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Rep. Dan Williams' Statement on Act. 77 Being Ruled Unconstitutional

(Jan 31, 2022)

Last week, the Commonwealth Court ruled that Act 77, the two-year-old legislation that permits mail-in voting in Pennsylvania, was unconstitutional. Although the Republicans in the legislature originally supported mail-in voting, they turned on the law after former President Trump’s defeat in 2020. Are Pennsylvania Republican lawmakers falling for Trump’s repeatedly disproven claims that the election was rife with fraud? Or are they just looking at the numbers---that the majority of the 2.5 million people who cast their votes by mail were Democrats—and have decided to cut off that avenue to voting? Republican politicians know they can’t win a statewide election fair and square, so they are trying to find ways to make it harder for people to exercise their constitutionally given right to vote. This bill will likely go to the Supreme Court for further review. But here’s the reality: Republican officials do NOT want you to vote, and they'll do whatever they can to stop you from doing so. I believe every citizen should have easy and equitable access to vote. Period. Read more


Williams to hold virtual meeting on Brandywine Hospital Jan. 25

(Jan 21, 2022)

HARRISBURG, Jan. 21 – State Rep. Dan Williams, D-Chester, will hold a virtual meeting on the closure of Brandywine Hospital and healthcare concerns in the community at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 25, on Facebook. “I’m holding this virtual meeting to offer concerned residents the opportunity to hear and ask the questions about Brandywine Hospital’s closure on January 31,” Williams said. “Although the hospital closing is biggest and most recent blow to a community suffering with poor healthcare services, I believe that residents will come away from the meeting hopeful after having heard the larger picture of the healthcare solutions being considered in the district.” Williams will be joined by Vanessa Briggs, president & CEO , The Alliance for Health Equity . “At The Alliance for Health Equity, ‘Community Voice’ is a major strategy that we uphold as we partner with others to be inclusive and listen to the community,” Briggs said. “Keeping the community informed regarding the Brandywine Hospital closure is critically important, and I applaud Rep. Dan Williams for hosting a virtual townhall to not only communicate the tireless efforts of local leaders and government officials to address the disruption of health services, but also creating space to hear the concerns from the community.” The virtual meeting will be streamed here: Read more


Fighting for the Soul of Our Nation

(Jan 07, 2022)

Our democracy is at risk. A year after that act of domestic terrorism on the U.S. Capitol, our country continues to be a battlefield over the legitimacy of our elections and the right to vote. Believing the lies spread by the former president, elected Republicans and the right-wing media, thousands lay violent siege to our seat of American government, determined to stop the certification of the rightfully elected winner, Joe Biden. At least seven people lost their lives in connection to that day. The forces of authoritarianism and minority rule didn’t win that day, but Jan. 6 spelled the beginning of an attempted coup to overturn American democracy that has taken place in our state houses every day since. Hundreds of voter suppression bills have been introduced and nearly three dozen laws passed which will enable state legislatures to undermine their elections and subvert the will of the people. These laws in particular have sought to disenfranchise Black and Brown people’s right to vote We have to protect American democracy and every citizen’s constitutionally guaranteed right to vote here in Pennsylvania. That is why I am supporting the K. Leroy Irvis Voting Rights Protection Act (House Bill 2090), which aims to make casting a ballot easier by continuing to allow early voting; providing for more ballot drop boxes; and permitting same day registration, which have all been adopted in other states. Named Read more


Williams announces nearly $474,000 in funding for redevelopment projects in the 74th District

(Dec 30, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Dec. 30 – State Rep. Dan Williams, D-Chester, today announced that $473,991 in Community Conservation Partnership Program funding from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources has been awarded for various conservation projects in Chester County. “These state grants will help protect our land and water supply in Chester County by enabling us to update our river conservation plan and construct riparian buffers along our rivers,” Williams said. “Our communities’ health and well-being are dependent on the safeguarding of our water, and this money will help ensure the integrity of our watersheds and rivers.” The awards include: $60,000 to Chester County to prepare a countywide trail plan. $80,000 to the Community Chester County Commissioners Water Resource Authority to prepare an update to the 2002 River Conservation Plan for multiple watersheds in Chester County. $333,991 to the Stroud Water Research Center Inc. for the construction of approximately 60 acres of riparian forest buffers along waterways in the Lower Susquehanna River and Lower Delaware River watersheds in Chester, Berks, Lancaster, Montgomery and Lehigh counties. The work includes landowner outreach and engagement; buffer plantings and post-planting establishment; project sign and other related site improvements. The Community Conservation Partnership Program grants provide local Read more


