Gov. Wolf, Rep. Ciresi, SEPA Schools Call for Bipartisan Charter School Plan to Save Nearly $400 Million

(May 19, 2021)

“Our reform reins in out-of-control charter costs to provide much-needed relief to underfunded districts like Pottstown, while preserving school choice, holding low-performing charters accountable, and requiring transparent and ethical conduct. It’s time – HB 272 needs to pass, for our students, our taxpayers, and our communities.” Read more


Ciresi bill would outlaw early termination fees for deceased individuals

(May 17, 2021)

Ciresi’s bill, H.B. 1418, would prohibit cable, phone, telecommunication, utility, and other companies from imposing early termination fees on a recently deceased person’s family for services that would no longer be used. Read more


Webster: Caregivers Deserve a Raise

(May 13, 2021)

Pa. state Rep. Joe Webster talks to us about how we use the federal dollars coming to Pennsylvania with the #PaRescuePlan to invest in our caregivers across the state. Whether in hospitals or delivering direct care, they have been working nonstop during this pandemic to make sure our family members are treated with care. Read more


Now open for applications: Services for mental health and substance use disorder, boating infrastructure

(May 13, 2021)

Information on state and other grant programs that are open for applications. Read more


Kim highlights PA Rescue Plan investments in child care, workers

(May 12, 2021)

HARRISBURG, May 12 – The vital role childcare facilities play in society is beyond apparent and state Rep. Patty Kim hosted a tour of Harrisburg’s Keystone Early Learning Center to highlight how the PA Rescue Plan’s proposed investments could support facilities and their employees. The proposed plan would invest $170 million in onsite childcare startup grants, a facility capital program and a Keystone STARS redesign . “Today’s tour of the Keystone Early Learning Center provided a glimpse at the positive effects targeted investments from the PA Rescue Plan would have on our community, our workers and our children’s education,” said Kim, D-Dauphin. “This should be a bipartisan priority and a step forward to improve Pennsylvania’s future for all families.” At the tour, legislators had the opportunity to see the benefits of onsite child care and the efforts this facility has taken to implement COVID-19 safety measures while providing a quality educational childcare experience for their students. Lana Stitzel, director of the Keystone Early Learning Center, shared the many ways the facility has adapted during COVID-19, but also shared the struggles they have faced in retaining employees and keeping child care affordable. State Rep. Ryan Bizzarro, chairman of the PA House Democratic Policy Committee, added, “We’ve seen how important childcare facilities and their staff and educators are to Read more


PA Rescue Plan, $1.7 billion investment in workers’ focus of House Democratic leaders’ rally in State College Wednesday

(May 11, 2021)

STATE COLLEGE, May 11 – The workers who have been hit hardest by the pandemic need support. The PA House Democratic leadership team is hosting a rally Wednesday to make the case for workers’ rights to a fair wage, hazard pay and paid family and sick leave and how the PA Rescue plan would do just that. The rally will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday, May 12 at The Borough Building, 243 S. Allen St., State College . The media is encouraged to attend. The PA Rescue Plan includes more than $1.5 billion for job training, hazard pay, wage boosts for direct-care workers and job creation efforts to kickstart the economy in communities across the state. The PRP aims to ensure federal American Rescue Plan funding is invested for immediate impact and long-term success. Additional information about the plan is available at . Read more


Rep. Kim, Policy Committee to tour onsite childcare facility Wednesday in Harrisburg

(May 11, 2021)

HARRISBURG, May 11 – The PA Rescue Plan would invest $170 million to improve childcare for working parents and Rep. Patty Kim is hosting a tour of Keystone Learning Center to highlight the benefits of onsite childcare and how investments could benefit childcare facilities. The tour will begin at 9 a.m. Wednesday, May 12 at Keystone Learning Center, Room 125, 400 North St., Harrisburg. Following the tour, at 10 a.m., the media is encouraged to attend a news conference to learn more and ask questions about House Democrats’ plan. The PA Rescue Plan aims to ensure federal American Rescue Plan funding is invested for immediate impact and long-term success. Additional information about the plan is available at . Read more


Daley: Invest in Infrastructure, Revive the Economy

(May 11, 2021)

Pa. state Rep. Mary Jo Daley talks about infrastructure, the #PaRescuePlan? and how we can revive our economy. The #PaRescuePlan? calls for money to be invested in apprenticeships, a crucial way for young people to access jobs and careers in this economy. Read more


Sturla to Hold Virtual Forum on Education Funding Thursday

(May 10, 2021)

