vaccine letter Read more
Vaccine Letter Read more
POTTSVILLE, JAN. 13 – State Rep. Dan Williams, D-Chester, today announced that East Penn Railroad LLC received $500,500 to improve track conditions by replacing approximately 4,500 ties on the Wilmington Northern line and 2,000 ties on its Quakertown line. “The East Penn Railroad operates on 110 miles of track in southeastern Pennsylvania and Delaware , serving as a lifeline to the region, bringing goods and, along with it, prosperity to our communities,” Williams said. “This $ 500,500 grant to improve track conditions on the Wilmington Northern and Quakertown lines will help ensure the continued growth of our local economies.” East Penn Railroad was one of 26 rail freight improvement projects to receive funding. The State Transportation Commission voted to approve $31.3 million for the projects through the Rail Transportation Assistance Program and the Rail Freight Assistance Program. More information on Pennsylvania Department of Transportation rail grant programs is available at the department’s Rail Freight and Ports webpage . Read more
HARRISBURG, Jan. 11 – State Rep. Dan Williams announced today his committee assignments for the 2021-2022 session are Aging and Older Adult Services, Human Services, Urban Affairs and Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness. Williams, D-Chester, said, “I am humbled to have these opportunities to influence legislation that will improve the welfare of our society’s most vulnerable communities like our seniors, our low-income communities, our veterans, our housing insecure individuals and families, and our communities plagued by violence. “As a member of these important committees, I have a chance to make sure that legislation that will better the lives of the powerless gets heard on the House floor,” Williams continued. “This is what representative democracy is all about. I speak for you, in your name, about your concerns and your needs in the halls of Harrisburg. That’s what being a public servant is all about.” The House committees’ descriptions are: The House Aging and Older Adult Services Committee deals with a wide range of issues to improve the lives of Pennsylvania's senior citizens. The committee works with the Department of Aging and reviews bills which affect senior citizens of the commonwealth. The Human Services Committee reviews bills pertaining to social service issues in Pennsylvania. The committee reviews the Office of Read more
HARRISBURG, Jan. 5 – State Rep. Dan Williams took the oath of office at the state Capitol today to begin his second term representing the 74th District in Chester County. The noon swearing-in ceremony marked the beginning of the 2021-22 session of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. Williams said he will focus on COVID-19 relief; economic development and job creation; maintaining public infrastructure; improving public safety; revitalizing local schools; preventing gun violence; and curbing the opioid epidemic in the new term. He will receive committee assignments later in the month. “I’m honored that the people of the 74 th District have sent me back to Harrisburg to continue to be their advocate,” Williams said. “Our society faces many challenges today, which have been intensified by the pandemic. I’ll bring needed resources to our community by building bridges with colleagues on both sides of the aisle and local leaders. I know from experience that when we work together, we can achieve the social and economic justice we all seek.” Williams said his office can help with a variety of state-related services, including home heating, children’s health insurance, prescription drug and property tax/rent rebate assistance. The phone number is 484-200-8256 . Residents also can learn more about Williams’ legislative priorities and the services his office Read more
COATESVILLE, Dec. 30 – State Rep. Dan Williams today announced that Valley Township and the City of Coatesville received a total of $488,000 in Growing Green grants to help improve local water quality and stormwater management measures. The city of Coatesville received $300,000 to improve water quality to the West Branch Brandywine Creek by retrofitting Millview Basin and re-stabilizing the outlet structure, which will provide relief from nearby structural damage. Valley Township received $188,000 to retrofit an existing stormwater basin and swale within Valley Township. “Both of these projects will help revitalize our neighborhood’s bodies of water, and in turn, play a large role in environmental preservation,” Williams said. “Valley Township’s grant will also benefit residents who have experienced excessive flooding this year. My thanks to the governor for distributing nearly $500,000 to ensure the longevity of our community.” Growing Greener remains the largest single investment of state funds in Pennsylvania's history to address Pennsylvania's critical environmental concerns of the 21st century. Signed into law on Dec. 15, 1999. Reauthorized in June 2002, this legislation doubled the funding for the Growing Greener program and extended it through 2012. This increased DEP's portion of Growing Greener to $547.7 million from the original $240 Read more
