Ciresi calls for additional hazard pay for first responders, frontline workers

(Aug 19, 2020)

“While the recent hazard pay grants provided important support to many of our frontline heroes, we need to do more,” Ciresi said. “Unfortunately, due to program guidelines and funding limitations, many of those putting themselves in harm’s way were left out, including firefighters and EMS. We have a responsibility to them – as fellow Pennsylvanians – to honor their long-term sacrifices and risks with financial assistance.” Read more


Merski demands U.S. Postmaster General end cutbacks that threaten to disenfranchise mail-in voters

(Aug 17, 2020)

ERIE, Aug. 17 – State Rep. Bob Merski, D-Erie, is taking U.S. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy to task over service cutbacks that threaten to sabotage successful mail-in voting by Pennsylvanians in the upcoming General Election. In a letter to DeJoy , also sent to several members of Congress, Merski cites the recent elimination of Saturday hours at the South Erie Post Office and says the change will directly impact area residents, many of whom will choose to vote by mail or absentee ballots in the weeks ahead. “Residents have already been calling my office to complain about a slowing down of mail at the post office,” Merski said. “These aren’t actions taken to bring greater efficiency – they are deliberate attempts to silence residents who are looking to exercise their constitutional rights through our newly enacted mail-in voting system. “Democracy depends on full participation by the people, but the people can’t have a meaningful voice if their vote becomes lost in the mail. They say justice delayed is justice denied. The same is true of our democracy when actions motivated by partisan politics interfere with the timely delivery of our vote. That’s unacceptable – Americans everywhere have the right to know their ballot will be safely and timely delivered.” Merski is also co-sponsoring a resolution that commemorates the Read more


Legislators call on Wolf administration to revoke Mariner East pipeline permits in Chester County

(Aug 14, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Aug. 14 – State legislators representing five House districts and three Senatorial districts in Chester County have signed a letter to secretary Patrick McDonnell of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, secretary Dr. Rachel Levine of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, and Chairwoman Gladys Brown Dutrieuille of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission calling for an immediate halt to Mariner East pipeline construction and a revocation of Energy Transfer’s permits in Chester County. “Pennsylvanians have a constitutional right to clean water, clean air and the preservation of our state’s vast natural resources, but time and time again, construction on the Mariner East pipeline has violated that right,” state Sen. Katie Muth, Berks/Chester/Montgomery, said. “This latest incident further proves that construction cannot be carried out safely. All state-issued permits for the Mariner East pipeline in Chester County must be revoked.” “In just the past month, we’ve had more than a dozen serious events at Mariner East pipeline sites in Chester County, endangering our waters, ecosystems, and public health and safety,” state Rep. Danielle Friel Otten, D-Chester, said. “We’ve had sinkholes along Business Route 30 at one segment of the Mariner pipeline, hundreds of thousands of gallons of water pouring out of a hillside at another, pipeline Read more


PA House Democratic Leader letter to Postmaster General DeJoy

(Aug 14, 2020)

PA House Democratic Leader letter to Postmaster General DeJoy Read more


Let’s champion adaptability, not blame, when we talk about a plan for reopening our schools

(Aug 14, 2020)

I read state Rep. Kerry Benninghoff’s recent column on the need to prioritize our children’s safety, not politicize it. While I believe Rep. Benninghoff is sincere in his concern for children throughout the commonwealth, I think he and many others in his party are missing the mark when they talk about what our children need from us as this school year gets underway. Read more


Women’s Health Caucus calls for investigation into ‘Real Alternatives’ nonprofit

(Aug 13, 2020)

The WHC chairs called the actions of the nonprofit into question, writing, “For more than 20 years, an organization known as Real Alternatives has been enriching itself and its executives, mismanaging state-appropriated funding, and potentially misdirecting that funding for advertising and legal services, including using Pennsylvania dollars in other states.” Read more


