Pennsylvania Black Maternal Health Caucus applauds passage of S.B. 500

(Nov 13, 2023)

The bill now heads to the Senate for concurrence. Read more


Mayes applauds passage of Owen’s Law

(Nov 13, 2023)

“As a longtime advocate for Black maternal health and reproductive justice, co-chair of the Pennsylvania Black Maternal Health Caucus, and a new mother, I applaud the passage of Owen’s Law, which would make breast milk, an important source of nutrition for infants, more accessible for medically fragile infants in need,” Mayes said. “With two-thirds of mothers struggling with breastfeeding, Owen’s Law will provide critical support for mothers and birthing people across our commonwealth.” Read more


Grants available as of Wednesday, Nov. 8

(Nov 08, 2023)

Grants available as of Wednesday, Nov. 8 Read more


Shapiro: maternal morbidity law vital to protect moms and babies

(Nov 02, 2023)

A new law will provide key data to improve outcomes for women, especially Black women, who have high rates of maternal morbidity across the state. Read more


‘This is only a start’: Shapiro, lawmakers celebrate signing of maternal mortality bill

(Nov 02, 2023)

Cephas thanked the newly formed caucus for its work and said its members, including state Reps. La’Tasha D. Mayes (D-Allegheny) and Gina Curry (D-Delaware) will be “laser-focused on building on the momentum of the work we’ve done to date and beginning to be the catalyst for the work we will be doing moving forward.” Read more


Act 5 will help ‘improve maternal health’ in PA, Mayes says

(Oct 31, 2023)

“As an advocate for Black maternal health and reproductive health, rights and justice, member of the Women’s Health Caucus, and co-chair of the Black Maternal Health Caucus, I am thankful for Sen. Schwank’s leadership, as well as Rep. Morgan Cephas for introducing the House companion bill, and Gov. Shapiro for acting swiftly to sign S.B. 262 into law,” Mayes said. “This law will provide us with the data to improve maternal health for Pennsylvanians.” Read more


Mayes votes to repeal the death penalty in PA

(Oct 31, 2023)

After committee consideration of the bill, Mayes, who voted in support of advancing it to the full House, applauded state Rep. Chris Rabb, D-Phila., for introducing the legislation and for his work to repeal the death penalty in Pennsylvania. Read more


State grant programs open for applications as of Monday, Oct. 23

(Oct 23, 2023)

State grant programs available as of Monday, Oct. 23. Read more


Pa. lawmakers launch Black Maternal Health Caucus to combat ‘alarming’ maternal mortality rates

(Oct 20, 2023)

In a statement on Wednesday, Mayes said the Caucus “will build upon Act 5 of 2023 and the 2023-24 state budget’s $2.3 million investment in Black maternal health” by introducing and supporting policy aimed at improving Black maternal health care and reducing the maternal mortality and morbidity rates. Read more


Mayes launches PA Black Maternal Health Caucus with Cephas, Curry

(Oct 18, 2023)

“By launching this caucus, we may begin to address severe maternal morbidity rates, which are highest for Black, non-Hispanic patients, and significantly reduce maternal mortality in Pennsylvania,” Mayes said. Read more


Grants available as of Tuesday, Oct. 17

(Oct 17, 2023)

Grants available as of Tuesday, Oct. 17 Read more


Cephas, Curry, Mayes launch Pennsylvania Black Maternal Health Caucus

(Oct 17, 2023)

The Pennsylvania Black Maternal Health Caucus seeks to address disturbing trends of Black maternal mortality and morbidity and pass the Pennsylvania MOMNIBUS, a legislative package modeled after the federal MOMNIBUS legislation to change the trajectory of maternal health outcomes in Pennsylvania. Read more


More than $3 million awarded from PHFA’s Housing Options Program

(Oct 13, 2023)

“Pittsburgh ranks as one of the most expensive cities in the U.S., and these grants will make it more affordable for residents of the 24th Legislative District to continue living here in our city,” Mayes said. “Thanks to these grants from PHFA’s HOP, we may make Pittsburgh a more affordable area to live.” Read more


Mayes stands in solidarity with PPG staff on strike

(Oct 12, 2023)

“I stand in solidarity with striking Post-Gazette staff as they continue to fight for a fair contract,” Mayes said. “For a year now, the Post-Gazette and Block Communications continuously refuse to engage in collective bargaining, causing staff on strike to lose wages and benefits that impact their livelihood.” Read more


Mayes celebrates National Coming Out Day, passage of Fairness Act

(Oct 11, 2023)

“Protecting LGBTQ+ Pennsylvanians from discrimination is one way we can create a commonwealth where people can feel safe and affirmed when they come out and it helps them to know their legislators are tirelessly working to ensure equality for all Pennsylvanians,” Mayes said. “I call upon the Senate to consider the Fairness Act so that all Pennsylvanians may proudly express their identity in our commonwealth.” Read more


Grants available as of Wednesday, Oct. 11

(Oct 11, 2023)

Grants available as of Wednesday, Oct. 11 Read more


Mayes appointed to PA House Human Services Committee

(Oct 04, 2023)

“Now, with my appointment to the Human Services Committee, I will work to advance legislation to ensure all Pennsylvanians have access to the social services they need,” Mayes said. “I look forward to working with the majority chair of the committee, Representative Stephen Kinsey, and my fellow members of the House Human Services Committee.” Read more


Grants available as of Tuesday, Oct. 3

(Oct 03, 2023)

Grants available as of Tuesday, Oct. 3 Read more


Grant opportunities

(Sep 27, 2023)

Grants available as of Wednesday, Sept. 27 Read more


Mayes addresses recent shooting in Garfield

(Aug 29, 2023)

“With gun violence increasing all across the country and this shooting so close to home, we must continuously work to prevent gun violence, address the housing crisis and the effects of gentrification, and allocate mental health resources, so that we may never endure such trauma in our neighborhood, or in our country, ever again,” Mayes said. “Redlining, which creates barriers for people of color to own a home, and gentrification are intertwined in Pittsburgh’s housing crisis. We must address these systemic issues as we continue to support our neighbors in Garfield. That way we may repair the damage caused by this shooting and prevent gun violence.” Read more