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Pa. could pass a ‘lemon law’ for homes to protect residents from shoddy construction

We are not out of the woods yet

(Aug 02, 2021)

We have spent the last 17 months in a global pandemic that has disrupted our lives and our economy and changed how we interact with one other. Some thought we were out of it, but we know now that it isn’t over. We have to finish the job and beat back the Delta variant of COVID-19. This means going back to some of the things we didn’t like – like social distancing and mask wearing – if we want to avoid some of the things we really didn’t like – like stay-at-home orders, small business closures, and our kids learning virtually. In my office, we will keep our services going, but we will be doing most of our work through phone and email. In the office, we will set appointments and ask everyone – vaccinated or not – to wear masks. Our most vulnerable are still vulnerable and most of our kids are not vaccinated, so we will take these measures to protect them and prevent the spread of the Delta variant. We must work together to shut down COVID’s attempt at a comeback, and I believe there are four basic things we can do: Stop the Spread – This means getting vaccinated, wearing masks, social distancing, sanitizing surfaces, and washing hands. The vaccines are safe. If my parents and grandparents and older siblings all could do what was need for the greater good and get vaccinated for things like polio and smallpox, then we can and should get COVID vaccines. The basic steps of vaccination and engaging in Read more


Weekly legislative update

(Jul 28, 2021)

This week marks the 31st anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The ADA is a landmark piece of civil rights legislation, providing rights, access, and accommodation to an often invisible, yet numerous, marginalized group. More than 1 in 4 Americans have a condition affecting their ability to interact with the world. Read more


Justice for the disabled is justice for all

(Jul 28, 2021)

This week marks the 31 st anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Last year’s 30 th anniversary went largely unrecognized during the pandemic. The ADA is a landmark piece of Civil Rights legislation, providing rights, access, and accommodation to an often invisible, yet numerous, marginalized group. More than 1 in 4 Americans have a condition affecting their ability to interact with the world. At some point in time, through injury or age, a majority of people will experience disability – even if just temporarily. We have come a long way to include our disabled siblings, parents, and children in society – but there remains much to do. Things like access ramps, larger bathroom stalls, and kneeling buses are normal now, but did not exist before 1990. However, we cannot forget that attitudes that treat the disabled with fear, scorn, or (the worst) pity, still persist. My own work for the members of our community who walk through the world differently than the “rest” of us – because their bodies or minds work differently – is rooted in my respect for their experiences and their gifts. In just the past few weeks, I have seen a young girl with an intellectual disability overcome a hateful act – turning the tables by responding with openness and compassion and creating joy in the process. A young man who in past times would have been a perpetual “burden” on his loving mother came to my office asking for Read more


Morning Joe: Jobs, The Environment, and Community Action

(Jul 23, 2021)

Pa. state Rep. Joe Hohenstein recaps the week’s events and looks forward to a weekend event aimed at reducing gun violence in Philadelphia. Read more


Hohenstein: Carbon Capture to Save the Climate

(Jul 22, 2021)

Pa. state Rep. Joe Hohenstein learns about carbon capture and sequestration, elements of how to resolve the climate crisis. He says tools like this are necessary to reduce the state's carbon emissions to save the environment. Hohenstein says that change in any industry should demand a smooth transition and offer help to those workers to ensure they're able to keep their jobs. Read more


Carbon capture and Pennsylvania’s energy future focus of Wednesday hearing in Philadelphia

(Jul 20, 2021)

PHILADELPHIA, July 20 – Carbon capture and its place in limiting greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to the green economy will be explored at a hearing hosted by state Rep. Joe Hohenstein. The hearing will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday, July 21 at the Port of Philadelphia, 3460 N. Delaware Ave., 19134. The media is invited to attend and media inquiries may be submitted via email to policy@pahouse.net . Hohenstein, D-Phila., will be joined by Vice Chair Mary Isaacson and members of the House Democratic Policy Committee to discuss nationwide efforts to support carbon capture and its impact on the economy and environment. Information about this and other House Democratic Policy Committee hearings can be found at www.pahouse.com/policycommittee . ### CONTACT: Nicole Brunner The Office of State Representative Ryan Bizzarro Phone: 717-645-7316 Email: nbrunner@pahouse.net Read more