Shusterman, Krueger draft bill to help Pennsylvania nonprofits survive COVID-19

(Aug 13, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Aug. 13 — State Reps. Melissa Shusterman and Leanne Krueger have introduced legislation to establish a $100 million COVID-19 Nonprofit Assistance Grant Program. Their legislation, H.B. 2739 , would allocate funds from COVID-19 restricted receipts to the Department of Community and Economic Development to fund grants to be distributed to 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations statewide. “Between shutdowns, stay-at-home-orders and businesses now operating at a limited capacity, nonprofits missed out on opportunities to host annual fundraisers that they typically depend on to stay afloat,” Shusterman said. “We need to help them survive this difficult time because many people depend on nonprofits for their own survival. Whether they’re connecting individuals in need with housing, employment opportunities, food or health services, we cannot turn our backs on those most vulnerable to the economic effects of COVID-19.” “Nonprofit organizations play such a vital role in our communities, and their work is even more critical during this health crisis,” Krueger said. “Nonprofits help connect families to resources they need during difficult times, offer us opportunities to experience arts and culture, and so much more. The pandemic has deeply impacted these organizations. Our legislation to create a grant program dedicated to nonprofits will go a long way toward helping them continue their valuable Read more


Frankel: Legislature must take action to address health inequalities during pandemic

(Aug 13, 2020)

Disparity report suggests numerous concrete actions legislature can adopt Read more


Ciresi legislation aims to improve PA students’ living standards

(Aug 11, 2020)

“A student’s first off-campus apartment is an exciting and crucial step in his or her growth, but most student tenants are unaware of their rights as tenants or what to do if they experience an unsafe condition in their apartment,” Ciresi said. “This leads too many of our young people living in unsafe conditions or being treated unfairly by landlords.” Read more


Delaware County lawmakers call for investigation into violence against Black Lives Matter supporters

(Aug 07, 2020)

HARRISBURG (August 7, 2020) – Today, a group of state lawmakers from Delaware County called for District Attorney Jack Stollsteimer to investigate violence and intimidation aimed at Black Lives Matter supporters during a march in Ridley Township on Saturday, August 1 st . State Sens. Tim Kearney and Anthony Williams as well as State Reps. Leanne Krueger, Margo Davidson, David Delloso, Brian Kirkland, and Joanna McClinton signed the letter, which details how peaceful protesters were met with violence and intimidation by a group of counter-protesters. The letter calls for Delaware County’s District Attorney to investigate the counter-protesters’ actions and the Ridley Township Police Department’s response. “I was proud to participate in the Black Lives Matter protest and stand with people of all races and all ages against systemic racism,” said Sen. Tim Kearney . “But I was disturbed by the hate and intimidation that I witnessed firsthand from counter-protesters. We are better than that. We need to make sure our community feels safe when peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights.” “I join others across our community in expressing horror that this demonstration of love and support for Black lives was met by a menacing group with a mission to taunt and intimidate peaceful protesters,” said Rep. Leanne Krueger . “Instead of actively protecting the First Amendment rights of our Read more


Rabb introduces bill to compensate exonerees

(Aug 05, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Aug. 5 – State Rep. Chris Rabb, D-Phila., has introduced House Bill 2745, which provides for an annual payment from the Commonwealth to an exoneree for every year that exoneree was wrongfully incarcerated. Read more


New Ciresi legislation promotes cost-saving local government cooperation

(Aug 04, 2020)

“With strained budgets, local governments and school districts throughout Pennsylvania are looking for ways to provide necessary services without raising taxes,” Ciresi said. “We have a real opportunity to improve local government and reduce property taxes through back-office reform and shared services, allowing us to do more with less while keeping our local representation and community identity." Read more


Breastfeeding isn’t just healthy for mother and child; it’s good for the environment

(Jul 28, 2020)

During my time as a state representative, I’ve been a strong advocate for the benefits of breastfeeding, and I continue my work to protect employees who are breastfeeding and to generally focus more attention on this subject. Read more


Relief to restaurants, bars & clubs to help workers a top priority in House Democratic legislative package

(Jul 27, 2020)

HARRISBURG, July 27 -- Citing the distressing impacts COVID-19 is having on Pennsylvania’s restaurant industry and a recent Yelp survey showing more than half of restaurants could close permanently due to the virus’ impact, Democrats in Harrisburg have crafted a legislative package aimed at providing relief to community business owners and the workers that cook and serve our food. The package includes nine bills that would provide grants to local restaurants, bars and clubs, reduce and eliminate specific licensing fees, extend discounts to licensees and protect businesses by guaranteeing their insurance pays out in future emergencies. These efforts will provide direct relief to an industry of Pennsylvania businesses the virus has hit hard, House Democratic leaders said. Restrictions put in place have been necessary in the state’s response to COVID-19. The leaders said they recognize the hardship the virus has continued to place on the restaurant industry. Restaurants have served as the backdrop of many life occasions and special moments and they need support more now than ever. The House Democratic package includes: Earmarking CARES grant funding from the federal government to be directed to small, community restaurants instead of national chains to ensure those dollars are invested back into the region. ( Rep. Joe Ciresi, Montgomery County & Rep. Tina Davis, Bucks County ) Earmarking CARES grant Read more