Williams, Otten, Sappey and Hennessey congratulate Downingtown Marching Band

(Dec 28, 2021)

Downingtown, Dec. 28 – State Reps. Dan Williams, Danielle Friel Otten, Christina Sappey and Tim Hennessey, all of Chester County, are happy to present a citation to the Downingtown Marching Band for their invitation to the Rose Parade. Read more


A Betrayal of the Public Trust: Tower’s Closure of Brandywine Hospital

(Dec 10, 2021)

I was dismayed and disgusted when I heard that Tower Health was going to close Brandywine Hospital on Jan. 31, along with Jennersville Hospital on Dec. 31, due to the company’s gross negligence and betrayal of the public trust. These closures will negatively impact the lives of more than 100,000 Chester County residents – including all who live in the 74 th District. Additionally, we will lose our only inpatient behavioral health facility in the region . Most troubling is that this horrible situation has been caused by unfettered corporate greed incompetently administering a vital community asset. As the state representative for the 74 th District, I had been working with state, county, and local authorities to help keep Brandywine Hospital open. During these discussions we had been assured by Tower that a closure was not imminent. When news that these hospitals were being sold broke, Tower again clearly told us the behavioral health facility at Brandywine would remain open. Tower’s abrupt announcement of an about-face leaves us scrambling to find an 11 th hour solution to clean up their mess. As a member of the community, the losses I truly fear are the compounding impacts of a lack of nearby hospital care. You will have to travel further for emergency care when every minute is critical. Will you get there in time? Those who suffer from mental illness will lose the one place you could receive inpatient treatment Read more


Williams announces $3M in funding for redevelopment projects in the 74th district

(Dec 08, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Dec. 8 -- State Rep. Dan Williams, D-Chester, was instrumental in securing a $2 million state redevelopment grant for the C oatesville Redevelopment Authority/City of Coatesville to construct the multimodal commuter parking facility adjacent to the city’s new train station and $1 million for Chester County Immediate Unit 24 to construct a new Toddler Center in Caln Township. Williams said the funding, awarded through the Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program, will help realize the plans for new Coatesville train station parking facility to support access to the existing rail system and allow for expanded commuter service, and to demolish the existing Toddler Center in order to construct a new, expanded building. “I’m very proud that I was able to secure this $3 million in redevelopment grants that will help bring increased economic opportunity by building a multimodal commuter parking facility next to Coatesville’s new train station and invest in our future by building a bigger and safer Toddler Center for our young residents in Caln Township,” Williams said. “This state grant money will transform what was once a brownfield into the Coatesville new train station’s multimodal parking facility that will support current and expanded commuter service. The state redevelopment money, by facilitating the building of this commuter parking structure, will help spur on the City of Coatesville’s Read more


Representative Williams supports local students’ Diwali food drive

(Nov 22, 2021)

DOWNINGTOWN, Nov. 22 – State Rep. Dan Williams, D-Chester, congratulated Downingtown High School students for their efforts to collect food for the less fortunate. More than 10 cases of canned goods, pounds of pasta and rice, soup and other items collected were donated to the Chester County Food Bank. The students coordinated the food drive themselves as part of their annual Diwali Celebration. Diwali, referred to as the festival of lights, is one of India’s most celebrated holidays. It coincides with the harvest and new year celebrations and is a commemoration of new beginnings and the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness. One of the traditions of Diwali is the giving of gifts. Several students in the Downingtown area collected food and asked for contributions throughout the community – even going door to door to raise awareness and seek donations. They were lead by Stuti Anand and Sreesh Gudala. Srinidh Bonigiri, Meenansree Gudala, and Greeshma Bolla also participated. “Our community emphasizes the value of showing concern for and helping others,” Stuti said. “Diwali seemed like the perfect time to do what we can to help those suffering through food insecurity.” Williams said he was sincerely impressed with their steadfast efforts. “I’m inspired and hopeful when I see the resourcefulness these kids showed to help those in Chester County Read more


Williams announces more than $91,000 in funding for Coatesville organizations

(Nov 10, 2021)

