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Daley: Why I wear my mask

(Dec 21, 2020)

I just am not interested in sacrificing the time I have put in staying masked, socially distant and with very clean hands to COVID-19. I am sticking with the public health experts because, as they see it, the best that can happen is we all commit to wearing our masks, we get COVID-19 under control and, combined with vaccinations, we return to relative normalcy once again. Read more


The election is over, and COVID-19 is surging. Where are Harrisburg Republicans?

(Dec 21, 2020)

These are serious times, and we face serious challenges. The election is over, and the pandemic is surging. For the sake of all Americans and all Pennsylvanians, serious leaders need to respond to these challenges honestly and responsibly. Read more


State Rep.-elect Krajewski urges Gov. Wolf, state officials to provide compassionate release for elderly, vulnerable prisoners as COVID-19 crisis worsens

(Dec 21, 2020)

“With over 47,000 individuals incarcerated in state prisons and community corrections centers, the increasing risk of this virus spreading to high-risk inmates is unacceptable,” Krajewski, D-Phila., wrote in a letter he sent to Wolf, Levine and Wetzel on Friday, Dec. 18. Read more


Reps. Ciresi, Davis reintroduce legislation to provide financial relief to local bars, restaurants

(Dec 18, 2020)

The bill will utilize funding from Pennsylvania’s Rainy Day Fund “because these restaurants are in need of help now, and the consequences of our state will be much worse if they go under,” Ciresi said. There will be a cap on assistance to ensure as many local businesses as possible are helped. Read more


Rep. Kenyatta urges Congress to provide direct cash payments in upcoming COVID-19 relief package

(Dec 17, 2020)

As the federal government lags in finalizing a bipartisan coronavirus aid deal and the federal unemployment compensation ends Saturday, Dec. 26, Kenyatta stressed that the need for the direct cash payments is dire, especially as Pennsylvanians have yet to receive their unemployment compensation benefits and remain unemployed at a staggering 7.3 percent, as of October. Read more


State Rep.-Elect Krajewski’s first bill says families should not be separated by mass incarceration

(Dec 17, 2020)

State Rep.-Elect Rick Krajewski will introduce his first bill in the new legislative session aimed at criminal justice reform to better protect the children of incarcerated people.   Read more


Rep.-elect Young jumpstarts legislative agenda, seeks to introduce 9 bills weeks prior to being sworn in

(Dec 16, 2020)

Of the nine bills, the incoming freshman legislator said the four she is currently drafting draw from her previous roles as an educator and social worker; the bills address equitable education funding, career readiness for students, improved support for immigrant services and criminal justice reform for juveniles. Read more


Ciresi: Show your support for our frontline healthcare workers and our restaurant industry this holiday season with gift cards

(Dec 14, 2020)

“A lot of these frontline workers don’t have time to eat,” Ciresi said. “These gift cards will help support those nurses, doctors, hospital workers, and others in the medical community, while providing needed revenue to the mom and pop restaurants and bars that are struggling under the most recent closure orders.” Read more


PA House Dems stand with those impacted by mitigation efforts; call for support and safety in pandemic response

(Dec 11, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Dec. 11 – Following news of the governor’s most recent mitigation efforts and hearing Republicans rebuke these safety efforts, Pennsylvania House Democratic leaders released this statement today: “As cases of COVID-19 surge throughout Pennsylvania and our hospitals become increasingly strained, the decision made by Governor Tom Wolf was a difficult but necessary choice that will undoubtedly save lives. We understand the economic impact this will have on many local businesses and are angry and frustrated that our Republican colleagues, who have held majorities in the House and Senate for years -- and through this pandemic -- continue to choose political gamesmanship over providing meaningful relief to this commonwealth. “We had an opportunity to provide $1.3 billion in relief to those impacted by this pandemic -- to provide relief to farmers, childcare providers, veterans, local restaurants, frontline workers, wineries, breweries, distillers and more. Republican leaders did not bring a single one of those bills to the floor for a vote. Relief funding should be used to set up contingencies for if and when virus mitigation efforts will need to be implemented. Instead, Republican leaders chose to use it to close funding gaps in the budget. “Unfortunately, what was left undone by our colleagues has left these industries floundering again, this time wondering how they will make it through the holidays during a deeply strained time. Read more


The Science Behind COVID-19 mitigation

(Dec 11, 2020)

Numerous studies on the spread of the COVID-19 virus show the need for targeted mitigation efforts during critical times and as ICU hospital beds become scarce. Read more


McClinton wishes governor speedy recovery, stresses the need for all Pennsylvanians to follow COVID-19 precautions

(Dec 09, 2020)

"Governor Wolf's positive test is a stark reminder that no one is immune to COVID-19 and is even more of a reason for everyone to wear a mask, social distance and stay home unless it's absolutely necessary to go out." Read more


Democratic Leader McClinton on Tuesday's Supreme Court decision on the presidential election

(Dec 09, 2020)

