Boyle, Kenyatta to introduce legislation to ensure democracy isn't compromised in the November election

(Sep 28, 2020)

Just weeks before the general election, state Reps. Kevin Boyle and Malcolm Kenyatta are introducing legislation to strengthen Pennsylvania's election laws and help ensure democracy isn't compromised in November. "It's no secret that this president will go to great lengths to ensure victory, no matter what the American people want," said House State Government Committee Democratic Chairman Boyle, D-Phila./Montgomery. "With Pennsylvania being a key battleground state, we have a responsibility in the state legislature to close unnecessary loopholes and make sure everyone's vote counts." Boyle said today their proposal would crackdown on so-called faithless electors by amending Pennsylvania's Election Code to require presidential electors to vote for the presidential and vice-presidential candidates who received the highest number of votes in the commonwealth during the general election. Under this plan, which is similar to Colorado and Oklahoma's law, faithless electors who vote against the candidates they vowed to support, would: Face a misdemeanor punishable by fine. Have their vote invalidated. Be replaced. “Faithless electors disregard the will of the people and ultimately tarnish the integrity of our democracy,” Kenyatta Read more


PSOH designates Rep. Bizzarro 2020 Legislator of the Year

(Sep 25, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Sept. 25 -- State Rep. Ryan Bizzarro, D-Erie, said today he is honored to be recognized by the Pennsylvania Society of Oncologists and Hematologists as the 2020 Legislator of the Year. Read more


Bizzarro submits resolution designating Nov. 22 Veterans Suicide Prevention and Awareness Day

(Sep 24, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Sept. 24 – State Rep. Ryan Bizzarro today introduced a resolution in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives designating Nov. 22, 2020 as Veterans Suicide Prevention and Awareness Day. Read more


Dermody on veto override: end the legislative games

(Sep 23, 2020)

Following the House session that included a veto override vote on HB2787, Democratic Leader Frank Dermody issued this statement: “Despite an effort by House Republicans to dismantle an important health protection measure related to school sports, the House voted today to sustain Gov. Wolf’s veto of the bill. “It’s regrettable that the majority party spent so much time and effort on this misdirected effort when many more serious matters demand attention, including providing hazard pay and PPE for frontline workers, time-sensitive election reforms, help for small businesses and ensuring the continuation of health insurance coverage. House Democrats have sought movement on these urgent issues for months while Republicans flailed about in a pointless political skirmish with the governor. “The urgency of serious legislative action on these other issues became even more apparent in the last week with the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the imminent appointment of a Supreme Court nominee who will vote to dismantle the Affordable Care Act. “Today, House Democrats took action to protect Pennsylvania health care consumers by filing resolutions to discharge four bills from the House Health Committee where they have been stuck since April, after previously sitting untouched for more than a year in the House Insurance Committee. In the interest of protecting lifesaving insurance coverage for Pennsylvanians, Democrats will pursue Read more


Trumpism threatens judicial independence in Pennsylvania

(Sep 18, 2020)

The radical right agenda has infiltrated the Pennsylvania legislature and threatens the independence of our judiciary. We rely on a fair and independent judicial system to administer equal justice under the law, free from outside pressure and influence. But, as we approach a critically important election, that independence is on the line because of a politically motivated attempt to rig our courts. The most radicalized Republican members of the legislature reign over districts simply because they picked their constituents through gerrymandering. The lack of compromise, civility and gridlock in Harrisburg can be directly linked to gerrymandering. The same radicalized Republicans in control in Harrisburg are pushing H.B. 196, which would amend the Pennsylvania Constitution to create judicial districts for our appellate courts, rather than elect them on a statewide basis. It’s a bad bill that shows a fundamental lack of understanding about the judiciary and its role in our society. Appellate court decisions impact the rights of all Pennsylvanians, from Erie to King of Prussia and everywhere in between. Appellate judges are elected to interpret our laws, not to represent any particular special interests or regional biases. Judges are to be free of influence and not bring their own agenda to the courts. Electing judges from districts drawn by radicalized politicians would make those judges increasingly beholden to special interests instead of the law, Read more


