Here are several grant programs that are open for applications. Read more
Here are several grant programs that recently opened for applications. Read more
State Rep. Rep. Jim Haddock, D-Pittston Township, participated in a roundtable discussion on improving barriers to the work force. Read more
“I feel more open debate and education has to go into the legislation on recreational marijuana at this time,” Rep. Haddock said. Read more
Pa. state Rep. Jim Haddock co-hosted his first Senior Expo with several of his fellow Lackawanna County state lawmakers in Scranton. With many changes made this year, especially to the Property Tax/Rent Rebate program, Haddock says that events like these are vital to getting seniors the answers they need for any and all problems they might have. Read more
“We are trying to proactively look at ways to deter and stop contact with minors before it happens,” said Rep. James Haddock. Read more
Haddock, D-Pittston Township, hosted a hearing of the House Majority Policy Committee to explore the growing demand for career and technical education, which has a built-in pipeline to foster students from the classroom to the workforce. Read more
Pa. state Rep. Jim Haddock spoke with WBRE-TV about the expansion of the Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program and how it will benefit seniors in Lackawanna and Luzerne counties. Read more
Pa. state Rep. Jim Haddock spoke with FOX56-TV about the expansion of the Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program and how it will benefit seniors in Lackawanna and Luzerne counties. Read more
During the hearing, state Rep. James Haddock asked Carroll how the train will benefit residents outside of Lackawanna and Monroe counties. "This is not county specific. This is a regional effort," he answered. Read more
“Technical education continues to experience growth throughout Pennsylvania, but the increase in students has still not met the demands for skilled workers in our economy,” said Rep. Jim Haddock, who hosted the hearing and is a graduate of Wilkes-Barre Vo Tech. “We heard testimony about the millions of well-paying unfilled technical jobs in our workforce, and we also heard how introducing younger students – in middle school – to career and technical education could help fill gaps in our workforce. It not only builds interest in these fields at a younger age, but it helps end the stigma of not attending a traditional four-year college.” Read more
“Technical education continues to experience growth throughout Pennsylvania, but the increase in students has still not met the demands for skilled workers in our economy,” said Rep. Jim Haddock, D-118, Pittston Twp., who hosted the hearing and is a graduate of Wilkes-Barre Vo Tech. Read more
“It takes companies like McLane to be able to get those supplies to the market and get them into our stores, and get them in the hands of our consumers, and it keeps the economy rolling,” said Jim Haddock, state representative of 118th district. Read more
Rep. Jim Haddock, D-118, Pittston Twp., echoed Mullins’ comments regarding the call from McLane officials for additional housing. Read more
Pa. state Rep. Jim Haddock spoke with seniors at the Pittston Senior Center to give updates to the Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program and how more folks will be eligible for money starting in 2024. This is the first time the Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program has been expanded since 2006. The update raises the maximum rebate for seniors from $650 to $1,000, increasing the income-eligibility limit for renters and homeowners to $45,000 a year. Read more
State Rep. Jim Haddock joined residents from both Luzerne and Lackawanna counties in Pittston this morning to speak about updates to the Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program and how more folks will be eligible for money starting in 2024. Read more
A crowd gathered at the Pittston Senior Center on Main Street where NEPA legislators, including Reps. Haddock and Pashinski, hosted a press conference about the expansion of the Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program. Read more
Representatives Pashinski, Kosierowski, Mullins, and a representative from Senator Marty Flynn’s office joined Haddock to help answer any questions the seniors had. Read more
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