COATESVILLE, NOV. 10 – State Rep. Dan Williams, D-Chester, announced today that Coatesville 2 nd Century Alliance was awarded $80,000 in funding and Habitat for Humanity Chester County $11,250 through the state’s Neighborhood Assistance Program. “I’m glad to see this funding coming to help downtown Coatesville’s revitalization efforts and to provide housing to those in need at a critical period in the city’s history,” Williams said. “ At a time when the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted economic life and made it more difficult for people to get by, Coatesville’s ongoing revitalization will be supported and housing-insecure residents given shelter thanks to the innovative NAP’s public-private partnerships.” The Coatesville 2 nd Century Alliance will use the funding to continue its revitalization plan for the downtown commercial district of the city of Coatesville by awarding three façade improvement grants to enhance the existing building stock and entice new businesses to the district and establish a systemized, reliable and regular cleanup program to mitigate the weeds and litter that line the streets. Habitat for Humanity Chester County will use the funding to complete an affordable housing development in the city of Coatesville. NAP encourages private sector investment into projects that will help improve distressed communities by providing Read more


Fall 2021 Williams NL

(Oct 18, 2021)

Fall 2021 NL Read more


Lawmakers hear from healthcare workers, first responders, administrators and advocates impacted by hospital consolidation

(Oct 12, 2021)

EAST BRANDYWINE, Oct. 12 -- Last month, Tower Health announced that it will sell Chestnut Hill Hospital in Philadelphia and close Jennersville Hospital in West Grove, Pa. With the fate of Tower’s Brandywine, Phoenixville, Pottstown, and Reading hospitals up in the air, local healthcare workers, first responders, administrators and advocates addressed concerns and impacts on quality and access to health care, and township services. The event, called Saving Community Hospitals: Keeping Care Close, took place at 11 a.m. today at East Brandywine Township Building, 1214 Horseshoe Pike, Downingtown. “The pandemic has exposed how badly people need close and affordable healthcare,” said Rep. Dan Williams, D-Sadsbury Township. “Discussion today emphasized that we need to keep healthcare facilities open and improve care. Hospital consolidation can be a good thing if healthcare workers are respected and services to patients are upgraded.” Hospital administrators, Andrew Wigglesworth, vice president of Wojdak Government Relations, and Bill Ryan, vice president of Einstein Health Network/Urban Health Care Coalition, described how hospitals are dependent on Medicare or Medicaid, sharing that more than 62% of payers use that public funding mechanism. The funding mechanism results in strains on hospitals and could lead to more consolidations, such as those happening in the region. “Closures and consolidations impact our seniors and put stress Read more


Williams announces $99K grant for Downingtown

(Sep 08, 2021)

DOWNINGTOWN, Sept. 8 – State Rep. Dan Williams, D-Chester, announced today that Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency has approved the Chester County Intermediate Unit #24 request of $99,705 in federal SOR funds to implement the LifeSkills Training program in the middle and high schools of 12 school districts. LST is a classroom-based tobacco-, alcohol-, and drug abuse–prevention program for upper elementary and junior high school students. LST targets students who have not yet initiated substance use or are early-stage users with the goal of preventing or ending tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drug abuse by raising student awareness of the negative consequences of substance use, encouraging the resistance of social influences to drink, smoke, use illicit drugs or engage in aggressive or violence-related behaviors and more. “This federal grant money will help educate our children of the dangers to body and spirit of cigarette, alcohol and illegal drug use,” Williams said. “I hope this program will teach our children that their lives are simply too valuable to risk by indulging in such dangerous behaviors.” Through this initiative, Chester County Intermediate Unit #24 will coordinate implementation of LST within each school district. The funds will be used for the following: LifeSkills Training curriculum, materials, training, staff time dedicated to the implementation of the program, and Read more


Williams announces nearly $147K in Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Grants for Coatesville Area School District

(Aug 05, 2021)

COATESVILLE, Aug. 4 – State Rep. Dan Williams, D-Chester, announced that the Coatesville Are School District will receive $146,900 in U.S. Department of Agriculture Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program grants which will be distributed among the following schools: Caln Elementary School , East Fallowfield Elementary School, Kings Highway Elementary School , Rainbow Elementary School, and Reeceville Elementary School. “It is critical that fresh, healthy food is regularly available to our students to support physical and academic growth, but fresh fruits and vegetables are often not easily available in schools,” Williams said. “This program addresses this problem, ensuring that students have the opportunity to eat healthy at school.” The U.S. Department of Agriculture Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program’s goals are to create healthier school environments by providing healthier food choices, expand the variety of fruits and vegetables students experience, increase fruit and vegetable consumption, and positively impact students’ present and future health. The FFVP was implemented in Pennsylvania in 2004 and is now available in all 50 states. Priority is given to schools with the highest rates of students eligible for free and reduced-price meals. Grantees must spend most of their grant on the purchase of fresh fruit and vegetables and develop a plan to establish partnerships to reduce Read more


