Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibility Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!


Follow me on social media and check out my website!

#GetInvolved and #JoinTheConversation!


Dear Neighbor,


I’d like to share with you the work that I’m doing in Harrisburg and locally to ensure we Thrive in the 185. Keep reading for more details, follow my social media for updates, and please contact one of my offices to find out how we can help you with state and local programs and resources. #InformationIsPower

Please note that my offices will be closed beginning on Tuesday, Dec. 31 and we’ll reopen to serve you in the new year on Thursday, Jan. 2 in observance of the New Year holiday.

I hope that you and your family enjoy a fun and safe New Year’s celebration, and a happy and prosperous New Year!

For those who celebrate, I wish a Happy Kwanzaa to you and your family. This is a joyous season as we honor family & community, and the seven principles of Kwanzaa: Umoja (Unity), Kujichagulia (Self-Determination), Ujima (Collective Work & Responsibility), Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics), Nia (Purpose), Kuumba (Creativity), Imani (Faith).



2023-24 By the Numbers

As this legislative term comes to an end, I am overwhelmed with joy looking back at what we’ve been able to accomplish for our communities here in the 185th Legislative District. I hope that we have been able to assist you or your family in some way. If we have not or you are new to the area, please reach out to my South Philly or Delco office to find out the services and resources that we can connect you with to improve your quality of life. The new term officially begins on Jan. 7 (see below) - I look forward to getting to work in the new year serving our communities in South & Southwest Philly, Tinicum Township & Colwyn Borough.



Swearing-In Day for the PA House

SAVE THE DATE! First Tuesday of the new year is the constitutionally obligated day for the General Assembly to meet and take their oath of office. You’ll be able to watch online beginning at noon on Tuesday, Jan. 7, so save the date and enjoy the grandeur of this exciting day!


Empowering Historically Disadvantaged Small Businesses

The Historically Disadvantaged Business Assistance Program is now open and accepting applications from established nonprofits, economic development organizations, and educational institutions to create Business Assistance Service Centers across Pennsylvania to support and empower our small, diverse businesses. The Business Assistance Service Centers will provide technical assistance and business support services to increase access to capital, promote economic empowerment, and boost the number of diverse small businesses in our communities.

Guidelines and more information can be found here.

Applications will be accepted through January 22, 2025.

Heater Hotline Update

The Heater Hotline program makes emergency repairs to heaters. This program is run by the Energy Coordinating Agency and supported by the Philadelphia Division of Housing and Community Development.

The Heater Hotline provides free emergency heater repairs for eligible households in Philadelphia. If the Heater Hotline staff determine that your heater needs to be replaced, they will forward your application to PHDC’s Basic Systems Repair Program.

To apply for heater repairs only, call the Heater Hotline at 215-568-7190.





Happy Holidays!

We had so much fun celebrating the holidays at the Maranatha Outreach Ministries Community Holiday Event!





Utility Assistance Now Available!

Cash grants from the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) are now available! You can receive from $200 to $1,000 based on your household size, income, and fuel type. Renters and homeowners are eligible, so click the image above to find out more eligibility guidelines and apply! Contact my office if we can help.


State Grants Available

My office helps city officials and local organizations connect to state grants available to help them do their important work to improve our communities and the lives of residents. You can find a list of state grant programs that are currently open for application on my website. We update this list as new programs come online so check back often.


My offices are here to help!

In service and in action,

Rep. Regina Young

Pennsylvania State Capitol
105-A East Wing

Harrisburg, PA 17120
(717) 783-8634

Southwest Philla. Office

6844 Elmwood Ave.

Philadelphia, PA 19142
(215) 952-3376

Delco Office

629 N. Governor Printz Blvd.
Essington, PA 19029

(610) 616-2003