Legislation banning peace officers from engaging in sexual activity with people in their custody signed into law

(Jul 23, 2020)

HARRISBURG, July 23 – State Rep. Chris Rabb, D-Phila., celebrated Thursday after a measure he authored banning police officers from engaging in sexual activity with people in their custody was signed into law, but said more must be done to further protect people in police custody. “It is unconscionable that we needed a law to prevent police officers from sexually assaulting people in their custody,” Rabb said. “But as we are seeing more clearly today than ever before, substantial reforms are needed to protect people who come into contact with police officers, and we cannot take that fact for granted.” Rabb said the legislation signed into law on Thursday banning police officers from engaging in sexual activity with people in their custody was fast-tracked in the state Senate through the tireless advocacy of his colleague, state Sen. Katie Muth. He also praised state Sen. Larry Farnese, who introduced a version of Rabb’s original bill , which was added as an amendment to the legislation that was enacted on Thursday. But further action to pass H.B. 2709 – which would protect people who are being sexually trafficked and end up in police custody from deceitful acts by some law enforcement – is needed, Rabb said. Rabb recently introduced the legislation with state Rep. Joanna McClinton, D-Phila. Rabb has credited engaged and passionate community members, especially young people, for the progress that has been made Read more


Kenyatta condemns hate targeting transgendered Pennsylvanians

(Jul 23, 2020)

HARRISBURGH, July 23 – State Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta condemned the Bloomsburg Fair mocking state Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine and pointed out that the transphobic remarks relay to ongoing violence against trans people. “Dr. Levine is an exemplary public servant as she continues to lead our commonwealth through these uncertain times in a dignified manner. Those pivoting to transphobic slandering to undermine her leadership, which has proven to save lives, reveal a deep seeded and ugly hatred against the trans community. “These so-called jokes at the expense of trans identities invalidates the humanity of trans people and greenlights depraving violence against them. That violence has been often been directed at trans women, and even more often, specifically Black transwomen. Transphobia coupled with misogynoir has resulted in the brutal slaughtering of six Black transwomen nationwide in the span of a few months -- one of which happened right here in our commonwealth in my hometown of Philadelphia. “These latest murders are why we must actively condemn transphobia in every form, including ‘jokes’ at fairs. We must also hold perpetrators of hatred accountable to convey the message that Pennsylvania will not tolerate hatred!” Kenyatta, D-Phila., is the first openly gay man of color in Pennsylvania history serve in the General Assembly. He has been a staunch advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and Read more


Hazard pay grants now available to support frontline workers

(Jul 17, 2020)

HARRISBURG, July 17 – Workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic could see hazard pay through funding advocated for by the Pennsylvania House Democrats. Eligible employers can now apply for $50 million in available grants to offer hazard pay to frontline workers in life-sustaining industries. Throughout the COVID-19 health crisis, the Pennsylvania House Democratic Caucus has fought to support frontline workers and worked to ensure federal CARES Act dollars were allocated as part of the state budget package. Businesses in the following industries are eligible to apply for the grant funding: Health care and social assistance Food manufacturing Food retail facilities Public transit and ground passenger transportation Security services Janitorial services to buildings and dwellings More information on the grants is available here . Since the very beginning of the pandemic, and during 2020-21 budget negotiations, House Democrats have advocated for fair compensation and protections for frontline workers. Democratic state representatives from across Pennsylvania lauded the opening of the new grant program. Northeast Region Rep. Maureen Madden, D-Monroe : "I am a strong advocate for better wages and conditions for all workers. During times of financial uncertainty, hazard pay is crucial for all frontline workers facing increased exposure to the COVID-19 Read more


Rep. Kenyatta celebrates $50 million in hazard pay grant funding for Pa. frontline workers

(Jul 17, 2020)