Matzie introduces bill to trace COVID-19 through wastewater

(Sep 18, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Sept. 18 – A bill introduced today by state Rep. Rob Matzie would establish a more effective way to trace and detect COVID-19 before it spreads by creating a system of testing for the virus in wastewater. Matzie, D-Beaver/Allegheny, said his H.B. 2883 would establish the Targeted Outbreak Detection Act, creating a wastewater-testing program that is both cost-effective and more efficient than traditional methods of tracking the virus. “While temperature checks and crowd-size limits are helpful in slowing the spread of COVID-19, these techniques are not practical in the long term,” Matzie said. “Testing for the virus in wastewater would allow health authorities to know if the virus is present before people feel ill and inadvertently spread it, providing a critical way to contain clusters before major outbreaks occur.” Matzie said implementing COVID-19 wastewater tracing would be feasible and relatively simple because testing resources are already in place. “Most wastewater treatment systems are already required to perform routine testing of water samples,” Matzie said. “Sending a portion of those samples, on request, to a designated laboratory to test for the presence of COVID-19 would establish a critical early warning system that would arm health authorities with the data they need to better protect our communities.” Matzie said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is Read more


Rep. Bizzarro resolution designates September 2020 ‘Light the Night Walk’ Month

(Sep 17, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Sept. 17 – The state House today unanimously adopted state Rep. Ryan Bizzarro’s H.R. 978 recognizing the importance of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s ‘Light the Night Walk’ events. Bizzarro, a leukemia survivor, introduced H.R. 978, which designates September 2020 as “Light the Night Walk Month” in Pennsylvania, raising awareness of blood cancers and support of survivors and their families. “Light the Night walks help to bring light to the darkness of cancer, showing support of those living with cancer and bringing awareness to blood cancers such as leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma,” Bizzarro said. “These events are a community display of care to those living with cancer – and their families – and a way to remember those who lost their battle.” The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society reports the events have generated more than $1.3 billion to critical research initiatives aimed at identifying treatments and potential cures for blood cancers. As a result of COVID-19, 2020 Light the Night events will be held virtually. Bizzarro said he encourages those interested in participating to visit for information. Read more


Boyle joins Wolf in calling for swift passage of legislation to ensure counties are prepared ahead of Nov. 3 general election

(Sep 15, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Sept. 15 – State Rep. Kevin Boyle, D-Phila./Montgomery, today joined Gov. Tom Wolf in urging swift action on legislation that would provide the support county election officials need to make sure Pennsylvanians can vote safely and have their ballots timely counted. Boyle, Wolf and other public officials met in York today to outline the legislation the General Assembly should pass this month to improve the mail-in ballot process ahead of the Nov. 3 general election and give county officials the time they need to count ballots and return election results quickly. “The House State Government Committee is planning to meet this Wednesday to discuss legislation related to the election code. We have an opportunity in committee this week to make vital, time sensitive changes to allow counties more time to pre-canvass mail ballots so they can return election results timely on Election Day,” said Boyle, who serves as Democratic chairman of the committee. “Immediate action is needed to address the enormous volume of mail-in ballots expected to be cast. We need to ensure that Pennsylvania does not become a national embarrassment on Election Day. “To that end, I am introducing several amendments this week during committee, to expand counties’ ability to pre-canvass mail-in ballots, and to expand county residents’ eligibility to serve as poll workers.” Boyle said the committee is Read more


Cephas Discusses Fight to Pass Safe At Home Bills on CBS 21's Face the State

(Sep 14, 2020)

State Rep. Morgan Cephas discussed her fight to pass Safe At Home legislation to protect homeowners, renters and small mom and pop landlords on CBS 21's Face the State. Read more


Burgos, Hohenstein and Isaacson join advocates to promote legislation to help undocumented individuals apply for a driver's license

(Sep 08, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Sept. 8 – State Rep. Danilo Burgos, along with state Reps. Joe Hohenstein, Mary Isaacson, all D-Phila., today joined the Driving PA Forward Coalition at the Saint Francis of Assisi Church to highlight their legislation to help undocumented individuals apply for a driver's license. “Our bill is about making Pennsylvania roads safer by requiring that all residents pass the mandatory written and vision examinations and road test to obtain a driver’s license,” Burgos said. “An additional benefit is that the revenue generated from application costs to PennDOT and purchases on car insurance policies would greatly benefit Pennsylvania’s economy -- a much needed relief as our economy struggles to gain stability in the wake of the pandemic.” Concurring with Burgos, Hohenstein pointed to immigrants comprising a substantial population of Pennsylvania’s workforce, especially as essential workers during the pandemic. "It’s not an exaggeration to say that immigrants have a large role in keeping our country running," Hohenstein said. "One in six people fulfilling essential roles during the pandemic is an immigrant. Many are our doctors, nurses and healthcare providers. Others are farm workers who sow, tend and harvest our food. Others prepare and serve us our food. All should have access to an official driver's license from the state in order to continue Read more


