Dave Delloso, Jennifer O’Mara, Dan Williams, Danilo Burgos, Tim Briggs, Melissa Shusterman, and Austin Davis in calling for these changes. The letter was also accompanied by proposed safety guidelines for barbershops. Limited capacity for these businesses would mean 50% of their capacity limit during the Yellow Phase and 80% during the Green Phase. This would also include full use of outdoor seating, Read more


Ciresi announces plan to get American flags to local veterans groups before Memorial Day

(May 20, 2020)

MONTGOMERY, May 20 – State Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, today announced that he will be working to place American flags in the hands of local veterans groups in time for Memorial Day. "The Pottstown-Royersford-Trappe region is home to a lot of proud veterans,” Ciresi said. “When I heard that Montgomery County would be delaying the distribution of flags to veterans groups this year, I wanted to help fill the need. Our veterans and their families can now pay their respects over the Memorial Day weekend while practicing social distancing and taking proper precautions. I would especially like to thank Bill Pinkerton, president of Veterans in Recovery, for his help in distributing flags." Beginning May 20, more than 200 American flags will be available for pickup behind Ciresi's district office in Royersford, located at 301 N. Lewis Road in Montgomery County, with additional rear parking off Oak Street. To honor our fallen heroes over the Memorial Day weekend, these free flags are especially important this year because Montgomery County has delayed the distribution of flags due to COVID-19 concerns. An additional 300 flags will be distributed to the local VFW for placement at the Fernwood and Limerick Garden of Memories cemeteries, as well as 500 flags to Edgewood Cemetery in Pottstown. For constituents picking up flags at the district office, Ciresi asks you to consider donating a Read more


Ciresi thanks Gov. Wolf for action on real estate

(May 19, 2020)

MONTGOMERY, May 19 – State Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, thanked Gov. Tom Wolf for his order that allows for the reopening of limited real estate transactions , which was announced today. “Governor Wolf and I have been listening to your concerns and I’m thankful that he has recognized housing as a life-sustaining industry by working to reopen limited real estate transactions,” Ciresi said. “I have worked with the governor on this issue and co-sponsored legislation in the House that would have reopened real estate services. Measured and limited services, especially in recognition of housing as a basic need, will help Pennsylvanians while still protecting them. We cannot allow residents to continue to live in a terrible situation at a time when isolation is so important to our health. I ensured there were other mitigation and safety guidelines included in the bill to help protect customers and workers alike.” Ciresi was listed as the second co-sponsor of H.B. 2412, introduced by Rep. Todd Polinchock (R-Bucks), to reopen real estate activities statewide. Real estate services are designated as a life-sustaining business in the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Advisory Memorandum. For more information, contact Ciresi’s office at 484-200-8265. ### Read more


Ciresi asks Gov. Wolf to allow curbside retail

(May 19, 2020)

MONTGOMERY, May 19 – State Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, today announced that he has written a letter to Gov. Tom Wolf calling for curbside retail pick up in parts of the state that are still under the red phase, including Montgomery County. “People want to get back to work and do business once again. I think if our state liquor stores can do it, there’s no reason another retailer shouldn’t be able to do the same thing,” Ciresi said. “It’s troubling to me that so many larger corporations have the resources to stay open, while our smaller businesses remain closed. We need to work with our local businesses so that they can open safely, too. We should not be allowing places like Walmart to conduct business as usual, but demand that our local businesses shut their doors. This gives them an option to open in a limited fashion and start to pick up the pieces.” States such as New Jersey are allowing curbside pick up to begin next week, and similar actions are being taken into consideration in parts of New York and California, among other states. “I believe it’s possible to commit ourselves to public health and safety by taking life-saving measures into careful consideration and complying with Department of Health and CDC guidelines,” Ciresi continued. “Through no-contact payment, face masks, gloves and other protective equipment, we can safely begin to open these stores while continuing Read more


Ciresi-backed bill reopening real estate services heads to governor’s desk

(May 15, 2020)