HARRISBURG, May 10 – S tate Rep. Mike Sturla, D-Lancaster, announced today that he will hold a Virtual Forum on Education Funding at 2 p.m. Thursday, May 13, at . The forum will feature presentations and discussion about how to make basic-education funding more equitable in Pennsylvania. Sturla will moderate the forum and speak about his bill to accelerate efforts behind installing a fair funding formula at the state level. State Rep. Mike Longietti, D-Mercer, will provide general comments as Democratic Chair of the House Education Committee while Rep. Chris Rabb, D-Phila., will speak about his 100% Fair Funding legislation. Deberah Kleher, executive director of the Education Law Center, will speak about Rep. Mike Schlossberg’s Level Up for Equitable School Funding legislation. After the presentations, superintendents from Lancaster County school districts will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the bills and make comments on the fair funding issue. Members of the media and public are encouraged to watch the forum at . Read more


Webster Joins Policy Hearing on #PARescuePlan

(May 10, 2021)

Pa. state Rep. Joe Webster joined a House Democratic Policy Committee hearing in Philadelphia for a discussion about the Pennsylvania Rescue Plan. Webster sees this as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to invest in jobs and infrastructure. Read more


Reading tour showcases successful implementation of opportunity zones and regional needs

(May 10, 2021)

READING, May 10 – State Rep. Manuel Guzman, D-Reading, and the Reading Redevelopment Authority showed the House Democratic Policy Committee how an infusion of investment could benefit Reading and how that success could be duplicated in communities across the state. Overcoming post-pandemic concerns for public safety was a point of concern from Reading Economic Development Director Jamal Abodalo. Alvernia University President John Loyack discussed the university’s renovation and small business incubator investments in Reading. “We have the potential to help lift people out of poverty with investments that would revitalize communities, encourage private investment and put people to work, said Policy Committee Chairman Ryan Bizzarro. “We must capitalize on federal funding to help people across the state recover from the hardships of the pandemic.” “Our PA Rescue Plan would get money to local businesses, working people and schools to help them recover and thrive as we make our way through the COVID-19 pandemic,” Guzman said. “In the absence of any plan on the part of the majority party in Harrisburg to direct federal pandemic relief funds to these areas, I am happy to welcome my colleagues to the heart of Reading’s Keystone Opportunity Zone so that we can show the public how the plan I am working to enact would improve cities like Reading and communities throughout the state.” The PA Rescue Plan proposes a $475 Read more


Sanchez, Haywood Present $1 Million Check to PA Horticultural Society

(May 07, 2021)

“Everyone knows the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society for the Philadelphia Flower Show, but what a delight it is to have Meadowbrook Farm in our community here in Abington.” Read more


Warren introduces legislation to aid child service providers, local government officials

(May 06, 2021)

YARDLEY, May 6 – After speaking to local officials and the need for change, state Rep. Perry Warren, D-Bucks, has introduced two pieces of legislation to support child service providers and local government officials. Warren recently introduced H.B. 1317 to ensure personal protective equipment is provided to child welfare workers and service providers. “During the pandemic, Pennsylvania’s human services have struggled at times to maintain vital face-to-face interactions with families as well as children and youth,” Warren said. “This legislation would provide county agencies and providers with personal protective equipment so support services can continue to make valuable connections with children and their families – while lessening the risk of contracting or spreading the novel coronavirus.” Warren’s H.B. 1318 would rewrite a section of the state’s Borough Code to specifically allow borough councils to officially count members meeting remotely toward the quorum needed to conduct official business. “The pandemic illustrated the ability and usefulness of local officials to meet and conduct business remotely by using the technology available to each of us,” Warren said. “This reform will help borough councils be more efficient, granting local officials the ability to reach a quorum when not enough members are able to be physically present but when some members are able to meet Read more


Guzman to host Monday tour highlighting PA Rescue Plan proposed investments for downtowns

(May 06, 2021)

READING, May 6 – The media is invited to join Rep. Manny Guzman and the House Democratic Policy Committee for a tour of how the PA Rescue Plan would deliver for downtowns. The tour will begin at 1 p.m. Monday, May 10 at Reading City Hall, 815 Washington St., near the heart of Reading’s Keystone Opportunity Zone. Immediately following the tour at 2 p.m., the committee will host a media opportunity for press to discuss the PA Rescue Plan with legislators and participants. The PA Rescue Plan aims to ensure federal American Rescue Plan funding is invested for immediate impact and long-term success. Additional information about the plan is available at . READING, 6 de mayo – Se invita a los medios de comunicación a unirse al representante Manny Guzmán y al Democratic Policy Committee de la Cámara de Representantes para una gira sobre cómo el Plan de Rescate de Pennsylvania podría funcionar en los centros urbanos. El recorrido comenzará a la 1 p.m. el lunes 10 de mayo en Reading City Hall, 815 Washington St., cerca del corazón de la Zona de Oportunidades de Reading. Inmediatamente después de la gira a las 2 p.m., el comité presentará una oportunidad para que la prensa discuta el Plan de Rescate de la Pennsylvania con legisladores y participantes. El Plan de Rescate de PA tiene como objetivo garantizar que los fondos del Plan de Rescate Estadounidense Read more