HARRISBURGH, July 17 – State Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta said his fight to guarantee Pennsylvanians working on the frontlines during the fatal COVID-19 pandemic are afforded increased wages has finally been accomplished with Gov. Tom Wolf recently announcing the availability of $50 million in grant funding to help employers provide hazard pay to employees in life-sustaining occupations. Kenyatta, D-Phila., called the program a sincere expression of appreciation for the sacrifices of frontline employees, and an overall win for workers’ rights. “I am proud of Governor Wolf’s support in our demands to prioritize Pennsylvania frontline workers in any mitigation efforts during this crisis,” Kenyatta said. “It is their labor that has sustained countless communities across our commonwealth throughout the pandemic. Providing this funding for hazard pay transcends the hollow ‘thank you,’ and explicitly demonstrates our appreciation for their service by guaranteeing that they are properly compensated.” From the start of this crisis, Kenyatta boasts a solid track record of championing protections for the rights and safety of Pennsylvania’s essential workers. In May, the lawmaker stood in solidarity with Temple health care workers on the picket line in his district. Last month, in a video that has since gone viral , Kenyatta challenged booing Republicans in the House chamber about Read more


Ciresi calls for investigation into PA charter schools receiving PPP payments

(Jul 16, 2020)

“Pennsylvania taxpayers deserve to know that their tax dollars are spent responsibly and that the funding of a government program is used for its intended purpose. It is therefore important to determine how charter schools were able to justify and obtain these forgivable loans, and whether taxpayer funds from all sources are being used for their legally intended purposes by recipient charter schools and management organizations.” Read more


Rep. Bizzarro bill would give school districts flexibility with required instructional days in cases of disaster, emergency declarations

(Jul 15, 2020)

HARRISBURG, July 15 -- In an effort to gives schools the flexibility to prioritize student and faculty safety during disaster and emergency declarations, state Rep. Ryan Bizzarro introduced legislation that would give school districts the authority needed to adjust the 180-day instruction requirement. In the case of disaster or emergency declaration by the governor, House Bill 2704 would authorize individual school districts to request an exemption from the 180-day requirement. The bill would permit brick and mortar schools to include virtual education days in meeting the 180-day requirement. “Pennsylvania’s school districts need flexibility to quickly respond to emergent situations. Student safety and quality learning opportunities should remain at the forefront of decision making. My bill would allow schools to include online learning days as part of the 180-day requirement,” explained Bizzarro. “If necessary, they would also have the ability to reduce the number of required instructional days.” If enacted, a school district would submit an exemption request to the Pa. Department of Education for consideration. The Pa. Secretary of Education would then decide if the school district made bona fide effort to provide a reasonable number of instruction days. “A statewide response is not always reasonable and can put more children at a disadvantage. For example, each region of the state has Read more


Ciresi calls for additional hazard pay for first responders, frontline workers
Aug 19, 2020

Merski demands U.S. Postmaster General end cutbacks that threaten to disenfranchise mail-in voters
Aug 17, 2020

Legislators call on Wolf administration to revoke Mariner East pipeline permits in Chester County
Aug 14, 2020

PA House Democratic Leader letter to Postmaster General DeJoy
Aug 14, 2020

Let’s champion adaptability, not blame, when we talk about a plan for reopening our schools
Aug 14, 2020

Women’s Health Caucus calls for investigation into ‘Real Alternatives’ nonprofit
Aug 13, 2020

Shusterman, Krueger draft bill to help Pennsylvania nonprofits survive COVID-19
Aug 13, 2020

Frankel: Legislature must take action to address health inequalities during pandemic
Aug 13, 2020

Ciresi legislation aims to improve PA students’ living standards
Aug 11, 2020

Delaware County lawmakers call for investigation into violence against Black Lives Matter supporters
Aug 07, 2020

Rabb introduces bill to compensate exonerees
Aug 05, 2020

New Ciresi legislation promotes cost-saving local government cooperation
Aug 04, 2020

Breastfeeding isn’t just healthy for mother and child; it’s good for the environment
Jul 28, 2020

Relief to restaurants, bars & clubs to help workers a top priority in House Democratic legislative package
Jul 27, 2020

Legislation banning peace officers from engaging in sexual activity with people in their custody signed into law
Jul 23, 2020

Kenyatta condemns hate targeting transgendered Pennsylvanians
Jul 23, 2020

Hazard pay grants now available to support frontline workers
Jul 17, 2020

Rep. Kenyatta celebrates $50 million in hazard pay grant funding for Pa. frontline workers
Jul 17, 2020

Ciresi calls for investigation into PA charter schools receiving PPP payments
Jul 16, 2020

Rep. Bizzarro bill would give school districts flexibility with required instructional days in cases of disaster, emergency declarations
Jul 15, 2020