HARRISBURG, Dec 23 – State Rep. Dan Williams, D-Chester, announced today that $1 million in Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program funding has been awarded to the Coatesville Redevelopment Authority/city of Coatesville to build a multimodal parking garage next to the new train station. “I was proud to support this project to build a garage for the new train station,” Williams said. “The new train station is critical to advancing the city’s plans for redevelopment and revitalization, and it will be necessary that our commuters -- whether they drive, bike or take the bus to the train station -- are able to easily access the train station.” According to Williams, the Coatesville RDA and the Coatesville 2 nd Century Alliance are working with the city to construct a new multimodal parking facility to support access to the existing rail system and allow for expanded commuter service. The 175,000-square-foot facility will have bus transportation integration, covered waiting shelters, bike racks, ample lighting, wayfinding signage, and approximately 490 parking spaces to support SEPTA, Amtrak and Link and Kraft Bus transportation services. “Transportation, public works and public safety are three of the core services that our local municipalities provide to residents and families,” state Senator-Elect Carolyn Comitta said. “New and enhanced facilities related to the Read more
MALVERN/COATESVILLE, Dec. 9 -- State Reps. Kristine Howard and Dan Williams, both D-Chester, announced today that the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency awarded $1.78 million in state grants to Chester County. “Women and children are among the most vulnerable members of our society, and we must do all we can to help them during the pandemic,” Howard said. “This state grant money will provide assistance to county and nonprofit organizations alike so they can continue to provide a safe harbor and a hopeful future to victims of violence.” “Life for parolees is challenging at the best of times, but during the pandemic, things have gotten so much harder,” Williams said. “This state funding will help Chester County’s Improvement of Adult Probation Services program aid our parolees during this critical period and so reduce recidivism, thus making our communities safer for all.” The breakdown of the awards is as follows: CAPPAC - Improvement of Adult Probation Services Funds The County Adult Probation and Parole Advisory Committee (CAPPAC) serves in an advisory capacity to PCCD to ensure reasonable and efficient administration on all matters pertaining to the Pennsylvania County Adult Probation and Parole System. Chester County Improvement of Adult Probation Services $533,144 VSAC - Federal STOP Violence Against Women Formula Read more
HARRISBURG, Nov. 17 – State Rep. Dan Williams announced today that $ 257,419.51 in Safe Schools grants were awarded to area schools that students from his district attend to purchase safety and security-related equipment. “A safe environment is a primary requirement for students to be able to thrive intellectually and emotionally,” Williams said. “This grant funding will help area schools acquire the safety and security equipment needed so students can focus on what they are at school to do—to learn.” The following schools received funding for equipment: Villa Maria Academy High School $16,784 Church Farm School $23,716 Bishop Shanahan High School $ 20,430 Assumption B.V.M. $16,318.39 Pope John Paul II $20,937 SS Peter and Paul $24,937 St. Norbert $22,093 Upland Country Day School $24,923.12 Windsor Christian Academy $19,693 Woodlynde School $17,588 Downingtown School District $25,000 Coatesville Area School District $25,000 The Pennsylvania Department of Education awards competitive Safe Schools grants to reduce unnecessary student disciplinary actions and promote an environment of greater productivity, safety, and learning. enhance anti-violence efforts between Read more
MALVERN/COATESVILLE, Oct. 9 – State Reps. Kristine Howard and Dan Williams, both D-Chester, announced today that area Chester County fire and EMS agencies will receive a total of $510,110 in grants to offset some of the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on their operations. Through Act 26, the state made $50 million in grants available to fire and emergency medical service organizations that were affected by the pandemic. The funding must be used for operational and equipment expenses. “Firefighters and EMS workers put their own lives at risk every day to save others, and so supporting our fire companies and EMS agencies is a priority for me,” Howard said. “I’m glad that our local fire and emergency medical service organizations are receiving this funding to continue to safely perform their jobs.” Williams said, “Our firepersons and EMS workers are among the heroes of the pandemic. I’m proud to have voted for this legislation, which helps these frontline workers carry out the essential work they do in our communities.” The grants awarded are as follows: Alert Fire Company No 1 $23,699 City of Coatsville Bureau of Fire $24,794 East Whiteland Township Volunteer Fire Association $25,342 Malvern Fire Company $25,342 Minquas Fire Company No 2 Inc $21,094 Read more
COATESVILLE, Oct. 8 – State Rep. Dan Williams announced today that Modena Borough has been awarded $25,100 from the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to acquire approximately 2.5 acres in the borough for passive recreational activities. “This money will allow Modena Borough to create more public spaces where people can enjoy nature, whether they are going for walks or just sitting on a bench enjoying a beautiful day,” Williams said. “Public parks foster community as they are places where people from all walks of life can gather together.” The grant money comes from DCNR’s 2020 Community Conservation Partnerships Program Grants List . The grant program is funded with a variety of state and federal funding sources including, the Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund (Key 93) which includes Key-Community and Key-Land Trust; the Environmental Stewardship Fund (ESF); the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF); Pennsylvania Trails fund (PRT - federal source); Pennsylvania Heritage Area Program (HA); and the ATV Restricted Management Account Fund (ATV). Read more