Williams announces $300,000 in state funding to make residences of people with disabilities more accessible

(Aug 03, 2021)

COATESVILLE, Aug. 3 – State Rep. Dan Williams, D-Chester, announced $300,000 in Keystone Communities Program grant funding has been awarded to the Chester County Home Modification Program, which makes homes more accessible for low-income residents with disabilities. “For many of our residents with disabilities, their houses often feel like potential danger zones as they haven’t been constructed with their unique needs in mind,” Williams said. “By providing for modifications that increase safety and mobility, this state money will help our residents truly feel safe and secure in their homes.” The Chester County Home Modification Program assists low-to-moderate-income residents of Chester County with permanent disabilities to make their current residences more accessible. The CCHMP allows for a wide range of adaptive modifications, which include, but are not limited to, ramps, lifts, door and hallway widening, kitchen and bathroom modifications, visual doorbells, audio phones, and visual phone signalers. The Keystone Communities Program is designed to encourage the creation of partnerships between public and private sector that jointly support local initiatives such as the growth and stability of neighborhoods and communities; social and economic diversity; and a strong and secure quality of life. The program allows communities to tailor assistance to meet the needs of specific Read more


Williams announces $65K for Caln blight remediation

(Jun 04, 2021)

COATESVILLE, June 4 – State Rep. Dan Williams, D-Chester, announced $65,000 in Commonwealth Financing Authority funding for blight remediation in Caln. The funding will be used to help demolish a building on the Caln Township-owned Ingleside Golf Course and perform an asbestos abatement. Upon completion, the golf course will become a safer and more aesthetically pleasing space for its visitors to enjoy. The funds will be used for demolition and professional services costs. “I’m very glad that this funding will help make the Ingleside Golf Course a safe place which all its residents can enjoy,” Williams said. The Blight Remediation Program was created in 2020 to provide for blight remediation, including hazard mitigation, within the commonwealth, and authorizes the CFA to adopt guidelines to ensure that grants are made available to all geographic areas of the commonwealth. More information is available by contacting Williams’ office at 484-200-8256. Read more


Shuttered Venue Operators Grant portal reopens Saturday, April 24th

(Apr 23, 2021)

The U.S. Small Business Administration has announced that the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant application portal will reopen on Saturday, April 24. Updated documents and guidance will be available today (Friday, April 23rd) by clicking here . This is a grant program established by the Economic Aid to Hard-Hit Small Businesses, Nonprofits, and Venues Act, and amended by the American Rescue Plan Act. The program includes over $16 billion in grants to shuttered venues, and is administered by SBA’s Office of Disaster Assistance. Eligible applicants may qualify for grants equal to 45% of their gross earned revenue , with the maximum amount available for a single grant award of $10 million. $2 billion is reserved for eligible applications with up to 50 full-time employees. Eligible entities include: Live venue operators or promoters. Theatrical producers. Live performing arts organization operators. Museum operators. Motion picture theater operators (including owners). Talent representatives. Other requirements of note: Must have been in operation as of February 29, 2020. Venue or promoter who received a PPP loan on or after December 27, 2020, will have the SVOG reduced by the PPP loan amount. Read more


Comitta, Williams Announce $1.5 Million to Repair, Reopen Wagontown Road

(Apr 21, 2021)

WEST CHESTER (April 16, 2021) – Valley Township will receive $1.5 million in state funding to repair and reopen Wagontown Road, state Senator Carolyn Comitta and state Representative Dan Williams announced today. The project, funded through PennDOT’s Multimodal Transportation Fund, calls for reconstructing a collapsed portion of Wagontown Road, including an approximate 400-foot concrete retaining wall and associated drainage and paving improvements. The project, which is estimated to cost $2.1 million in total, will result in reopening Wagontown Road to safely restore vehicular connectivity. “This is an important investment to reopen the road, reduce traffic congestion, and help drive economic growth in Valley and the surrounding region,” Comitta said. “I look forward to continuing to work with local municipalities and my legislative colleagues to support the transportation infrastructure needs of communities like Valley Township and others across Chester County. “This $1.5 million infrastructure grant will help rebuild a portion of Wagontown Road, making it possible to reopen the road to motorists,” Williams said. “This investment will help improve the local economy by making travel more accessible in the area, increasing motorist and pedestrian safety, and decreasing environmental impacts on the road. I’m very glad that this project can now move forward to completion thanks to this grant.” Read more