“The presidential election is over. It was conducted fairly and the result is final. Six weeks from today President-elect Joe Biden will be sworn in." Read more


Warren reintroduces legislation in the 2021-22 session

(Dec 09, 2020)

“In the new session, I’m reintroducing legislation that would safeguard people’s finances, ensure adults’ and children’s health and safety, and protect the environment,” Warren said. “My legislation aims to make Pennsylvania more prosperous, safer and healthier for all.” Read more


Frankel proposes bill to ensure vaccination of workers of long-term care facilities

(Dec 08, 2020)

Frankel noted that, after widespread misinformation campaigns, measles vaccine hesitancy has led to outbreaks throughout the country of that once-vanquished disease. COVID-19 is far deadlier than measles. Read more


Utility Debt is a Crisis for All Pennsylvanians

(Dec 04, 2020)

While everyone should be concerned about the ongoing eviction and foreclosure crisis, nearly one million Pennsylvanians are at risk of making their apartment or home uninhabitable, which will only exacerbate the number of people facing homelessness. We are facing a potential humanitarian crisis right here in Pennsylvania that will adversely impact every neighborhood in every town in our entire state. Read more


House & Senate Leaders defend the people's free, fair and open 2020 election

(Dec 04, 2020)

The facts are clear: Pennsylvania had a free, fair, and secure election. It was executed with the utmost integrity by our elections officials in every county and a cohort of poll workers across the state. Read more


McClinton applauds governor for taking action to protect Pennsylvanians from severe flooding caused by climate change

(Dec 03, 2020)

"Perpetual flooding sparked by climate change continues crippling this commonwealth, and I won't sit idly by as the homes and businesses of my neighbors in Southwest Philly, Delco and across Pennsylvania are left picking up the pieces," said McClinton, D-Phila./Delaware. Read more


Cephas, Davis and Jones renew bipartisan effort to restore dignity to incarcerated women during virtual roundtable discussion

(Dec 03, 2020)

"Our bipartisan plan is meant to build on the support already put in place by the state Department of Corrections in hopes of preventing further trauma and instead providing these women with the resources they need to serve their debt to society and get back to their loved ones safely." Read more


O’Mara illuminates Capitol to honor fallen firefighter

(Dec 03, 2020)

As community members mourn the loss of Michael Malinowski on the one-year anniversary of his death, O’Mara also honored his memory in Harrisburg. She arranged to have the outside of the Capitol lit up in red from Monday, Nov. 30 through Friday, Dec. 4. Read more


State lawmakers call for end to family deportations from Berks ICE facility

(Dec 02, 2020)

“These children and their families were denied the right to seek asylum under Trump administration policies that federal courts have since ruled were unlawful. If your office completes plans to deport these families, they face likely death or torture in their home country,” the lawmakers wrote. “Family detention goes against our most fundamental values as a society. And it is unconscionable to not correct this injustice.” Read more


Daley: Why I wear my mask
Dec 21, 2020

The election is over, and COVID-19 is surging. Where are Harrisburg Republicans?
Dec 21, 2020

State Rep.-elect Krajewski urges Gov. Wolf, state officials to provide compassionate release for elderly, vulnerable prisoners as COVID-19 crisis worsens
Dec 21, 2020

Reps. Ciresi, Davis reintroduce legislation to provide financial relief to local bars, restaurants
Dec 18, 2020

Rep. Kenyatta urges Congress to provide direct cash payments in upcoming COVID-19 relief package
Dec 17, 2020

State Rep.-Elect Krajewski’s first bill says families should not be separated by mass incarceration
Dec 17, 2020

Rep.-elect Young jumpstarts legislative agenda, seeks to introduce 9 bills weeks prior to being sworn in
Dec 16, 2020

Ciresi: Show your support for our frontline healthcare workers and our restaurant industry this holiday season with gift cards
Dec 14, 2020

PA House Dems stand with those impacted by mitigation efforts; call for support and safety in pandemic response
Dec 11, 2020

The Science Behind COVID-19 mitigation
Dec 11, 2020

McClinton wishes governor speedy recovery, stresses the need for all Pennsylvanians to follow COVID-19 precautions
Dec 09, 2020

Democratic Leader McClinton on Tuesday's Supreme Court decision on the presidential election
Dec 09, 2020

Warren reintroduces legislation in the 2021-22 session
Dec 09, 2020

Frankel proposes bill to ensure vaccination of workers of long-term care facilities
Dec 08, 2020

Utility Debt is a Crisis for All Pennsylvanians
Dec 04, 2020

House & Senate Leaders defend the people's free, fair and open 2020 election
Dec 04, 2020

McClinton applauds governor for taking action to protect Pennsylvanians from severe flooding caused by climate change
Dec 03, 2020

Cephas, Davis and Jones renew bipartisan effort to restore dignity to incarcerated women during virtual roundtable discussion
Dec 03, 2020

O’Mara illuminates Capitol to honor fallen firefighter
Dec 03, 2020

State lawmakers call for end to family deportations from Berks ICE facility
Dec 02, 2020