HARRISBURG, May 15 – State Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, applauds the bipartisan passage of H.B. 2412 in the House and Senate this week, which would allow real estate and legal services to safely reopen in Pennsylvania. Ciresi was the second co-sponsor of the bill and had an amendment adopted that provided additional safety measures, including mitigation measures defined by the Centers for Disease Control and the Department of Health to protect workers and customers. “It is my hope that Governor Wolf will sign this bill into law so that we can recognize housing as a life-sustaining need,” Ciresi said. “I’ve heard from many of my constituents who need this industry to reopen, unable to find a new home after leaving their previous one or in a terrible living situation and in need of a way out. At a time when we are supposed to be isolating ourselves at home, we need to make sure everyone has the right home to do that.” Real estate services are designated as a life-sustaining business in the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Advisory Memorandum. For more information contact Ciresi’s office at (484) 200-8265. ### Read more


Ciresi introduces bills to provide banking support for small businesses and nonprofits

(May 08, 2020)

HARRISBURG, May 8 – State Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, today announced that he is sponsoring a pair of bills that would help small businesses and nonprofits throughout the state. The legislation would create the COVID-19 Banking on Small Business Program and COVID-19 Banking on Nonprofits Program within the Department of Banking and Securities to provide cooperation between small businesses and nonprofits and banks and credit unions for loan deferrals, repayment plans, and loan modifications. “Many of our small businesses and non-profits are contemplating closing their doors,” Ciresi said. “They do not have the same resources as larger corporations, and many times they are missing out on pandemic relief banking opportunities only because they do not have an attorney or financial specialist on call 24/7. If we want to give them a chance to survive this pandemic, we need to make sure they have the same chances at extensions of credit and deferred loans as the bigger corporations. I am working on this pair of bills to support our hardworking small business owners and the nonprofits that need this help the most.” The two bills would direct the attention of small businesses and nonprofits to the good work that banks and credit unions are already doing to help businesses stay afloat through extensions of credit or financial assistance in the form of deferred loans or new repayment options. Eligible small Read more


Ciresi asks Gov. Wolf to consider excluding prison, nursing home COVID-19 cases from reopening metrics

(May 05, 2020)

HARRISBURG, May 5 – State Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, today announced that he wrote a letter to Gov. Tom Wolf last week asking for him to consider not counting COVID-19 cases at long-term facilities in which residents do not leave, including prison inmates and residents of long-term care and skilled nursing facilities, in metrics guiding the reopening of the state. He said this step would better align the metrics used with the measure of the outbreak’s spread among the public. However, those cases still would be included and published in the overall tracking of the spread of COVID-19. “I do not believe the case numbers in closed environments, such as prisons and nursing homes, adequately reflect the state of community spread among the population at large,” Ciresi said. “We absolutely have to do more to contain the alarming spread of the COVID-19 virus in these closed environments, but at the same time mitigation measures and guidelines for those communities are very different than for the rest of the public. Our economy should only reopen when we've made sufficient progress in limiting community spread, and the public has been doing its part by practicing social distancing, wearing masks and staying at home. I believe our metrics should be based on data; however, I think our data should match the population as a whole.” The number of COVID-19 cases in a region is one of several metrics and risk Read more


Ciresi sponsors bill to extend budget deadlines for school districts

(May 04, 2020)

HARRISBURG, May 4 – State Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, today announced that he is sponsoring H.B. 2482 , which would extend the deadline for school districts to pass their annual budgets past the state-mandated July 1 deadline. The bill was introduced with a bipartisan group of 26 legislators signed on as co-sponsors. “With the new challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, school districts have had to adjust to new ways of conducting public business while maintaining social distancing,” Ciresi said. “Given this disruption to budget timelines and new obstacles to public participation, school districts deserve more flexibility from the state-mandated deadline. In the best interests of our students, teachers and the community as a whole, we need to make sure that our school districts have the time to pass funded and vetted budgets that allow for public input and are inclusive of taxpayer voices.” Several federal and state deadlines already have been extended in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Under the bill, deadline extensions would be granted by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. For more information on the bill, those interested can contact Ciresi’s office at (484) 200-8265. ### Read more


Ciresi votes to open PA garden centers safely, quickly

(Apr 30, 2020)