Rep. Tina Davis: The Pa Rescue Plan protects our seniors

(May 03, 2021)

You shouldn’t have to work until you die. You should know there will come a time where you can take off those work shoes – boots, heels, sneakers or whatever – and put your feet up for a well-earned break. But, in today’s America, only about two-thirds of workers have access to any kind of a retirement plan. In today’s America only half of workers have access to nothing but 401(k) plans. The Pennsylvanian who invented the 401(k) created them to supplement a pension, not be a retired worker’s only support beyond Social Security. Except almost nobody has a pension anymore – just a 401(k) account that doesn’t seem to get any bigger while billionaires get richer every day. So, instead of retirement we see what are supposed to be “heartwarming” stories about people who should be taking a well-deserved rest forced back on the job, a 79-year-old and a 19-year-old wearing the same uniform and sharing a shift. Or we hear stories about seniors cutting pills in half to stretch their supply, and seniors forced to sell their homes because they can’t afford their property taxes, or because they need health care. It’s not right. We need to do better. The Pa Rescue Plan would help. Pennsylvania is getting billions of dollars from the federal government. This money isn’t supposed to be hidden away for a rainy day. COVID-19 is the worst “storm” we’ve faced in more than a century, and Read more


Sappey delivers town hall update on House legislative efforts

(Apr 30, 2021)

State Rep. Christina Sappey held an online town hall event Thursday to discuss state and local government matters with residents of the 158th Legislative District. Read more


Daley: PA Can Be A Technology Leader with #PARescuePlan

(Apr 27, 2021)

Pa. state Rep. Mary Jo Daley says the Pennsylvania Rescue Plan would put money into the hands of small businesses in southeast PA and would help restore our economy. Read more


Sanchez: The PA Rescue Plan helps the local businesses hit hardest by COVID-19

(Apr 27, 2021)

We can Recover, Restore and Reimagine a better future with the PA Rescue Plan – and rebuild our economy from the ground up. Read more


Op-Ed: Shelve the theatrics and address real issues affecting Pa. women and children

(Apr 23, 2021)

Improving women’s health care doesn’t require news conferences designed to parrot tired and untrue talking points. To make a positive difference for all women and children of Pennsylvania, let’s instead focus our energy and attention on evidence-based policies that address bona fide issues and move Pennsylvania forward. Read more


Ciresi: PA Rescue Plan Will Lead to Good Paying Jobs

(Apr 22, 2021)

Pa. state Rep. Joe Ciresi highlights the benefits of the House Democrats’ PA Rescue Plan, from expanding healthcare access, to job training opportunities and improved telehealth capabilities. Read more


Gov. Wolf, Rep. Ciresi, SEPA Schools Call for Bipartisan Charter School Plan to Save Nearly $400 Million
May 19, 2021

Ciresi bill would outlaw early termination fees for deceased individuals
May 17, 2021

Webster: Caregivers Deserve a Raise
May 13, 2021

Now open for applications: Services for mental health and substance use disorder, boating infrastructure
May 13, 2021

Kim highlights PA Rescue Plan investments in child care, workers
May 12, 2021

PA Rescue Plan, $1.7 billion investment in workers’ focus of House Democratic leaders’ rally in State College Wednesday
May 11, 2021

Rep. Kim, Policy Committee to tour onsite childcare facility Wednesday in Harrisburg
May 11, 2021

Daley: Invest in Infrastructure, Revive the Economy
May 11, 2021

Sturla to Hold Virtual Forum on Education Funding Thursday
May 10, 2021

Webster Joins Policy Hearing on #PARescuePlan
May 10, 2021

Reading tour showcases successful implementation of opportunity zones and regional needs
May 10, 2021

Sanchez, Haywood Present $1 Million Check to PA Horticultural Society
May 07, 2021

Warren introduces legislation to aid child service providers, local government officials
May 06, 2021

Guzman to host Monday tour highlighting PA Rescue Plan proposed investments for downtowns
May 06, 2021

Rep. Tina Davis: The Pa Rescue Plan protects our seniors
May 03, 2021

Sappey delivers town hall update on House legislative efforts
Apr 30, 2021

Daley: PA Can Be A Technology Leader with #PARescuePlan
Apr 27, 2021

Sanchez: The PA Rescue Plan helps the local businesses hit hardest by COVID-19
Apr 27, 2021

Op-Ed: Shelve the theatrics and address real issues affecting Pa. women and children
Apr 23, 2021

Ciresi: PA Rescue Plan Will Lead to Good Paying Jobs
Apr 22, 2021