Weekly E-Newsletter for the 177th District

(Jul 14, 2021)

UC work search requirement, Veteran BBQ recap, POTUS voting rights address, and community resources. Read more


How I voted on the budget, community resources and events

(Jun 29, 2021)

Pennsylvania has a new budget, but there is little to celebrate. “Surrender of responsibility” is what comes to mind as the best description of what happened. Read more


Hohenstein is hosting community event to honor veterans

(Jun 08, 2021)

HARRISBURG, June 8 – State Rep. Joe Hohenstein, D-Phila., has announced he is co-hosting with City Councilmember Bobby Henon a community event to honor veterans and offer help with state services to community members. The event – a Veterans Appreciation Barbecue -- will take place from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. July 10 at Frankford & Cottman Avenues. In case of inclement weather, the event will be held on July 17. Public updates will be available. Veterans and their families are invited to attend the free event, which will feature dozens of vendors; veteran-specific federal, state and city resources; and free food. Music accompaniment for the Veterans Appreciation Barbecue will be provided by Evryman Jack. Hohenstein’s staff will be on-site to assist with SEPTA Senior Key Cards, Real ID information, Veterans Assistance Program information, and other state-related services and programs. Some of the vendors featured will be the Veterans Multi-Service Center, Veterans Affairs and city services, which will offer a range of constituent services. For more information or questions, veterans and families may contact Hohenstein’s office at RepHohenstein@pahouse.com or use the constituent contact form at PAHouse.com/Hohenstein . Read more


Memorial Day: Remember & Honor

(May 28, 2021)

“Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy forget in time that men have died to win them.” Read more


Weekly E-Newsletter for the 177th District

(May 08, 2021)

If you have questions or need help with a state-related issue, my office staff and I are here to assist you safely. Read more


Hohenstein: #PARescuePlan is a Big Benefit to Local Economies

(Apr 29, 2021)

Pa. state Rep. Joe Hohenstein is working with his colleagues in the House to help local businesses, and the workforce that keeps them running, to recover from the effects of the pandemic. He says the #PARescuePlan would bring billions in federal funds to the business corridors in Bridesburg, Port Richmond, the River Wards, and all of Philadelphia, at the time when they need it most. Read more


Hohenstein: Where’s the Transparency and Accountability for Health Care Providers?

(Apr 07, 2021)

Pa. state Rep. Joe Hohenstein spoke in opposition to legislation that would allow health care providers and long-term care facilities to avoid public accountability for health and safety violations during the pandemic by using a secret arbitration process to settle COVID-19-related cases. Read more


Hohenstein calls for unity in eradicating hate and violence

(Mar 19, 2021)

PHILADELPHIA, March 19 – State Rep. Joe Hohenstein, D-Phila., joined colleagues and citizens across the nation in expressing his deep disappointment in and concern for the dangerous rhetoric and violence against Asian American Pacific Islander people, especially in the past year. “The mass murder of eight people, eight souls in Georgia on Tuesday is tragic and heartbreaking and a sickening reminder of the discrimination and hate that exists and persists in our nation,” Hohenstein said. “On the same day Stop AAPI Hate released a telling report about the more than 3,700 incidents of hate and bigotry against Asian American Pacific Islander people living in the United States from March 19, 2020, until February of this year, six Asian women were mowed down by hate, misogyny and xenophobia and were added to these alarming statistics. “The hate against Asian American Pacific Islander people did not start a year ago, and it’s not just committed by the type of people who would storm the U.S. Capitol with confederate flags on full display. What distresses and angers me to the core is the active participation and instigation of this bigotry by government officials like former President Trump and Texas Congressman Chip Roy. The way our own Senator Nikil Saval was treated by some of his colleagues when he spoke out against Asian American bigotry on Wednesday is appalling. “COVID-19 has Read more


Arts funding and PEMA Nonprofit Security grant programs now open for applications

(Mar 10, 2021)