HARRISBURG, April 30 – State Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, today announced that the House passed a bill to open garden centers, whose work is critical to helping Pennsylvanians provide food for themselves and the environment, after an amendment supported by Ciresi and fellow Democrats was added on to provide critical health and public safety requirements for employees and customers. The bill must be passed in the Senate before going to Gov. Tom Wolf. Ciresi said the requirements to protect workers are in line with Pennsylvania Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine’s direction to keep people safe and calm while reopening the economy. “What we are looking to do is reopen our state safely above all else,” Ciresi said. “We are taking very cautious first steps to open garden centers so that folks can provide food for themselves and others can get back to work in a proper manner that follows our state health department and national CDC guidelines. This legislation, with additional safety and worker protections, brings our policy in line with most of our neighboring states and is critical to making sure our nurseries and garden centers can survive as businesses after this outbreak is over, without sacrificing our public health." Under the bill, all stores that receive a waiver and operate would be required to provide, at minimum, the following protections for an essential employee: Additional hazard pay, Read more


Ciresi offers amendment, continues to push for COVID-19 small business support

(Apr 21, 2020)

HARRISBURG, APRIL 21 – State Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-Montgomery, today announced that although amendments to H.B. 2369 were not approved by the House Commerce Committee, he will continue to push for legislation that would benefit those who have been adversely affected by COVID-19. “I’ve been working diligently with members to create a package of bills that can deal with the crisis at hand and allow us to make a speedy recovery,” Ciresi said. “We have heard from constituents and are pushing to re-open the COVID-19 Working Capital Access loan program, add more non-profits to the eligibility list, and enable more life sciences and research to help develop methods to stifle this pandemic. We need to come together to make sure everyone has their needs met during this time. I look forward to continuing my work with my colleagues and calling for more action to serve our working families who are struggling most.” Ciresi’s amendment would have re-opened the COVID-19 Working Capital Access loan program with a $100 million transfer from the Rainy Day Fund and added non-profits and the life sciences industry to the list of eligible businesses for the program. Ciresi plans to introduce standalone legislation that would accomplish the same goals as the defeated amendment. Ciresi is also in the process of introducing a previously announced bill to create a $50 million grant program for Read more


Ciresi slams latest Tower Health insult to Pottstown
Jun 24, 2020

Ciresi legislation would allow municipal boards to meet remotely during emergencies
Jun 23, 2020

Southeast PA is ‘Going Green’ -- EBLAST for June 22
Jun 22, 2020

Ciresi condemns PennDOT decision to defund local projects
Jun 18, 2020

State legislators: PCCD grants will help at-risk parents and children
Jun 10, 2020

Ciresi-backed $225 Million Small Business Grant Program Announced
Jun 09, 2020

Ciresi thanks Wolf for reopening outdoor dining in Yellow Phase
May 29, 2020

Ciresi votes for emergency property tax and small business relief, nursing home pandemic response
May 29, 2020

Ciresi appalled at lack of transparency and disclosure of COVID-positive House member
May 28, 2020

Ciresi announces $28K grant to help fight hunger and prevent food waste at Open Door Ministry
May 27, 2020

Ciresi calls on Gov. Wolf to open restaurants and hair salons in Yellow Phase
May 27, 2020

Ciresi announces plan to get American flags to local veterans groups before Memorial Day
May 20, 2020

Ciresi thanks Gov. Wolf for action on real estate
May 19, 2020

Ciresi asks Gov. Wolf to allow curbside retail
May 19, 2020

Ciresi-backed bill reopening real estate services heads to governor’s desk
May 15, 2020

Ciresi introduces bills to provide banking support for small businesses and nonprofits
May 08, 2020

Ciresi asks Gov. Wolf to consider excluding prison, nursing home COVID-19 cases from reopening metrics
May 05, 2020

Ciresi sponsors bill to extend budget deadlines for school districts
May 04, 2020

Ciresi votes to open PA garden centers safely, quickly
Apr 30, 2020

Ciresi offers amendment, continues to push for COVID-19 small business support
Apr 21, 2020