COATESVILLE, Sept. 22 – State Rep. Dan Williams announced today that two local schools—East Fallowfield and Rainbow elementary schools—have been awarded grants to provide students with fresh fruits and vegetables during the school day. “During this COVID-19 emergency, maintaining continued access to fresh, healthy foods for our students is important,” Williams, D-Chester, said. “Schools in my district have gone above and beyond to ensure this lifeline has continued, and I’m pleased that the Department of Education is providing these awards to fuel our children’s growth.” The funding was awarded through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP). The program’s goals are to create healthier school environments by providing healthier food choices, expand the variety of fruits and vegetables students experience, increase fruit and vegetable consumption, and positively impact students’ present and future health. FFVP was first implemented in Pennsylvania in 2004 and expanded to all 50 states in 2008. Funding priority is given to the schools with the highest rates of students eligible for free and reduced-price meals. Grantees are required to spend a majority of their grant on the purchase of fresh fruit and vegetables and must develop a plan to establish partnerships to reduce other costs. Schools are also required to provide nutrition Read more
Summer 2020 NL Read more
On Monday, we will celebrate Labor Day, which commemorates the struggles and triumphs of the American labor movement. This year, the observance seems particularly meaningful. Workers on the front lines have been doing an incredible job to protect us from COVID-19 and to make sure we have supplies to get us through this challenging time. Health care providers, grocery store workers, delivery drivers, utility workers, emergency responders and countless others are stepping up to keep us safe and healthy, and I am incredibly grateful for their efforts. But these unprecedented circumstances have been a reminder that while many workers have unions looking out for their safety, far too many in Pennsylvania do not. COVID-19 has exposed the gross inequities within our workplaces and the dangers that too many workers are exposed to. We must work to fix these problems. That’s why I, along with my colleagues Reps. David Delloso, Joe Ciresi, Jennifer O’Mara and Steve Malagari, have introduced H.B. 2289 – the PA Protecting the Right to Organize (or PA PRO) Act. This bill would provide for a transformational strengthening of worker safeguards and enhancement of organizing rights. We need to ensure all Pennsylvania workers have the ability to fight for fair wages and a safe workplace. Weeks of staying home and quarantining have given many people a newfound appreciation for those working for us. It’s important to Read more
HARRISBURG, Aug. 25 – Chester County’s Democratic state Reps. Dan Williams, Danielle Friel-Otten and Kristine Howard announced that Coatesville Area School District, Chester County Intermediate Unit and 21st Century Cyber Charter School each received grant funding to improve educational services during the COVID-19 pandemic. Awardees are schools designated for Additional Targeted Support and Improvement under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act. Grants were awarded as follows: Coatesville Area School District: North Brandywine Middle School: $68,542. Rainbow Elementary School: $60,320. Reeceville Elementary School: $38,494. Coatesville Area Senior High School: $56,148. Chester County Intermediate Unit: $96,353. 21st Century Cyber Charter School: $38,371. “Ensuring that each student has the tools they need to succeed this academic year will be more complex compared to years prior. I’m proud to see these schools receive this much-needed funding so children can safely continue to learn as we work toward mitigating COVID-19 throughout our community and our commonwealth,” Williams said. “Pennsylvania’s schools were hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, and historically underserved students are likely to be the most impacted. I am grateful for this additional funding, which will help ensure a successful, safe and productive Read more
HARRISBURG, July 14 – A police reform bill sponsored by State Rep. Dan Williams, D-Chester, that would bring about the most significant changes to Pennsylvania policing in at least 40 years was signed into law by Gov. Tom Wolf today as Act 59 of 2020. Williams’ H.B. 1910 will update police training in several areas, including recognizing and reporting child abuse; de-escalation and harm reduction techniques; interacting with individuals of diverse racial, ethnic, and economic backgrounds; and appropriate use of force. House Bill 1910 is one of 19 bills that members of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus urged be considered by the House. The bill was recently passed unanimously by the House and the Senate, along with H.B. 1841 , which would require employers to disclose employment information to a law enforcement agency that is conducting a background investigation of an applicant. H.B.1841 was also signed into law by the governor. “A resounding cry for justice for all citizens has risen up throughout our commonwealth and our nation,” Williams said. “The General Assembly has responded to this impassioned demand to protect the vulnerable by passing these two police reform bills unanimously and by the governor by signing them into law. “I’m proud that my bill will enhance the training the police receive so they can better serve the public and expand the reporting system to Read more
