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Join me for my district office open house tomorrow!

Dear Friends,

I am so proud to share that I was sworn in for my fourth term as a state representative this week. It is the privilege of a lifetime. I get a bit teared up each time I promise to “support, obey and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of this Commonwealth.”  The importance of the work we do and the oath we take is something I feel deeply every day of my life. I will continue to work hard every day to make you proud.

Swearing-in day was another unprecedented one this session. Going into swearing-in, both the Democrats and the Republicans had 101 members in the House chamber.  Though we have a majority in the House by one, a colleague in our caucus was not in attendance due to a health emergency. His family is in our thoughts and our prayers are with him as he recovers. The Chief Clerk, who is a nonpartisan official, presides over the opening of session and yields to a member of the Judiciary that administers the oath of office to members, then runs session until a speaker is elected. While neither party had a majority in the chamber that day, significant negotiations regarding the House Rules and the promise that certain bills would run yielded an agreement from the Republicans to support Representative Joanna McClinton as Speaker.


Following the vote for Speaker, we voted on House Rules for this session. These rules dictate how bills are introduced, what committees exist, the number of members on each committee, how long we have to wait before bringing up bills, etc.


Negotiations surrounding the rules, while tense because of the even split of the House, were essential to ensuring Democrats retained the gavel pending my colleague’s return. While I feel we lost some ground on good government reforms we had made progress on in the 2022 Rules, I was glad to see the House Republicans and Democrats working together to create a final product and to ensure we did not have a repeat of last session’s fiasco.


My hope is that this work sets the tone for what I hope to be a more collegial and fruitful session. Republicans have elected a new Leader, Jesse Topper, who seems more inclined to work across the aisle for the betterment of all Pennsylvanians and I look forward to seeing what we can accomplish.


After the Rules were passed, we met in a joint session with the Senate on some housekeeping matters and then adjourned. Compared to last year, this swearing-in was vastly less contentious albeit tense. I look forward to discussing in the coming weeks the committees to which I’ve been assigned, and the updated House Rules and how I feel they will impact the upcoming session.

Constituent Services Corner – How We Can Serve You

Mobile Office – North Wales Library



Join me tomorrow for my New Year Open House from 1 p.m. – 3 p.m.! We will be accepting donations on behalf of Your Way Home. Requested donations include blankets, socks, handwarmers, medical supplies, and other basic needs for people experiencing homelessness in Montgomery County.

PHEAA Webinar, January 30, 2025

Helping with Higher Education, Every Step of the Way – Financial Aid 101

New to the financial aid process? Our 101 course will help cover the basics around the application process, types of aid available, and overall tips for keeping your education affordable. Sign up here!


As temperatures get colder, the Department of Human Services is now accepting applications for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). LIHEAP is a federally funded program administered by DHS that helps Pennsylvanians pay their heating bills during the winter months. Assistance is available for both renters and homeowners. The LIHEAP application period for cash and crisis grants is open from November 4, 2024, to April 4, 2025.


If you or a loved one needs assistance in applying for LIHEAP, please call my District Office at (610) 277-3230, and we will assist you right away.

Learn more:
Apply now:

Wissahickon School District

The Wissahickon School District (WSD) is excited to welcome incoming kindergarteners for the 2025-2026 school year! Below are four important updates for parents/caregivers of incoming kindergartners who currently reside within the district boundaries. Children who will be age 5 on or before Sept. 1, 2025, are eligible to enter kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year.

1. Kindergarten Overview Meetings: The elementary schools in WSD will hold in-person meetings on Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025, at 6 p.m. at Blue Bell Elementary, Lower Gwynedd Elementary, Shady Grove Elementary, and Stony Creek Elementary. These meetings will include a welcome by the building principal, an overview of the kindergarten program, and information from the school counselor and nurse.

2. Kindergarten Registration: Following the pre-registration kindergarten overview meetings on Jan. 21, 2025, kindergarten registration will begin on Jan. 22, 2025 (will end on March 7, 2025). For more information about our kindergarten registration process, please visit this web page to get started:

3. Kindergarten Interviews: In the spring (March 10-April 11, 2025), WSD invites registered kindergarten students to their school to participate in our kindergarten interview process, which is an opportunity for a kindergarten teacher, reading specialist, or school counselor to meet with and learn more about your child in preparation for the start of the school year.

4. Kindergarten Orientation/Back to School Night Event: On Thursday Aug. 21, 2025, from 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. incoming kindergartners and parents/caregivers are invited to an Orientation & Back to School Night event at their school, this includes the Bus Ride Experience (more information will be emailed in the summer).

The community is encouraged to share this information with friends and neighbors who will register their kindergarten students in WSD for the 2025-26 school year.

Kristen Rawlings
601 Knight Road
Ambler, PA  19002


Pennsylvania State Capitol
28-B East Wing
Harrisburg, PA 17120

(717) 783-4102

District Office

1098 W. Skippack Pike
Blue Bell, PA 19422

(610) 277-3230