Rabb: We must remove roadblocks and allow undocumented people to get driver’s licenses, learner’s permits

(Sep 08, 2020)

State Rep. Chris Rabb called for support for legislation that would remove roadblocks preventing undocumented people from getting driver’s licenses and learner’s permits, making it impossible for them to legally drive. Read more


McClinton calls on Senate to reform election bill and prevent disenfranchisement of voters ahead of November election

(Sep 08, 2020)

With exactly two months until the general election, state Rep. Joanna McClinton today called on the state Senate to reform legislation that would lead to voter suppression and prevent Pennsylvanians from casting their ballot safely. "This is arguably one of the biggest elections in our nation's history, and we have a responsibility as legislators to pass laws that ensure all Pennsylvanians have the tools to let their voices be heard without worry," said McClinton, D-Phila./Delaware. "Mail-in voting is a safe and secure way to vote amid the COVID-19 pandemic, and we should be concentrating on strengthening this process. Instead, the majority party, who decides on what we vote on, is focusing on hindering it with proposals that would cause confusion and create barriers." According to McClinton, H.B. 2626, which passed the House yesterday without her support, would make unnecessary, last-minute changes to mail-in voting and the election process, including measures to: Give counties less time to count ballots. Shorten the time period in which voters can request a mail-in ballot. Ban secure ballot drop boxes. Lift the county residency restriction on which party officials may observe inside polling places, raising concerns about voter intimidation and violence on Election Day. "With an influx of mail-in ballots in the June primary election, Read more


Rabb: College students should be able to terminate apartment leases without penalty if their school cancels on-campus instruction because of COVID-19

(Sep 08, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Sept. 8 – State Rep. Chris Rabb has introduced legislation to provide relief to college students trapped in a lease agreement if their college cancels on-campus instruction because of COVID-19. Read more


House Democratic Policy Committee to hold briefing about “The Vanishing Trial” Thursday in Capitol

(Sep 04, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Sept. 4 – State Rep. Mike Sturla, D-Lancaster, announced today that the House Democratic Policy Committee will hold a public briefing on “The Vanishing Trial” film and the implications of Pennsylvania’s harsh sentencing laws on plea bargaining and trials. The briefing will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 10 in Room G-50 Irvis Office Building in Harrisburg. The media and public are urged to watch the livestream at . Requested by state Rep. Tina Davis, D-Bucks, the briefing will feature a showing of “The Vanishing Trial” and testimony from policy experts. Presenters will speak remotely while committee members will participate in person and remotely. Speakers will include: K. Celeste Trusty , Pennsylvania state policy director, FAMM. Marirosa Lamas , former superintendent, SCI-Chester. Chester Hollman , legal assistant, Pennsylvania Institutional Law Project. Nyssa Taylor , criminal justice policy counsel, ACLU-PA. Following the briefing, testimonies and full briefing video will be posted at . Read more


Enough is enough: stopping gun violence takes a collaborative effort that must put children first

(Sep 03, 2020)

It may seem impossible, but Rep. Joanna McClinton explains in her latest op-ed the actions needed to stop the senseless gun violence plaguing Philadelphia. Read more


Let’s empower consumers by creating labeling standards, regulations for CBD

(Sep 02, 2020)

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is everywhere these days. We see it for sale in pharmacies, corner stores, grocery stores and online. Since the legalization of hemp at the federal and state levels, there has been some confusion regarding CBD, which is hemp’s most popular extract. With CBD’s popularity exploding due to its medicinal uses – treating conditions like epilepsy, chronic pain and anxiety – I believe that regulation of CBD is necessary. Although CBD has no psychoactive properties, there is currently no legal standard for what constitutes CBD, nor are there any labeling standards to inform consumers of exactly what they are purchasing. People should be able to make informed decisions about the items they’re purchasing. To address the issue, I will be introducing legislation that would legally define “hemp extract” to include CBD and direct the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture to create labeling standards and other regulations to help inform and protect consumers who purchase or are considering purchasing products containing CBD. This legislation would help to end the confusion and mistrust surrounding CBD and the products in which it is used. Read more


House Democrats fight to keep renters, homeowners Safe at Home

(Aug 31, 2020)

The House Democratic Housing Working Group announced a package of bills to protect people across Pennsylvania as the state’s moratorium on evictions and foreclosures expires Read more


McClinton brings community residents, leaders, and police together to address recent surge in gun violence