(Apr 01, 2021)

STATEWIDE OPENING DAY OF TROUT SEASON IS THIS SATURDAY, APRIL 3 ?HARRISBURG, Pa. (April 1) – Excitement is in the air for Pennsylvania’s statewide Opening Day of Trout Season on Saturday, April 3! The start time is 8:00 a.m. “Trout fishing in the spring is among Pennsylvania’s greatest outdoor traditions and anglers are gearing up for one of the most highly anticipated days of the year,” said Tim Schaeffer, PFBC Executive Director. “After a long winter and a very challenging year, we’re all looking for fun, safe, and affordable ways to get outside, relax, and spend time with our families. Trout fishing is right at the top of the list for people of all ages.” Anglers are reminded that this Saturday’s opening day is a single, statewide event for all 67 counties. This change was implemented in 2021 to provide anglers with two more weeks to enjoy trout fishing statewide, reduce travel associated with multiple opening days, and minimize overcrowding on many popular waterways to allow anglers to comply with social distancing guidelines associated with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. To participate in trout fishing, anglers ages 16 and older must obtain a Pennsylvania fishing license and a trout permit. Licenses and permits are available using the FishBoatPA mobile app, online at Read more


Williams appointed to Chester County Industrial Development Authority Board

(Apr 01, 2021)

HARRISBURG, April 1 – State Rep. Dan Williams announced today he has been appointed to the board of the Chester County Industrial Development Authority by the Chester County Commissioners. “I am both honored and excited by this opportunity to lend my expertise to help develop our county’s economy by serving on the board of the Chester County Industrial Development Authority,” Williams, D-Chester, said. “I plan to use my understanding of state government programs and the legislative process to provide guidance to the CCIDA so that it can maximize opportunities for economic development in the region.” The Chester County Industrial Development Authority provides capital financing for nonprofit organizations, manufacturing companies and first-time farmers through its Industrial Revenue Bond and Mortgage Program. Three types of tax-free vehicles are available through this program. CCIDA additionally runs the Neighborhood Improvement District program, a new financing tool for projects with significant infrastructure requirements. The Chester County Industrial Development Authority has already implemented two successful NID projects in Chester County -- Woodlands at Greystone in West Chester and Steelpointe in Phoenixville. “CCIDA helps Chester County thrive, whether it’s through neighborhood improvement projects that improve quality of life, providing financial assistance to our Read more


Vaccine Letter

(Feb 25, 2021)

vaccine letter Read more


Rep. Dan Williams' Statement on Act. 77 Being Ruled Unconstitutional
Jan 31, 2022

Williams to hold virtual meeting on Brandywine Hospital Jan. 25
Jan 21, 2022

Fighting for the Soul of Our Nation
Jan 07, 2022

Williams announces nearly $474,000 in funding for redevelopment projects in the 74th District
Dec 30, 2021

Williams, Otten, Sappey and Hennessey congratulate Downingtown Marching Band
Dec 28, 2021

A Betrayal of the Public Trust: Tower’s Closure of Brandywine Hospital
Dec 10, 2021

Williams announces $3M in funding for redevelopment projects in the 74th district
Dec 08, 2021

Representative Williams supports local students’ Diwali food drive
Nov 22, 2021

Williams announces more than $91,000 in funding for Coatesville organizations
Nov 10, 2021

Fall 2021 Williams NL
Oct 18, 2021

Lawmakers hear from healthcare workers, first responders, administrators and advocates impacted by hospital consolidation
Oct 12, 2021

Williams announces $99K grant for Downingtown
Sep 08, 2021

Williams announces nearly $147K in Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Grants for Coatesville Area School District
Aug 05, 2021

Williams announces $300,000 in state funding to make residences of people with disabilities more accessible
Aug 03, 2021

Williams announces $65K for Caln blight remediation
Jun 04, 2021

Shuttered Venue Operators Grant portal reopens Saturday, April 24th
Apr 23, 2021

Comitta, Williams Announce $1.5 Million to Repair, Reopen Wagontown Road
Apr 21, 2021

Apr 01, 2021

Williams appointed to Chester County Industrial Development Authority Board
Apr 01, 2021

Vaccine Letter
Feb 25, 2021