STATE GRANT PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Council on the Arts: Creative Communities (Funding Source: General Fund) Who May Apply : Lead applicant must be a unit of government, nonprofit 501(c)3 or 501(c)6) organization. Required partnership of at least two organizations, one of which will serve as the lead applicant. Please note: Creative Communities projects are currently underway in the following counties: Crawford, Indiana, Lancaster, Lehigh, Mercer, and Philadelphia. Counties without existing projects will receive priority. Use : To provide multi-year funding to community-driven, arts-based projects that serve as catalysts for livability, economic development, and community connectedness. Funds : Up to $25,000 per year for up to four years. Application Deadline : March 19 More Information : Click on 2021_PCA_Creative_Communities_Letter_of_Interest.pdf (pa.gov) . Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency: Nonprofit Security Grant Program (Funding Source: F ederal Funding ) Who May Apply : 501(c)3 nonprofits, including religious institutions. Must be at a high risk of a terrorist attack based on the following: (1) Substantiation of prior threats or attacks (from within or outside the U.S.) by a terrorist organization, network, or cell against the applicant based on their ideology, beliefs, or mission; (2) Symbolic value of the site(s) as a highly recognized Read more


Hohenstein: COVID-19 care must be provided to those who need it most

(Feb 17, 2021)

State Rep. Joe Hohenstein reminds his communities about his commitment to protecting long-term care facilities during COVID-19 in his latest op-ed. Read more


Collaboration and accountability between administration, care providers key in long-term care COVID-19 recovery

(Feb 16, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 16 -- State Rep. Joe Hohenstein, D-Phila., hosted today’s House Democratic Policy Committee hearing where legislators heard from state agencies and long-term care facility staff about how long-term care facilities are navigating the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more


Long-term care facility challenges amidst COVID-19 focus of House Democratic Policy Committee hearing Tuesday

(Feb 12, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 12 – State Rep. Joe Hohenstein will host a House Democratic Policy Committee meeting to hear how state officials and workers at long-term care facilities can work together during the pandemic to improve safety for staff and residents. The hearing will be held virtually from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 16 and can be viewed at www.pahouse.com/policy or via the Policy Committee’s Facebook account -- @padempolicy. The media and public are invited to tune in. Media questions can be submitted at policy@pahouse.net . Specifically, Chairman Ryan Bizzarro, Hohenstein and members of the Policy Committee look forward to learning more on the state Department of Health’s efforts to protect vulnerable populations and their caregivers. COVID recovery efforts are part of the House Democratic Policy Committee’s objectives for the 2021-22 Legislative Session. Read more


Beware of scammers

(Feb 09, 2021)

The Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry (L&I) has become aware of multiple attempts by fraudsters to obtain individuals’ personal and confidential information through fake Facebook pages and is reminding Pennsylvanians to never provide their information to anyone over social media. Important tips L&I’s Facebook page has a blue check box next to the name that identifies it as a verified page. Comments by the legitimate L&I page also have a blue check box next to them indicating it as a verified page. If a comment or page does not have this check box, it is a fraudster posing as L&I. L&I does not post responses directly to claimants, send private messages, or ask for a private message to be sent. L&I also will not ask individuals to call or text a phone number. The only phone numbers for unemployment are: 1-888-313-7284 (for UC/PEUC/EB claimants). 1-855-284-8545 (for PUA claimants). L&I will not ask for individuals to send an email. The only email addresses for unemployment are: uchelp@pa.gov (for UC/PEUC/EB claimants). ucpua@pa.gov (for PUA claimants). Read more


Hohenstein responds to governor's state budget proposal

(Feb 04, 2021)

The priorities in a government’s budget reveal a lot about our character as a society and whether we are willing to take care of all our people. The budget proposed by Governor Wolf reveals that he is motivated to take care of our kids, working families, and small businesses – the people who (in the words of Jimmy Stewart in the classic “It’s a Wonderful Life”) “do most of the working and paying and living and dying” in the Commonwealth. For the 177 th district, the governor’s budget and tax fairness policies would mean that more than half of our families pay $0 in state income taxes. Most of the rest of the district will not see any increase in taxes at all. Small businesses will also benefit from reduction in the taxes that most impact them. The governor also demonstrated a renewed commitment to our kids and their access to quality education from kindergarten to college. I have long called for a greater share of education dollars being distributed under the Fair Funding Formula, which levels the playing field for Philadelphia schools. This budget moves in that direction more than any other before it. Also, the Governor is proposing programs to make higher education more affordable. He understands the need to give our kids the tools to succeed in an ever-changing world. Investments in education are investments in the future and Read more