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E-Blast: MLK Day, PTRR Open, & more!

Hello Neighbors, Community Members and Friends, 

I hope the new year has been happy and healthy for you and your families. These cold temperatures and snow showers show no signs of slowing. Team Curry is here to help! The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is still active! This program can help assist with your heating bills during these brutal winter months! You can find more information on LIHEAP and other state-related programs further below! 

We started the week with a news conference after the disappointing news that Prospect Medical Holdings Inc., the parent company of Crozer Health System, declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy. 

For folks in Delaware County, we know the effects of hospital closures all too well. I am working with my fellow legislators to do what we can to keep services and operations at Crozer-Chester Medical Center and Taylor Hospital open while Prospect restructures their systems during this bankruptcy. We are also working with the office of the Pennsylvania Attorney General on every legal angle to hold Prospect accountable and Gov. Josh Shapiro is keeping a close eye on the situation as well. 

A reminder that my office will be closed this Monday, Jan. 20 to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day. 

Dr. King's overall teaching was that when we view each other as equal and view a person's character instead of the color of their skin, we can make greater strides towards peace and progress. To properly observe this day, we are called to provide service to our communities, working hand-in-hand with our neighbors just as Dr. King had envisioned! 


Thank you for subscribing to my informational weekly e-blasts. Read on to learn more about upcoming events! Please be sure to share the information with your neighbors and friends to stay informed and sign up for our weekly E-blast at

In partnership and service,

PA Representative Gina Curry's signature image

Gina H. Curry


Lansdowne Theater Tour

On Tuesday, I had the great opportunity to see the progress of the historic Lansdowne Theater. Looking forward to the grand opening this year! Thank you to Matt Schultz and the Lansdowne Theater Board for the update tour today! 

Fanta Bility Playground Dedication

On Wednesday, my staff attended the dedication ceremony for the Fanta Billity Playground in Sharon Hill. This event honored and celebrated the memory of Fanta Bility on what would have been her 12th birthday.

The Fanta Bility Foundation, in collaboration with Sharon Hill Borough, unveiled a commemorative placard officially renaming the Sharon Hill Playground as the Fanta Bility Playground.

Fanta's family, along with community leaders, were present for the unveiling, making the occasion a heartfelt tribute to her legacy.

Want to stay up to date on all my happenings in Harrisburg, the 164th Legislative District and beyond? Or do you want to get the latest info on our events and office hours? Make sure to follow me on all my social pages using the icons below! 

House Fellowship Program

The PA House Legislative Fellowship Program is accepting applications for the Spring 2025 semester! Fellows will be compensated, which may include college credit. Deadline is March 1. For more details visit


House Scholarship Opportunity

Applications are now being accepted for the PA House of Representatives Scholarship Program! The program is administered through The Foundation for Enhancing Communities and is for graduating high school seniors who reside in PA! Find more info here:


Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program

The Property Tax/Rent Rebate program has made it easier for older friends & neighbors here in the 164th Legislative District to stay in their homes and afford groceries, medicine, and so much more.

The application period for the 2025 program has just opened, and I’m here to help find out if you’re eligible and apply for your rebate. Thanks to changes we made in 2023 more people are eligible and the rebates are bigger than ever!

Contact me to get a start on the process! While we help with this program, we'll see what other state programs and services are available for you. 


LIHEAP Now Open!

The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is still accepting applications for the 2024-25 season. LIHEAP is a federally funded program administered by DHS that helps qualified Pennsylvanians pay their home heating bills during the winter months. Assistance is available for both renters and homeowners. The LIHEAP application period for cash and crisis grants is open until April 4, 2025.


LIHEAP assistance is available in the form of cash or crisis grants which are distributed directly to a household’s utility company or home heating fuel provider. Individuals or households do not have to repay assistance. The minimum LIHEAP cash grant is $200, and the maximum cash grant is $1,000. Individuals and households may receive one cash grant per LIHEAP season.


Households must apply for LIHEAP each year, so if an individual was approved or denied previously, DHS encourages them to apply again for the 2024-25 season. Start your application through the link here


Grant Opportunities

You can view a list of several grant programs that recently opened for applications, on my website.


If you need help applying for grants, please contact my office at (610) 259-7016 or email


Upcoming Events

State Sen. Tim Kearney and I are teaming up for another community blood drive! We're asking blood donors to come out on Wednesday, Jan 22 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Community Center on 155 Lexington Ave. in East Lansdowne. To register call 1-800-733-2767 or visit and enter 'Senator Kearney' to schedule an appointment! 

Maternal Outcomes Matter is hosting a Delco Mommy Meet Up! Stop by the Lansdowne YMCA from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Feb. 1 for maternal health care discussions, resources and more!


If you need assistance with any state-related issue, you can reach out to my office.

Thank you for letting our team proudly serve you, your families, and the stakeholders in the 164th in East Lansdowne, Lansdowne, Milbourne, and Upper Darby. 


Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for more updates and events happening in Harrisburg and the 164th! 


Rep. Gina H. Curry
164th Legislative District, Delaware County


Pennsylvania State Capitol

25-A East Wing
Harrisburg, PA 17120

(717) 783-4907

District Office

1500 Garrett Rd.
Upper Darby, PA 19082
(610) 259-7016