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E-Blast: Diaper Drive Recap, Holiday Hours, & more!

Hello Neighbors, Community Members and Friends, 

Team Curry is grateful for our communities that we serve and the people who live here in the 164th Legislative District. As we move further into December, we wish everyone a wonderful holiday season and hope everyone has a chance to use this time to gather with friends and family, to rest and restore.

On Wednesday, I joined my colleagues state Sens. Cappelletti, Kane, and Kearney, along with state Rep. Borowski, as we teamed up with the Delco Foundation and the Lansdowne YMCA for a Diaper Drive at the Upper Darby WIC Office! Thank you all so much for your generous donations of diapers and other needed materials for mothers in need in our community!

Holiday Office Hours

With the holidays fast approaching, my office will be observing special hours of operation. Please plan accordingly around our current holiday schedule: 

Monday 12/23/24 – Closing 1 p.m.

Tuesday 12/24/24 – Friday 12/27/24 Closed

Monday 12/30/24: 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Tuesday 12/31/24 - Wednesday 01/01/25 Closed

Thursday 01/02/25: 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.


Thank you for subscribing to my informational weekly e-blasts. Read on to learn more about upcoming events! Please be sure to share the information with your neighbors and friends to stay informed and sign up for our weekly E-blast at

In partnership and service,

PA Representative Gina Curry's signature image

Gina H. Curry


Open House

I want to thank everyone who came out for cookies and cocoa at our open house last night! It was great to spread holiday cheer with all of the folks in our communities! 


Postpartum Transition Program

The Delaware County Health Department is teaming up with to bring a Postpartum Transition Program to Delaware County Mamas. Moms less than a year postpartum will receive support through a 1-hour session with a professional Doula, discuss postpartum transitions, and be part of a community promoting equitable maternal care for BIPOC moms. Delco Mamas can register at


Doula Training

CocoLife has a few scholarships remaining for those who wish to become a certified Doula. The training is PA Cert Board approved with additional mentorship and workforce readiness support. Find out more by visiting the link here.


Pennie Open Enrollment

Making sure you can afford to see the doctor and helping you save money at the same time. Pennie is PA’s health insurance marketplace, and it works for Delaware County. Visit or call me at 610-259-7016 to learn more!


LIHEAP Now Open!

The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is now accepting applications for the 2024-25 season. LIHEAP is a federally funded program administered by DHS that helps qualified Pennsylvanians pay their home heating bills during the winter months. Assistance is available for both renters and homeowners. The LIHEAP application period for cash and crisis grants is open from November 4, 2024, to April 4, 2025.


LIHEAP assistance is available in the form of cash or crisis grants which are distributed directly to a household’s utility company or home heating fuel provider. Individuals or households do not have to repay assistance. The minimum LIHEAP cash grant is $200, and the maximum cash grant is $1,000. Individuals and households may receive one cash grant per LIHEAP season.


Households must apply for LIHEAP each year, so if an individual was approved or denied previously, DHS encourages them to apply again for the 2024-25 season. Start your application through the link here


Shopping for Electricity and Gas

Feel like you're paying too much for Electricity or Gas? You may be eligible to switch to a provider that will works as a better fit for you! Follow the steps above to see if a switch is right for you! For more info, visit or


Volunteers Needed for Senior Meals! 

Volunteers are needed to help the Watkins Senior Center deliver meals to seniors throughout Upper Darby Township. Drivers and non-drivers are needed on weekday mornings. Call 610-734-7652 for more details! 


Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program

The Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program income eligibility limit is now raised for both homeowners and renters to $45,000 and the maximum rebate is raised to $1,000, allowing more folks to stay in their homes and afford their basic necessities. 


Now thousands more seniors and people living with disabilities in Delaware County are eligible, and those who are already getting a rebate could be getting a bigger one!


That’s real money seniors can spend on food, medicine, the latest streaming service, taking the grandkids for ice cream – whatever seniors want to spend it on.


Applications are now open, and the sooner you apply, the better. Deadline has been extended to December 31, 2024! Just give my office a call (610) 259-7016, send an email to, or stop by and see us and we’ll find out if you’re eligible!


Alternative Fuel Vehicle Rebates

Do you own an electric, hybrid, or other alternative fuel vehicle? Then you may be eligible for a rebate! To find out how much you could earn and eligibility, visit the link here


SEPTA Senior Key Cards

SEPTA is reminding SEPTA Key Senior ID Card holders that Key Card expirations are resuming in 2023. That means Senior Key Cards with printed expiration dates of 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 will expire this year on the last day of the month printed on the card.


Please check your card and make plans to renew your SEPTA Key Senior ID Card, so you do not experience an interruption in service.


Seniors living in the 164th district can apply for a new SEPTA Key Senior ID Card or renew an existing card at my legislative district office located at:


Barclay Square Shopping Center

1500 Garrett Road

Upper Darby, PA 19082


Please call (610)-259-7016 to schedule an appointment and for more information. Seniors renewing their card should bring their current card. My staff will process your renewal or new application – taking a picture, if necessary – and SEPTA will mail a new card directly to you in 2-3 weeks.

Grant Opportunities

You can view a list of several grant programs that recently opened for applications, on my website.


If you need help applying for grants, please contact my office at (610) 259-7016 or email


Upcoming Events


YMCA Togetherhood Pantry

The Lansdowne YMCA is once again opening its Togetherhood Pantry on select Wednesdays from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturdays starting at 9 a.m. No appointment is necessary, food is available on a first come, first serve basis. 

Maternity Care Coalition Parenting Group

The Maternity Care Coalition is hosting a free virtual Delaware County Parent Group! This 12 week series is open to all caregivers of children ages 0-5 in Delaware County! The group meets virtually on Thursdays from noon to 1:30 p.m. Register through the link here

Entrepreneurial Workshop

The Bywood Community Association is presenting an Entrepreneurial Forum on Thursday, Jan. 9 at 6:30 p.m. Anyone who is interested in entrepreneurship at any level or age is invited to gather at 7099 Locust St. in Upper Darby! Register through the link here

Homeownership Workshops

Not sure if homeownership is right for you? Don't know where to start? 

?This free workshop is designed to give you an overview of the home buying process! You will learn how to get financially prepared, how to access grant funds, and what to expect from the professionals who will be involved in the process. Workshops are online and live, so be prepared to take notes and ask questions! Register through the link here

UDTJ Events

UDTJ is hosting multiple workshops and events in the coming months. Visit to sign up! 

Teeter Totter Play Group

Every second and fourth Tuesday of the month, the Delaware County Family Center is hosting a Teeter Totter Play Group from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. For more information and to register, scan the QR code! 


If you need assistance with any state-related issue, you can reach out to my office.

Thank you for letting our team proudly serve you, your families, and the stakeholders in the 164th in East Lansdowne, Lansdowne, Milbourne, and Upper Darby. 


Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for more updates and events happening in Harrisburg and the 164th! 


Rep. Gina H. Curry
164th Legislative District, Delaware County


Pennsylvania State Capitol

25-A East Wing
Harrisburg, PA 17120

(717) 783-4907

District Office

1500 Garrett Rd.
Upper Darby, PA 19082
(610) 259-7016