Expense Report - August

*These expenses will be updated by the 15th of the followiing month.
Annual Salary: The base salary for every member of the House is $95,432. Each member also received health care and a pension. During the 2022 session, Rep. Miller's salary is $115,702 due to his extra duties and responsibilities as minority Caucus Chair.
Per Diems: House members are able to receive per diems, which cap at $138 a night for lodging and $64 a day for food expenses. Rep. Miller does not take per diems.
Actual Expenses: Instead of taking per diems, Rep. Miller submits actual receipts for approved expenses, which are capped daily at $117 for lodging and $64 for food. These receipts are submitted per House Rules and are available in full from the Chief Clerk's Office.
State Car: Rep. Miller does not use a state vehicle and submits mileage per House Rules. The current mileage allowance per the federal government rate is 62.5 cents per mile.
Office and Staff: Rep. Miller maintains a district office in Mt. Lebanon and occupies the minority Caucus Chair office in the Capitol. He has three full-time staffers in the district and four in Harrisburg. All state employee salaries may be viewed here.
Rep. Miller's Expenses for August 2022

For more information on any government or legislative expense, visit here to learn how to file a right to know request or contact Rep. Miller's office if you need assistance.