(Aug 28, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 28 – Less than a week after a 23-year-old man was shot and killed in broad daylight, state Rep. Joanna McClinton brought community residents, leaders and law enforcement together Thursday night to address the recent surge in gun violence. “No one should fear for their life when they leave their home or be scared to let their child go outside to play,” said McClinton, D-Phila./Delaware. “However, when a person is gunned down in the middle of the day in our neighborhood, how can you not be alarmed? The gun violence is out of control, and it’s our responsibility to be proactive to stop the bloodshed.” Individuals from across the neighborhood joined McClinton for the outdoor conversation along Christian Street that included city councilmembers and the 18 th Police District, along with officials from the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office and state Sen. Anthony Williams’ office. “Stopping this culture of killing and strengthening public safety must include a collaborative effort involving elected officials, law enforcement, local leaders and the people who live here – especially our young people,” McClinton explained. “Gun violence is a community problem that requires a community solution.” McClinton added a critical step to reducing crime is by getting children on the right path from the beginning. She is currently working on legislation Read more


Briggs: Pandemic, election demonstrate need for media literacy curriculum

(Aug 21, 2020)

KING OF PRUSSIA, Aug. 18 – The global pandemic and upcoming presidential election demonstrate the critical importance of teaching media literacy, starting at a young age, said state Rep. Tim Briggs, who has been advocating for the establishment of media literacy curriculum in Pennsylvania schools. “As we are all bombarded with information on a daily basis, particularly through social media, it can sometimes be difficult to discern fact from fiction – and during the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s critical to ensure we are consuming accurate information from reliable sources,” said Briggs, D-Montgomery. “I’ve reintroduced legislation to establish a media literacy curriculum in our schools because we need to prepare our youngest citizens with the critical thinking skills necessary to evaluate information and sources. The health of our democracy – and right now, the health of our citizens – depends on it.” House Bill 992, assigned to the House Education Committee since March 2019, would require the Pennsylvania Department of Education to develop an age-appropriate media literacy curriculum for kindergarten through grade 12 that would be made available to school districts throughout Pennsylvania. The curriculum may include, but would not be limited to: developing critical thinking skills; understanding how media messages shape culture and society; identifying targeted marketing strategies; naming Read more


Legislation by Reps. Ciresi, Davis would provide financial relief to local bars, restaurants

(Aug 20, 2020)

House Bill 2791, which was assigned to the Commerce Committee after introduction, is also part of a House Democratic legislative package announced last month that seeks to provide relief for the community business owners and the workers who cook and serve. Read more


Boyle, Kenyatta to introduce legislation to ensure democracy isn't compromised in the November election
Sep 28, 2020

PSOH designates Rep. Bizzarro 2020 Legislator of the Year
Sep 25, 2020

Bizzarro submits resolution designating Nov. 22 Veterans Suicide Prevention and Awareness Day
Sep 24, 2020

Dermody on veto override: end the legislative games
Sep 23, 2020

Trumpism threatens judicial independence in Pennsylvania
Sep 18, 2020

Matzie introduces bill to trace COVID-19 through wastewater
Sep 18, 2020

Rep. Bizzarro resolution designates September 2020 ‘Light the Night Walk’ Month
Sep 17, 2020

Boyle joins Wolf in calling for swift passage of legislation to ensure counties are prepared ahead of Nov. 3 general election
Sep 15, 2020

Cephas Discusses Fight to Pass Safe At Home Bills on CBS 21's Face the State
Sep 14, 2020

Burgos, Hohenstein and Isaacson join advocates to promote legislation to help undocumented individuals apply for a driver's license
Sep 08, 2020

Rabb: We must remove roadblocks and allow undocumented people to get driver’s licenses, learner’s permits
Sep 08, 2020

McClinton calls on Senate to reform election bill and prevent disenfranchisement of voters ahead of November election
Sep 08, 2020

Rabb: College students should be able to terminate apartment leases without penalty if their school cancels on-campus instruction because of COVID-19
Sep 08, 2020

House Democratic Policy Committee to hold briefing about “The Vanishing Trial” Thursday in Capitol
Sep 04, 2020

Enough is enough: stopping gun violence takes a collaborative effort that must put children first
Sep 03, 2020

Let’s empower consumers by creating labeling standards, regulations for CBD
Sep 02, 2020

House Democrats fight to keep renters, homeowners Safe at Home
Aug 31, 2020

McClinton brings community residents, leaders, and police together to address recent surge in gun violence
Aug 28, 2020

Briggs: Pandemic, election demonstrate need for media literacy curriculum
Aug 21, 2020

Legislation by Reps. Ciresi, Davis would provide financial relief to local bars, restaurants
Aug 20, 2020