“This project will reduce unaccounted-for water loss and potential health impacts related to elevated lead levels for the people living in these areas,” said Freeman. Read more
Pa. state Rep. Kyle Mullins joined Governor Shapiro and fellow legislators at the Greater Wyoming Valley Area YMCA to promote the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit and the expansion of the Property Tax/Rent Rebate program. As costs continue to rise for working families and seniors, Mullins says these programs will be a huge help and he's proud to have supported them. Read more
Pa. state Rep. Jim Haddock welcomed Governor Shapiro to Pittston for a press event at the Greater Wyoming Valley Area YMCA to promote the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit and the expansion of the Property Tax/Rent Rebate program. Haddock says these programs will make a huge difference for thousands of working families and seniors in Lackawanna and Luzerne Counties who are struggling to makes ends meet. Read more
Pa. state Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski joined Governor Shapiro for a press event at the Greater Wyoming Valley Area YMCA to promote the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit, a program that will help many working families afford childcare and remain in the workforce. Read more
Pa. state Rep. Bridget M. Kosierowski joined Governor Shapiro and fellow legislators at the Greater Wyoming Valley Area YMCA to promote two key programs benefiting working families and seniors - the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit and the expansion of the Property Tax/Rent Rebate program. Read more
Pa. state Rep. Josh Siegel joined Governor Shapiro and other elected officials in Bethlehem to promote the newly expanded Property Tax/Rent Rebate program. Siegel says with the changes to income requirements, 175,000 more people could qualify and receive an expanded rebate that would help combat rising costs. Read more
Lackawanna County Planning and Economic Development today was awarded an $800,108 grant through Pennsylvania’s Abandoned Mine Lands and Acid Mine Drainage Program, according to state Rep. Bridget M. Kosierowski. Read more
Pa. state Rep. Steve Samuelson joined Governor Josh Shapiro and other elected officials in Bethlehem to kick off the 2024 Property Tax/Rent Rebate program which includes newly expanded eligibility and higher rebates that will put more money back in the pockets of seniors across the state. Read more
Pa. state Rep. Jeanne McNeill highlights the recent expansion of the Property Tax/Rent Rebate program and how it will benefit seniors in Lehigh County. McNeill says with increased eligibility and higher rebates, many more seniors on fixed incomes could receive vital assistance to help them make ends meet. Read more
State Rep. Jeanne McNeill said $199,596 in state grants were awarded today to three projects in her legislative district. Read more
“We increased the income limits for the first time in 17 years and we are providing larger maximum rebates for those who qualify,” said Rep. Steve Samuelson, prime sponsor of the legislation which expanded the PTRR. Read more
A $108,650 state grant awarded today will allow the city of Bethlehem to update its recreation plan, announced state Reps. Steve Samuelson and Jeanne McNeill. Read more
“Whether it’s for a park project or other important planning function, these grants will help the municipalities complete them in a timely manner," Freeman said. Read more
“It is always great to see grant dollars being returned to our area, and I look forward to the completion of these outdoor projects,” said Kosierowski. Read more
"This funding is important because it will be used to improve outdoor recreation opportunities for residents, young and old alike," Haddock said. Read more
HARRISBURG, Jan. 11 – Today, Pennsylvania’s Basic Education Funding Commission delivered a report recommending significant investments to close the gaps between schools and deliver property tax relief to homeowners shouldering the largest burdens. State Rep. Mike Schlossberg released the following statement: “The majority report approved by the commission recognizes what my Level Up proposals attempted to resolve: Pennsylvania’s poorest school districts need more support from the Commonwealth to better serve our students. With an antiquated school funding system that relies on local property taxes to pay for education, districts with lower property values are always going to struggle to fulfill their obligations. It results in higher property taxes for homeowners and small businesses and short-changes students. By increasing the state’s share of funding to those struggling districts, allocating resources to new school construction, and providing property tax relief for homeowners, we can set a stronger, new course for Pennsylvania’s students. Level Up took a few big steps in addressing those issues, but it was never a permanent solution. Implementing this report IS the permanent solution. “I would like to take a moment to thank Education Committee chair Representative Pete Schweyer for his work and leadership on behalf of the House. With Senator Nick Miller also on the commission, the Read more
Pa. state Rep. Peter Schweyer, Chair of the House Education Committee, is pleased with the final report from the Basic Education Funding Commission and feels its recommendations could have a huge impact for students across the commonwealth. In addition to increased funding for school districts that need it most, Schweyer says the report also aims to provide property tax relief and invest in new school buildings. Read more
Pa. state Rep. Jim Haddock joined many of his colleagues to race in his first Celebrity Feed Scurry Race at the Pa. Farm Show. Haddock was proud to place in the top half in 13th place on his first try and to be able to participate in an event that helps raise funds for Ag students. Read more
Grants available as of Tuesday, Jan. 9 Read more
State Rep. Josh Siegel released the following statement today regarding the three-year anniversary of the Jan. 6th insurrection: Read more
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