COATESVILLE, July 2 – State Rep. Dan Williams, D-Chester, hosted Wednesday night a successful Community Police Partnership Forum shedding light on police/community relations and systemic racism. Dozens of constituents attended while more than 100 tuned in via livestream to interact with Williams, area chiefs of police, Chester County’s sheriff and district attorney. “I want to thank everyone who participated as we attempt to take a step forward together,” Williams said. “We need to open the dialogue around policing to implement effective change. This is only the beginning – 400 years of racism cannot be addressed in only one night. Here in Pennsylvania, we’ve passed legislation, including my own House Bill 1910, to make historic changes that I’m confident will save lives and increase our police force’s efficiency for years to come.” A recording of the discussion is available on Williams’ Facebook page. For more information, those interested can contact Williams’ office at (484) 200-8256. Read more
HARRISBURG, June 24 – A police reform bill sponsored by State Rep. Dan Williams, D-Chester, that would bring about the most significant changes to Pennsylvania policing in at least 40 years unanimously passed the House today. The bill will now head to the state Senate for consideration. Williams’ H.B. 1910 would update police training in several areas, including recognizing and reporting child abuse; de-escalation and harm reduction techniques; interacting with individuals of diverse racial, ethic, and economic backgrounds; and appropriate use of force. House Bill 1910 is one of 19 bills that members of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus urged be considered by the House. The bill was unanimously approved by the House Judiciary Committee on Monday, June 15. “Recently, our society has been questioning how our police force can better serve everyone. I’m proud to see my bill that aims to address some of these concerns, especially when protecting children, move on to the Senate and contribute to this mission,” Williams said. “Protecting and looking out for Pennsylvania’s most vulnerable residents is not a political issue, but one that deserves our attention across the aisle and across the commonwealth.” This is Williams’ first bill to clear a committee and pass the House since he took office in 2019. “As a first-term representative in the minority party, it can be Read more
The COVID-19 crisis will not stop us from electing our leaders. The people trust their government to guarantee their vote counts. Since I took office, I’ve been working with my colleagues on improving our elections. This year, and for the first time, residents can vote by mail with no excuse required. We thought this would be a convenience for busy voters; we never anticipated a pandemic to make this a safety lifeline. Over one million Pennsylvanians applied to vote by mail for the June 2 primary or to permanently remain on the mail-in voting roster. This is a victory in the era of social distancing. However, a new question arose. How long will it take to count these ballots? It’s possible that we may not know our results until several days later. How long must we wait for the results of our vote? With Pennsylvania as a critical swing state, the stakes are high. A ballot counting backlog should not block timely results. My solution is this: clear the backlog before it happens. Current PA law says mailed-in ballots cannot be counted until Election Day. My House Bill 2483 would allow mail-in and absentee ballots received early to be counted starting two weeks before Election Day. Importantly, my bill would also keep all counts confidential until the polls closed on Election Day. This way, county officials could prevent inevitable backlogs while still maintaining the integrity of our vote. Voting by mail is the safe, simple, and secure Read more
On May 1, people around the world celebrate International Workers Day, also known as May Day, which commemorates the working class and the struggles and triumphs of the labor movement. This year, the observance seems particularly meaningful. Workers on the front lines have been doing an incredible job to protect us from COVID-19 and to make sure we have supplies to get us through this challenging time. Health care providers, grocery store workers, delivery drivers, utility workers, emergency responders and countless others are stepping up to keep us safe and healthy, and I am incredibly grateful for their efforts. But these unprecedented circumstances have been a reminder that while many workers have unions looking out for their safety, far too many in Pennsylvania do not. COVID-19 has exposed the gross inequities within our workplaces and the dangers that too many workers are exposed to. We must work to fix these problems. That’s why I, along with my colleagues Reps. David Delloso, Joe Ciresi, Jennifer O’Mara and Steve Malagari, have introduced H.B. 2289 – the PA Protecting the Right to Organize (or PA PRO) Act. This bill would provide for a transformational strengthening of worker safeguards and enhancement of organizing rights. We need to ensure all Pennsylvania workers have the ability to fight for fair wages and a safe workplace. Weeks of staying home and quarantining have given many people a Read more
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P*: (484) 200-8256
F*: (484) 200-8257
Hours of Operation - Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Weather closings for my District Office will follow those for Chester County. The status can be found in the header of Chester County’s website at
1 City Hall PL Coatesville, PA 19320-3446
Hours of Operation - Tuesday through Thursday 10:00AM - 2:00PM
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P*: (717) 783-4103
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